So do any Americans actually care about what happened in Orlando, nothing more but a bunch of dead fags and spics
lowest of the low
So do any Americans actually care about what happened in Orlando, nothing more but a bunch of dead fags and spics
lowest of the low
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Most of them were killed because some retarded homo was holding the door shut so no one could get out. Without this dumbass, he would have only killed like 10 people
What a moran
50 lucky infidels
No one cares unless a white man did it. Time to ban guns and kill whitey.
There is nothing wrong with Islam, only stupid white rednecks that like Donald Trump.
Disregarding that countries like Iran were civilized countries 60 years ago. We should continue the neo-con globalist policies because change will cause the end of the world.
Did you see Obama singing the other night? What a goof!
>blocking emergency exit doors
Good job. You can almost always tell anyone with that stupid haircut is an idiot.
I was gonna say skin color, but yeah haircut too
It was all over CNN but not anymore. Once they found out the guy is muslim they quickly shut up, since it would fuel the strange idea that Islam is violent and dangerous on a fundamental level.
You will, however, hear about this vaguely when anyone needs to harp on about gay rights and gun control.
>judge a person by their actions
>their actions is to break the law by coming here
spics are dumb as fuck
No, it immediately devolved into another gun episode
I only care in as much that it ultimately suits my interests.
Muslims btfo
t-thanks isreal, now we have all the burquas we can ever want.
Nope. It's all a big joke.
>judge people by their actions
>strut around yelling "viva la raza"
>waving mexican flags and a fucked up versions american flags
fucking spics
Some OC I made