Dear Sup Forums,

It's time we put our differences aside and help.

gofundme com/pulsevictimsfund

Please donate whatever you can. If you'd like do it Anonymously and leave a message that ends with "With Love, Sup Forums" or something similar.

The media likes to paint Sup Forums as a horrible place. Together we can change our reputation!

Other urls found in this thread:


What good will the money do? People are dead. Muslims are alive.

How do I donate only to the 2 faggots that jammed the employee door shut?

Helps with medical/funeral/recovery costs.

When you go to a hospital in the USA it's really expensive. They will bill you for everything. Nothing is free.

they're fucking dead why do they need money?

They don't have Obamacare?

Where can I donate to based Omar's family?

Are poppers and anal lube really that expensive?

A lot of people don't have medical insurance and even if they did it only covers so much. There's a lot of out-of-pocket costs.

>What good will the money do?
The real victims are the poor fuckers who have to clean up all the AIDS blood, maybe it buys them spacesuits

Yes, let's throw money at the first person to pop up with a crowdfunding campaign without questioning what oversight there is, what affiliation they have to the issue, what the distribution of the money will be, and what guarantee that any of this is being done in good faith.

I'll stick to MSF, thank you.

The whole block needs to be scrubbed for AIDS

>There's a lot of out-of-pocket costs.
So sue ISIS and allah

Fags aren't getting my money. The only good thing that came out of this is 51 less votes for Hillary in Florida and the liberal infighting.

I would be happy to donate money to help kill this asshole :

This is anecdotal evidence but I live in Orlando and most of the people I interact with in my age range (I'm 22) don't have health insurance


Holy shit I love Aussies,

audibly keked

Could someone make a page like this and profit from it?
When a big tragedy occurs it always rakes in at least a million.

£10 donated.

Yes, but gofundme is pretty good at making sure their campaigns are legit. This one is....


Ida Vishkaee Eskamani is a Development Officer with Equality Florida, she resides in Orlando, Florida.

underappreciated post. It's a shame your flag makes everyone ignore good banter

>make donation
>make name from a firearm company

Colt donated!

How can we donate to something that didn't even happen.

Has anyone seen bodies yet?

>don't intend to use the funds to hire some hitmans and hunt muslims
>asking for my shekels
how about no?


Muslim walks into a bar

Bartender asks him, '' What will you have? ''

Muslim replies, '' Shots for everyone. ''


I thought gay men likes hot lead up their ass?

Obamacare is blocked in Florida becasue the GOP hates old people.


>"With Love, Sup Forums"
OP it's a shame that you didn't die with your fellow faggots yesterday.

Florida has a shitload of old people though. Some of them need to die.

$2.5milion goal?! And it's almost fucking there?

Like Hell this wasn't pre-planned.

What happened here?

I was going to make a gay joke..BUTT FUCK IT! HAHAHA!

No but seriously, I doubt this money will be divided between the victims appropriately.

No i support muslims killing faggots

LBGT sided is anti white and loved to side with radical leftists and feminists now they can get killed by their pets

How about yesterday when they were claiming to have 3000 people waiting in line to give blood (but never showed any awe-inspiring footage of lines. There were like three shots they did of the line and it looked like less than 50 people were in the frame, and they didn't pan to show any more of it.
>All this love from the community
>so many people have come to donate

How did an achmed get into the Czech republic

>ever based

>plz give dead fags money
Reddit is leaking again.

Obamacare isn't blocked in Florida.

2 homos blocked the exit, effectively trapping all the other homos with the shooter to be slaughtered.


is this legit? if so, i'll donate 10$ or so

>What happened here?

Faggots being faggots

You can take the 'MAY' part out of the headline, the guy openly admitted it, and even said he heard people pounding trying to get out.


I will donate if we are supporting the victims by funding another crusade.


Thanks. RIP homos, however I'm not surprised about this.

I will not be giving money to faggots or families that raise faggots. Good day

>this mad mad wrote a diary wtf

i gotta get me some of that money

Yes it is.. also write something and mention Sup Forums, maybe?

The people who are scammed by this belong on reddit

sys.Sup Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.inquisitr.com%2F3195984%2Forlando-nightclub-shooting-update-survivors-may-have-blocked-exit-door-that-would-have-allowed-people-to-escape%2F

>was about 20 people in front of us crammed in this little alleyway, with a big hole in one of the fences

>big hole

Top kek

Only the ones that go 40 in the left lane of the freeway

Is that the new homo pasta?

I will do that

Obamacare isn't really working like a proper universal healthcare system or like the german gesetzliche krankenversicherung.

Obamacare has HUGE deductibles and usually only pays from like 5k + costs onwards. Everything below is yours to pay.

How come I in germany know this, and you about your own country don't???


it's a scam, nice try bogan

throw it all into AIDS research

>getting this defensive on a Malagasy fishing board.

anyone has the video of the guy admitting holding the door shut?

swede cuckposting, checks out

You're wrong, dumbfuck.

>donate through a funding site that kikes away 12% straight into Israel's pockets that will be used to further more Islamic terrorist attacks
You DO realize that Israel has directed the expansion of Islam to destabilize the world with the goal of increasing Jewish profits, right?

$250k will be pumped directly back into funding more terrorists and you're culpable for the murders they will commit if you donate to this.


gofundme gets 5% from each transaction to cover their business costs

2.9% + 30 cents per each transaction is for the credit card processing fee

Only if you have shit insurance

>helping rituals

top fucking kek

>"""""""to cover their business costs"""""""
Let me guess who you work for....

>unironically giving money to fags so they can buy more dragon dildos

>Only if you have shit insurance
I figured that would be one type of coverage all anal athletes had

Underrated bantz

2.5 million jewcoins for being gay and rightfully killed by a mudshit?

It actually depends on the state. You are pooled with people within borders. All premiums and deductibles are calculated by this - not nationally. Insurance companies attempt to set prices nationally for drugs, x-rays, MRIs, etc, but everything else is state run. Basically we have zero competition and if you live in a retiree state, you're fucked.

Charities are a scam. Give back to your family, neighbors, and local community. Don't go through a middle man. Most your money goes to bureaucracy, paying 6 figure incomes to the higher ups, and contracts they have with other companies.

Organized charity, not even once.

They have full free obamacare for being hispanic and gay.

The "affordable health care act" just made everything really fucking expensive.

I was going to make a joke about old jokes
BUT IM 2 OLD 4 DIS!!!!!xdddddd

Seriously op why even bother to make an thread about it?

Dear Australian Scum,
You seem to be confusing this site with le-reddit. This board doesn't do "virtue signaling."

Now kindly take this idea and blow it out your dead mother's ass.

With Love, Sup Forums

ps. "change our reputation?" who exactly is "us?"

Fuck off you gay cunt.

I hate it when some gay dude comes and blocks up my backdoor


I wonder how much money you could make off the left if you started a kikestarter to buy the club, knock it down, and build a mosque

Eat shit and die fag lover


Am I surprised youre British? No. No I'm not.

Pls. Don't do that to my home town. Pls don't.

this pepe is bretty fuked up but damnit i still keked

My sides, holy fuck
Good one

Think about the muslim. Please



If it were a false flag they would have definitely used a white christian as the shooter... you know, for pushing the agenda.

Can we donate excess tendons to them so the survivors can get wrist securing implants?

As an employee of a major nonprofit myself let me tell you that you are absolutely right.

No. I want that 20 sek video

Is this an assassination fund for jews that let in muslims in the first place?

2 fucking million jesus christ...

anyone want to donate to a fellow polak instead ? gofundme com/6695f3wc

wouldn't donate if i knew those fuckers

ain't my problem theire loved one was a degeneret who got slaughterd by a mudslime they foght so hard to keep

fuck em serves them right

Im poor.

Start a gofundme for me instead plox

How about a fund to raise money for gun purchases?

Because the GOP hates Federal tyranny*

It's in there you dumbfuck muslim nigger. Go back to Africa.