Orlando nightclub shooting:
Was something lost?
ok i know they were gay
but i didnt realize exactly how gay until now
>tfw you come out as gay to your family by dying in a gay club
i wonder if this happened
It's hard to find the compassion for them. They are like warped little narcissistic aliens.
And they pretty much did this to themselves.
Kind of glad this thing is dead desu.
>almost all were spics
even better, now we can turn the Hispanic community on the Muslim community creating a key divide in the foundation of the democratic support column.
Supposedly there were a few instances, according to CNN.
Saturday nights are Latino Night or some shit at the club
This is some serious Village People gayness...
Gun owners are the victims.
Fags are not victims, they are subhumans same as muslims.
>feels bad man
Good riddance. Hopefully they didn't infect any first responders with HIV.
Statistically, spics and blacks have higher rates of homosexuality than whites and Asians
Whites actually have the lowest rate of homosexuality (in America), and blacks the highest
>Sup Forums has never been to a gay club
not as bad as you think guys, dudes don't just come up and start dancing with you. im straight as an arrow and my girlfriend and i prefer gay clubs because no one tries to start shit with you. it's honestly more of a relaxed environment
forgot to mention i probably won't be going to anymore. gonna miss the cougars though
Yep. It was like a pick axe in a windshield, politically. Election year, Islam, guns, fags, spics.
Some of them look like normal guys
Do you seriously think only gay people go to gay clubs? It's not a club for gays, it's just a club that gays frequent. They don't turn away straight people.
There were plenty of straight people who died that night
Their freedoms were lost.
>im straight as an arrow
>i prefer gay clubs
You are a closet fag.
Your time will come
>Statistically, spics and blacks have higher rates of homosexuality than whites and Asians
[citation needed faggot]
get out more. have you ever even been to a club let alone dance with a girl? the worst you will see at most gay clubs is a dude in a thong up on stage...if you're not secure with your sexuality i can see how thats an issue
Doesn't change the fact that these people would have supported or sponsored their own demise. Ignorance of Islamic teachings, terrified of guns and personal responsibility, voting the country into submission. Their flamboyance is the only thing that gets me. Private club, or privacy of your own home? Fine. Completely disavowing your nation and causing a big stink, holding parades with hairbrush handles up your ass painted in each others' morning bowel movement in a leopard print thong? Nah.
Keep thinking that
Fucking faggot, rope day soon.
Would benis
>mfw 50 less hillary supporters
hahaha this thread is proof of how autistic and shut-in Sup Forums is. god damn yall are sad. yall probably walk around campus in your MAGA hats too because you think people give a fuck about your opinion
u ok
That pic us worth noting because...
1. That's a woman
2. She was the bouncer
Stay mad and secure you faggot. Hope your at the next gay club that gets shot up.
51, Omar was a Democrat
B-but me and my girlfriends son have the time of our lives there
they're all burning in hell right now
She was also a drag performer. Who "never had a bad thing to say about anyone", "lit up the room when they walked in" and other idiotic, saccharine shit morons say about dead people. What is your point?
i said i probably won't be going to any more for this reason. meanwhile you're too much a pussy to go to a normal club because you spent your developing years on Sup Forums and are now socially inept as a result
Wait... so you're saying the shooting has been a victim-less crime??
>reddit memes
lol fukn losers...you wouldn't be able to make eye contact if you were to have a conversation with my girl you beta fuck
Here's that full text.
Jesus Christ, this shit got some sympathy out of me to be honest. If I knew I was gonna die I'd like to tell my family I loved them instead of just panicking though.
I guess he just didn't have the time.
Maybe they should have hired someone a little more capable for security instead of hiring someone just because they were gay.
Wait, so he is both Tell and Bathroom?
Sounds bipolar......
Anyone call that number?
>mocking southern culture, quite possibly the last bastion of masculinity and conservative values
>living in a country where the GDP per capita is considered impoverished in America
nice try, Juan-Pablo
>watching bbc news
>interviewing survivors
>mfw trying to invoke my sympathy by showing me gays with nose piercings and drawn on/ carefully trimmed eyebrows
I like the way you think.
He was probably trying to get his mom to tell the police he was in the bathroom, but he fucked up and made a typo in haste.
Golly gosh gee, them typos sure do crop up at the wrong times, making what will be your last testaments be all shitty.
Fucker really should have said "I love you" before he got smoked, would have been a much nicer end.
I don't think anyone'll answer lol.
You'd just make a sack full of ringing phones ring a little louder.
Looks like no whites were hurt during this shooting.
>killer is mudslime, giving Trump a huge boost
pretty good desu
Did this guy survive?
I'd fuck him
t. Omar
Bottom line I don't care who the victims are or if they were good people or not.
An individual who claimed allegiance to a foreign adversary with obscene beliefs massacred American citizens on our home soil.
Nothing about the victims' personal lives will justify what he did.
>Sup Forums
>leaving their house
Kek, college conservatives are actually pretty good people. Sup Forums is the exact same user base as /r9k/, the only time these cucks leave their house is in their bullshit fantasy stories they share with each other.
yeah about 5000 dorrah in aids medicine
You. I like how you think. I've been lurking Sup Forums for a while. Most of them would burn their country into the ground to prove their beliefs. They are literal liberals, only inverted. But filthy disgusting traitors nonetheless.
You are a legit nationalist and I respect you for that.
>acting as if random muzzies wouldn't attack you because you're not a fag
first it's the fags, then it's the FUCKING WHITE MALES!
All of them were hispanic
>gonna miss the cougars though
Tell me more
Yeah but a few million new demokikes frothing at the mouth to ban assault rifles because theyre scared.
we all were
illuminati confirmed involvement
I don't care that they were faggots, they were our faggots. Most faggots I know have a pretty good sense of humor though.
Imagine the widow who find out their husband's "trip to the office" involves putting on a pair of her panties and getting fucked by men in the bathroom of a gay bar.
>better this than when the doctor has to explain where the AIDS came from
I agree Islam is a huge problem, but it is a complex issue, perhaps by design.
I don't have much compassion for the victims. Narcissistic twits jamming things up their asses doesn't make me wrench my guts just because the media chooses to focus on it. A lot of people die every day.
But these are also the same people degenerating culture who would actively vote to destroy the country from the inside, but for some reason you feel a righteous indignation to protect them? They wouldn't care about your freedom of speech, your 2nd amendment, they don't know about politics except fag politics.
As far as I'm concerned they began as traitors to the Republic because they have no conception or respect for how it began. They like purses and iPhones and looking fabulous.
Honestly when they were reporting this on the news made me a bit teary eyed and I don't even like fags.
>Do you seriously think only gay people go to gay clubs
yes, pretty much. there's gays, a few 10/10 grills that go there to escape guys hitting on them for a night, then a few autist straight guys that go there thinking they can grab the 10's. The gay guys and the girls both want those straight guys to gtfo. Either you have never been to a gay club or you were that autist.
Everyone I know that has been to a gay club figured out the situation and didn't go back, you social autist.
sounds like you've only been to one gay club.
the clubs in my city range from normal you couldn't tell it's gay to literally bath houses, no women or even feminine (sissy) gays allowed and it's free for all sex and rooms that are charged by the hour.
Mommy, I'm Bathroom.
Am I missing something? I only skimmed, and only half way, but they seemed OK? Sure most pics look like flamers, but "straight" sjw look even worse
Yeah got me too. But then made me think, if you were in bathroom couldn't you climb into the ceiling? Most commercial places I see have those separate panel ceilings you can push up and go into
fucking faggots who identify as weird things
>he's coming
Disgusting, even right before his death the fag couldn't stop talking about gay sex
>But these are also the same people degenerating culture who would actively vote to destroy the country from the inside, but for some reason you feel a righteous indignation to protect them? They wouldn't care about your freedom of speech, your 2nd amendment, they don't know about politics except fag politics.
How the fuck would you know what someones political beliefs are. No matter how fucking stupid someone is they're still american. I disagree with a lot of people in this country but I will fight alongside each and every one of them.
>if you were in bathroom couldn't you climb into the ceiling?
see that's how 1 guy killed 50 and wounded 50 more, all the gays were running away like a typical stereotype. It was 1v100, i don't care how many guns the dude had there's no way that should have happened. If they had just manned up and rushed the guy he would have got 10-20 at most out of surprise and the first couple he could tag as they ran at him
I'm a fag and about as redpilled as they came. Sorry to burst your bubble, amigo.
>engages in sodomy
pick one faggot
But I don't engage in sodomy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
50 less shit posting liberals on facebook and twitter
>How the fuck would you know what someones political beliefs are
It's pretty well established what a disproportionate number of fags believe. Crazy fag politics.
>No matter how fucking stupid someone is they're still american.
All depend if they're stupid, corrupt, greedy or just simply an impressionable minority group being shepherded to destroy national identity.
So who's not American, then? The nation has been occupied by foreign interests for how long, and these fags, on average, will tow the line. Orwellian control of the language, transgender bathrooms? You can't talk because it's hate speech. They didn't have guns because they're leftist hedonist fruitcakes with no personal responsibility.
They don't give half a toss what this country was founded upon and everything that happened at that shitty club where people were running out with their pants down sorta cancels itself out, dunnit?
Is that Ted Cruz?
That's another though I've ALWAYS had. If you think you're going to die why not fucking rush him? Even if you're fatally struck it won't stop (insert weight here) hopefully knocking him over, and then hopefully ONE other person notices their opening. Or if you're BEHIND him when he starts shooting it really wouldn't be that hard to just fucking wrench the gun out of his hands with adrenaline rage (again you "gon die anyway" might as well try)
At least one of those parents thought, "Problem solved."
And just how is that? You've flattered yourself with a term of endearment and now you don't have to learn anymore and can use some stupid meme to dangle over people's heads instead? You aren't red-pilled. You're the opposite.
>texting your mother amongst gunfire telling her to call 911 instead of doing it yourself
How is that different from anybody else on this board who considers themselves to be red-pilled?
Thanks, now I have aids.
Ya, i mean i've never been in a mass shooting so i can't say for sure, but i would hope if i was in the middle of a room and some fuckers starts opening up i would have enough wits about me to know that running away is probably just going to get me shot in the back.
I get the mass panic that happens in situations like this but it's unbelievable to me that NO ONE, not one person had the balls and presence of mind to stop him. Like you said a decent size man can probably tackle a shooter even if fatally shot. That muslim dude doesn't look all that big either.
How do I have control over every other moron on this board who considers themselves red-pilled, and how is that relevant at all?
The (((six million)))
I'd think in the darkness of a nightclub and with the music still blasting, people couldn't tell where the shots were coming from let alone plan to bring the shooter down. If you see everyone else making a break for it, I doubt you would have the balls to jump him or something like that.
And again I understand the "fight vs flight" usually ends up being flight, except for maybe veterans, martial artists and other trained people's (probably under represented in colleges and gay clubs) and an open campus is a bit different, I'd hide but be ready, but and extremely crowded venue? You're already going to have several people with in touching distance
probably did not want the gunman to hear him tbqh
>I'm a faggot and the center of the universe and have it all figure it out. Sry ur buble is bursted.
Yeah, my bubble is bursted ya fucking fudgepacker. Thanks for making it all so clear.
*straight women just wanting to dance with guys but have no sexual tension
>all those last names
WTF they were all latinos?
im so fucking glad they are dead
polluting our race no more, faggots
There's been a few instances where I've read witness accounts of shootings where they thought it was part of the movie or part of the music or whatever.
I don't know if you've ever played an FPS where a grenade goes off and your character gets dizzy. It throws off your equilibrium. That's what happens when you're in a reasonable vicinity to the shot. It goes off and you start wobbling around. It's very loud.
This it the PERFECT opprotunity to recruit them to our side, help them see the truth, encourage a red-pill, ensure more votes for Trump, etc.
But you morons are stuck on the fact that these people deserved to die or think their lives are meaningless. Who gives a fuck if they liked to stick their dick up in other dude's asses? Last time I checked anyone is free to engage in immoral sexual behavior behind closed doors. I bet you fags like looking at trap .webms on /gif/.
This is opportunity to get a boost in numbers to our sides and convert people to our cause.
But you fags would rather sit here and diss gays.
The Left is self-imploding over this.
Muslim kills 50 Gays = blame Trump and White America's guns.
The sheer moronic idiocy is fantastic and out in the open - which will only push more normies to Nat Soc and variants of it.