I translated the Pan-Europa...

I translated the Pan-Europa. It was written in 1923 by Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi and is considered the precursor to the European Union. Some interesting stuff, give it a read, I'd like to know what you think.


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Some of it isn't great English but I've tried to get the idea across as best I can

Thank you

Appreciate the effort lad

shan't read this but ill give you a bump because you did lots of work translating it

I never knew this existed and shall proceed to read it.

it's amazing how the governments must see it as some kind of bible because they've followed it through so fondly

>If Elliot Rodgers was born a century earlier he could have been the father of the EU

Wew lads

Cool, thank you; about to read it just now.

Are there English translations of Praktischer Idealismus, or photos/scans of it? People quote certain portions of it pretty often, but it's so easy to dismiss those infographics as tinfoil tier stuff. I used to have my doubts that the translations were done correctly or that the book even exists; the quoted segments sounded so blatantly evil.

Thanks Tommy.


Although the credibility of Sup Forums is doubtful but I'll check it out. I just hope I don't run into a "everybody walked the dinosaur".


there are your scans senpai

>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals
>Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.
-Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi, Practical Idealism

We can literally see this happening before our eyes in every major Western city on the planet.

He was Jew, wasn't he? This sound Jewish af.

Jews want to destroy you to make the world safe for their business practices.



its insane jew shit and people like schäuble live this book to the fullest extent every day

should be burned and banned in europe

it pretty much already is, i couldn't find a single english version. We should spread it more so people know where the EU idea came from.

He is a jewish-japanese-austrian freemason


It's so short.
It's not even a long speech.
Are you sure this is all of it?
I cam across the original once, and it was much, much longer...

You're thinking of his book Practical Idealism. This is just a manifesto called Pan-Europa.

ah ok, well done then

thanks mate take the malvinas

You need to translate his books
Nobility - Adel
Practical Idealism - Praktischer Idealismus

They contain the entire blueprint for today's race-mixing ideology, and the true purpose of the Jewropean Union - to replace the old christian nobility with a new 'jewish spiritual nobility', that rules like Pharaos, over a race-mixed 90 IQ slave caste modelled after the egyptian fellach slaves.


There are inofficial english translations of it on the internet on obscure websites, but the question remains how reliable they are. They might very well be censored disinfo.

Even here in Germany it's extremely hard to get your hands on original copies, there are only three libraries in the entirety of Germany that list the book in their inventory.

Original lang? German? There is no other translation to english?

Signal Bump.


He was from Japanese and European aristocracy.


'Christian philosemite', although he was hardly christian. He was a sabbath goy, the kind of goy slave that humbly turns on the oven for his jew masters on sabbath. He wanted to replace the christian nobility of europe, of which he as a mongrel mixling no longer was a part, with a new jewish nobility, i.e. financial jews with links to organized crime like the Rothschilds.

still not interested desu too busy watching E3



There's an entire spiritual ideology behind the race-mixing thing. They believe that the race-mixed people have superior traits (aggressiveness, competitiveness, no moral qualms), and they believe the reason for this is that mixed mongrels have more spirits from their ancestors inside of them (=demonic possession). This can all be found in Coudenhove-Kalergi's writings.

Utterly insane satanist crap. Any christian patriot read his books, you gotta know the enemy. At their core, they are all racists and loxists (loxism = jewish supremacism)

Good work, I have 2 translations of it on an external drive somewhere in my closet.

It's very hard to find even in this day and age. (ILLEGAL IN MANY EU NATIONS!) even though... he's the founder of the EU.

You should look for his other tract titled "Nobility" in which he CLEARLY and unequivocally states his rationale behind mongrelizing europeans with niggers and arabs while allowing ONLY JEWS and old line European nobility to remain "pure" as the "Noble class" to rule them. As well as Israel being the "New Spiritual Capitol of the World."

that dude was funded and close family friends with:

>Theodore Hertzel (Founder of Zionist Movement, 1st World Zzionist Congress)

>Maximillian Warburg (Kuhn Loeb - federal Reserve/Deutsch Bank [w/ brother Paul Warburg]

>Lord Rothschild was original founder of Pan-Europa with Warburg as his agent.

THIS is the actual story behind the downfall off the west and Christendom.

Go look at the recipients of the bi-annual
>Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize

Merkel was one of the most recent ones.

The "Illuminati" is a red hering designed to obfuscate these people. They ARE "The Jews/Illuminati"

Thanks, I've had a different pdf and that one looks more credible. Still can't really read it too well since my German's very rusty, but oh well.

I finished reading Pan Europa. So the guy discusses his dream of a Europe where all of us were co-operating instead of fighting constant wars. That does actually sound like a really good idea in theory. I might even be convinced that the man had good intentions and that he only wanted the best for Europe and its people, if I wasn't already familiar with He was correct in that we need to quit fighting pointless wars with one another, but I don't agree with this being the way. Not with EU bureaucrats fucking us over, and not by inviting the third world to freely come in.

Shit, really? That's disturbing.

In case anybody is interested, all the Kalergi books are disponible in 4+4ch /pdfs/.

Some in english, in german or spanish.

Thank you m8, I will read it!

Thanks OP. I'd love to see more works of this author translated. Also, still hoping a Rooskie will finish translating Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together. Several chapters are available, but not all.