Why do spics expect Americans to learn their ugly language? Why do they also think that their culture is special and superior to ours?
Why do spics expect Americans to learn their ugly language...
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why do amerifats travel around the world and expect everyone in the country to speak english? why do they also think that they have the right to judge the value of other cultures?
>ugly language
It's not.
>Why do they also think that their culture is special and superior to ours?
Only racists and bigots thinks a culture is superior over another, i think you are referring to white people.
We don't
because who the fuck speaks Thai.
Why did you steal Costa Rica's flag?
go back to smuggling coke or whatever it is you subhumans do
because your irrelevant countries set up tourist attractions expecting our money, because you have nothing to offer except sex and knockoff goods
>Only racists and bigots thinks a culture is superior over another
Then they can fuck off back to their mexico shithole and get beheaded by zetas for not smuggling heroin condoms in their rectum if they think all cultures are objectively equal. There's a reason they migrate here in droves.
>It's not.
Depends on the dialect.
White Americans and Europeans are the only peoples of any culture who do not approach relationships with other cultures as if their own is not the superior one.
>the official language
News flash, there is no official language. Good bait.
you don't but the chump chicanos do
>tfw not living in beautiful michoacan anymore
Our culture is the superior one though. How could you possibly think it's not?
Cucks know spanish.
In what world? Amerifats need to stop fetishizing us as these perfect superbeings of tolerance.
Try speaking to a French person in English, or with a rossbif accent in French lmao.
You both are interesting species, i'd like to study what causes your behavior.
Let me guess, you're voting for Trump?
The Money Printers need cheap brown labor from south of the border.
If they tell the new immigrants to assimilate they probably will to some degree and that would make organizing a workers movement a realistic option. That would make labor very expensive.
So the Money Printers have to encourage almost all new immigrants to keep their old culture and keep the working class divided and distracted.
Focus your hate on the Money Printers. They are the masters of all people white, Hispanic, black and Asian.
>founding documents in only one language
how about that m8
JAJAJAJAJAA, lastimosamente tu querido país ya tiene 50 millones de latinos, esto ya no tiene vuelta atrás.
approximately 60 million worldwide
Thailand is an older nation than Costa Rica
Tourism only accounts for 6% of the economy, meaning that the vast majority of the contribution that Thailand has to the world comes from agriculture, energy, and a wide variety of exports, not to mention massive support of US military initiatives in the region
>it's not
I'm not familiar with every Spanish dialect, but the way that all of the Mexicans around here speak it sounds absolutely hideous
go fap to your nepeta porn you furry/brony/homosucker
>The USA literally has 1 fucking statue that they didnt even build and thats it, thats their culture
Who you're calling "spics" I assume you mean *Mexicans* from Mexico are actually Mestizo that are Native Indigenous peoples from Northern Mexico that speak their suppressors language of SPANISH you stupid fuck and who's original native language is whatever 300+ geographic languages that exist in that area that they aren't saying you should learn, but the European language you probably descend from you faggot bitch
Because it's the 3rd most spoken language on the planet and because English is the language of humans who actually accomplish things and advance humanity forward. The only thing Thailand is known for is food and ladyboys.
Also, it's not Americans that started that trend, it was the English when they were a global empire. God forbid you dipshits actually learn something,
I bet you didn't even know your miserable little shithole of a nation is the only southeast Asian country that wasn't colonized by the English. So there's your history lesson for the day, now go fuck a goat or a man dressed up as a lady, or whatever it is you pacific mudslimes do.
Every time I hear a rosbif accent in French I just pretend like I can't hear them.
That would make too much sense
Colombian spanish... actually all Spanish from south america and mexico is fucking atrocious
What is American culture any way? Just being arrogant, disliking blacks, and sucking up to Jews and Israel I mean that's cool and all I'm just legitimately wondering
Never said that english was the official language of the US, just said that they want everyone to speak it...
Oye Manolo, habla con el idoma que tu madre te ha enseñado, (al menos en este hilo)
So you don't own a gun? What are you some chubby chasing liberal faggot?
How are the coca plants going miguel?
>Urinonically thinks that we only talk one dialect here.
renaissance was more than 400 years ago, faggot
>i-i-italy is s-still an important cultural center
you are famous for your dead, and now for being corrupt and crime ridden and half-moor
hope you didn't spill your mountain dew when going off on that rant...
maybe you're just hungry. do you want me to tell your mom to bring you down some more hot-pockets?
Pretty bad, Pedro, you guys with your marijuana laws are breaking our business
>tfw pic related is my fetish
I live in Chicago its damn hard to legally own a gun here with Count Jewmmanuel as major
cowboys, war, sex, drugs and rock n roll. if you really dont know then your fucking up, we have the greatest modern culture.
and boxing is american as well
Tu cállate que no hablas castellano de Castilla.
You guys were great until 1973, your execptionalism is dead.
>It's not.
Yes it is, I hear occasionally in public and sounds fucking disgusting. Like have Refried beans poured into your ears.
I learned it and spics are great allies against mudslimes usually thougj la Raza is an exception.
Obligame, Patxi.
>why do they also think that they have the right to judge the value of other cultures?
Because fuck you, that is why.
>mfw i ask one tourist about denmark
>i bet my ass NO ONE could say anything good about denmark, culturally speakign, nothing
>mfw this faggot tries to challenge me about the culture of our countries
If you don't speak English you don't get my money chink
Well it is not shit Spanish either faggot.
exactly what I expected...
>war, sex, drugs and rock n roll
Yeah thats pretty degenerate desu the sex part can depend on circumstances.
>americans are so uncultured and ignorant of the world
>americans travel
when will 3rd worlders make up their minds
Their language is clearly better than yours, but that's about it. They suck at everything else.
It's still not a good enough excuse for you to learn it.
boo hoo others are not bowing down before your claims that you are the superior culture.
Just go away and post on a Thai board faggot.
Great, I don't like my money covered in Cheetos dust and shame
Thai bro, amerifats arent build to have a discussion, just to suck dicks and eat.
Patxi es un nombre castellano de toda la vida.
What is water asked the fish.
Explain yourself
Are not built to have discussions with hate filled faggots that just want to run their mouths about how much we suck.
This kind of bullshit is why we exclude you from the anglosphere, you arab-half spagetti nigger.
>we was romans n' sheit
No you are not.
Sauce on that vid op? Looks fappable
(((Money printers)))
Is there a reason you won't name the jew on Sup Forums
I never said that Americans were uncultured, I said that they are extremely demanding and force the country that they are in to accommodate them, rather than acting like respectful fucking people and following the rules and customs of the country that they are in.
not all americans need to know Thai, and the majority of people here speak enough english to converse with americans, but they shouldn't get so damn pissed off when someone doesn't speak english
It's not spanish.
It's called castilian.
No, finding other cultures inferior to your own is given by the very definition of culture.
If not it's like saying "I find other people's values more valuable than my own values."
>still doesnt have an argument, but just uses bad words
Amerifats, the scum on earth.
I joy everytime i hear you fats dying, hahahaha!
>distribution of power and money is always well earned and is as a result of cultural superiority
In the same breath
>it's not fair that the liberal media blah blah jews in power omg bloohoohoo *sob* make it stop muh white genocide george soros
>claims that you are the superior culture
never said that
I guess the american education system doesn't teach critical reading skills, shame
Yeah, Rome isn't in Italy
at least some part of us is running
Checkout this mulatto faggot talking about culture...Just like the nigger he is
Extended version
>why do amerifats travel around the world and expect everyone in the country to speak english?
because even bums in sagats home speak it
>thinks im gonna waste my time
>mfw im not gonna watch any of that and you wasted your time in vain
Hahahahaha! You got played again!
although many thai people do speak english, it should not be regarded as a necessity for us to do so, as many american tourists have suggested by getting angry when they meet someone who doesn't
southeast asia in general is nigger tier
Thailand is just a little less niggery than cambodia
>I joy everytime i hear you fats dying, hahahaha!
This attitude is why Eastern European women consider Italians and Turks to be one and the same.
But they dont, why you have to lie?
If you can find any good argoment to answer just submit like the dog you are.
>approximately 60 million worldwide
So you mean fucking nothing?
Its really entertaining one of the best scenes in any movie
woah there, don't get your blubber rolls in a twist
a smart man would realize that america is more nigger-tier than any other country, considering you can't even handle them when they make up less than a fifth of the population
have fun watching your white women suck on those big black nigger dicks cucklord
We are talking about speaking English in our fucking nation you stupid fuck.
Are you afraid of chicanos taking over the US? I'll love seeing the US become a mexican shithole from some rich asian country with my cantonese girlfriend (hopefully wife soon to keep my spot in the new masterrace scheme).
There is no argument you are just full of shit.
Your only job is allowing my penis to penetrate you for $2.35, we're not paying you to speak your goobledy-gobbledy moon talk.
You implied it based off your mentality shit stain dishonest faggot.
Because we love our English brothers and the work they have done with the English language so we expect third worlders to pay homage to a great empire by speaking the language.
What shit hole doesn't speak English these days?
>worthy of oxygen
Literally this could be India and I couldn't tell the difference
This, come on now
>Typical American couple
>Cheered on by their cuck.
>literally hand on his dick