Question for the the hardcore "gabber" scene in Holland political at all? If so do most of the gabbers tend to be right wing?
Question for the the hardcore "gabber" scene in Holland political at all...
I've been to events over there and talked to some of them but politics never came up.
Gabber is dead and even at the height of the craze they were infighting over who was a real "gabber"
Gabber means friend btw
and no, they are too retarded to be political
THats because they were too busy using X on my fucking tax money
I understand the gabber scene isn't what it used to be but the big hardcore festivals are mostly sold out so who goes to them now? When I go I see fascist tattoos sometimes
EDM is huge here, mainly because it's more pallatable now and there's huge dough in it.
Also, the use of GHB is INSANE right now, contributing to this degeneracy
Yeah dude you're completely right about the EDM, my point is that Dominator, Masters of Hardcore are sold out every year...there's still a big hardcore following and its getting bigger it seems like anyway. I'll wager at least a fair chunk are Geert Wilders supporters but again I'm not sure
And I'll tell you why I'm asking. I know the Dutch look down the gabber/hardcore scene as being white trash or whatever but holy fuck as a youth movement if has potential to be something huge in the USA that would steer yanks away from other crap in the mainstream
Right wing and Hardcore fan reporting in :^)
I think the mainstream opinion is guilty pleasure/nostalgia. There are still all those proud to be fout(wrong/tacky) party's with gabber music
But i don't think the gabber scene was political, it's a bunch of people, and sometimes a few colored on E dancing to music
Sup gabber :) hc4l
The gabber community is extremely large in the Netherlands (expanding even) though, it's no longer called 'Gabber'.
It's a more modern version now (Hardcore).
The majority of these followers are extremely right wing.
Interesting, yeah I figured that may be the case. It's kind of a shame in my opinion because if there weren't as many drugs it COULD turn into a political movement if people could get organized
yeah, didn't know there was a hardcore scene in the USA, if so are they rather right wing/conservative aswell?
It's also gaining a lot of attraction over here in Germany
Thank you for confirming this. I figured as much. There is hope for a more right wing Europe after all.
Well like mentions the offspring are 'political' but mostly low IQ that vote PVV blindly, not that there's anything wrong with that. they need votes. Still i consider PVV the least worst choice and not like those guys MUH GEERT SAVIOR.
It's "dead" so only small parties are left. With 50 to maybe 500 people? It used to be really big though.
From what I know they are political in the sense that they live for the party life.
This is from what I've seen from media and the people who used to be into this stuff; but still partly speculation: because they're a crowd that is proud to be Dutch and vastly white but are also lower class they tend to be a bit right wing. But not too far right wing, for the vast majority they are for example against discrimination..
It's a small community but it's getting bigger. It's not right wing at all excpet for a small number of us who are "closeted." There are a few really amazing hardcore parties in the USA, one happened last year that could have rivaled some of the mid sized Dutch events I'm proud to say!
Exactly man. I know the Dutch see the events as degenerate or whatever but compared to the shit stuff here in the USA it's like heaven
I really hope the Hardcore scene doesn't get infested with Leftists if it continues to grow
That's the thing man. It has potential to go either way. It's kind of hard though because I would say 3/4 people who go to the hardcore parties here I shit you not are black or Hispanic
it was apolitical when i was a gabber in the 90's. everyone was welcome no matter the background as long as you liked to party
Rotterdam scene had some 14/88 faggots but at the parties it was all feest feest feest
the scene is so small now it doesn't matter if they're political or not
well how big would you estimate the scene? I mean a 40,000 person capacity event selling out is an impressive number of people especially for a country the size of the Netherlands. Granted a lot come from elsewhere in Europe but still.
I got to Masters of Hardcore every year so I always see a ridiculous amount of people. Probably the only burger there but idgaf
Did you talk to anyone to see what their political stance is?
I don't know. Cant say i still follow any of it.
I still hear the music from open windows and cars driving by or on the beach from time to time so it isn't completely dead
Not in Europe, but here in the US yes, mostly liberal but some conservative like me
Also just for fun.HC4L
That is true, however those are their personal beliefs. The music and the parties themselves are apolitical and you won't see people displaying their poligical beliefs there (like the extreme right did do in the late 90's).
My personal political beliefs have nothing to do with my love for the music, parties are not the place nor time for politics.
Is that you in the picture? I have the same bomberjacket.
I wish haha. Naw that was from google images. I am proud to say I have the same bomber and was at that event as well (Thunderdome 20 yrs) you can see from the sign
Don't think it's a good idea to post personal pics on here as who knows what would happen
I missed the Final Exam due to work, did go to TD '09 and '10.
Small (
Why the hate jonguh?
I agree with you bro, but TD was not something I could miss. Small parties are really the best thing though
yeah it's funny that I wear Hardcore clothes here and people think I'm really into hip hop.
I'm a European at heart I guess.
Damnit, can you please translate for me, to much McDonald's has made my brain unable to understand Dutch :(
Also I was at those parties, we probably bumped into each other at some point haha
We Dutchies are lucky, we have an enormous offer of parties every week. I reckon there are hardly any domestic parties in the US and the distances you'd have to travel are insane.
You are, but I travel a lot to Europe for work so it's not a problem
There are more and more hardcore parties here and a few awesome American hardcore djs. We have a cool scene that is growing
Oh and yeah we're used to traveling distances but again idgaf I'll do anything for a good hardcore event
Could be, hehe.
Do you have any parties planned here in the Netherlands in the near future?
Right wing death squads on happy hardcore
our gift to you America
Now sell us some fucking guns burgers
Yeah man, Dominator and that's it I think for the rest of the year. Thunderdome 25 years next year will be the big one! You?
I hate happy hardcore. The early Paul Elstalk stuff is ok for nostalgia sake but that's zwabber music.
I'll trade you guns for hot stroopwafels any day though man
WTF are those white trashes
they look like wiggers
seem like a mix between chavs and vatniks
Ground Zero is the next big one for me, have some small parties planned as wel.
I can recommend Pandemonium, quite a big party in Amsterdam, beginning of December.
TD '17 is still unconfirmed isn't it? ID&T still owns everything but they've pulled their hands off hardcore in general. I don't see that changing any time soon, sadly.
it's essentially a Dutch youth cultural thing that is big into hardcore Music. Something similar to skinhead culture
Hon hon hon Tour d'eiffel Baguette
It was the last 100% dutch youth culture
after that it was all American nigger beats and swag yolo globalist shit
You'll never understand, Pierre
It's confirmed bro, my friend at ID&T told me so clean off your air max BWs :D....still kind of secret but yeah it's going the fuck down man!!!!!
I might checkout pandemonium one day!
Hahahahaha made me spit out my Thunderdome Taste energy drink XD
Oh, that would be awesome! Just received a new pair of BW Persians OG, can't wait to give them a spin :)
I see that you've ordered the Die Hard box.
stay in touch: [email protected]
Never thought I'd ever meet someone really cool from Sup Forums
Hahaha yeah I was lucky to get one just sucked the shipping costs completely raped me
I've met 7 Hardcore fans on Sup Forums so far :^)
I'm not surprised man, hardcore rules the world and we're awesome :)
are you into any particular sub-genre of hardcore or just enjoying hardcore overall?
/terror/ and /uptempo/ here :)
Some mainstream hardcore
So almost everything. Just no crossbreed
good stuff pham
I really wanna go and see NSD live :(
Early hardcore and early terror are my favourites.
got some good artist recommendations?
especially for early terror
Hell have good taste!
I'm leaving the thread stay in touch via email that I sent above gabber!
Frantic freak and drokz
Will do! Great thread pham
here braaaaaaaaahs, love industrial in amsterdam clubs, most germany clubs are fag festivals
is Suicide Commando hardcore?
Hardcore techno not hardcore punk
My neighbor's car that's parked in front of my house has that logo on the bumper.
just happy knowing that not every european raver is ketamin taking hipster faggot wiggleing to the left and the right, while wearing this ugly ass sport backpacks you had as a kid in the 90's.
Xqruciator, Apac, Frantic Freak, Lord Terror, da machinery, freaky flow, enforex, Amraguet Nad, the destroyer.
Go to (LiveSet DataBase), you can find a lot of good livesets there, organized per genre.
So gabber is turning into an already established music genre? What is this European hardcore because American hardcore developed out of punk sometime in the early eighties.
thanks, bump
d-beat is european
american hardcore punk is not related to euro hardcore gabber
Literally look like dutch neds and chavs more scumbags too busy taking drugs and pushing out welfare babies, thats what they look like to me.
can you share some good bands, bruh?
Hardcore had two distinct waves, the early 80's hardcore punk and then post 1984 (1988 being a key year) youth crew hardcore
some of the earlier stuff:
Black Flag
Minor Threat
Bad Brains
The Misfits
Agnostic Front
youth crew:
gorilla biscuits
youth of today
chain of strength
after that metalcore starts finding it's way in there, and that's a whole other thing
Detest or C A 2K ?
thanks america-kun :^)
Fucking americunt thinking a skinhead can only have a single meaning to it.
Literally the dutch at the peak of the gabber scene
It's about taking ecstasy and shaving your head because you look goofy for a few days