Hi I'm Adam, AMA

Ask an Orlando Pulse survivor anything, pic related, it's me.

whats it like being a degenerate fag?

proof or GTFO

How many diseases do you have and do your doctors even know what they are?

Did you get pozzed with the nastiest shit?

Have you changed your ways and stop pretending to be gay (yes, it is a choice) Realize you have a mental disease but the death experience has made you realize that it's best to drop your fag ways and fuck pussy?

Whose dick were you swallowing when the shooting started?

Gas the muzzies race war now?

You should've died.

kill yourself you degenerate

tell us about the shady doins


Did that one guy really stand there and block the door while people were being shot on the other side of it?

How big is your dick?

Why didn't you stop him. There was one of him and 70+ of you

How can white men even compete?

Are you still trying to defend muzzies with your lefty friends?

Why aren't you overseeing the beginning of the next crusade in Deutschland, Earl?

Do you love taking fast ones to the face from brown people?

pls help

I know this is fake, but anyway, is it true that
A. People blockaded the exits
B. The police didn't make any effort for immediate action in the nightclub when their reaction began

It's actually fun until Saturday night. After the attack I discovered Milo and I will never look back. Daddy 2016!

I've only got chlamydia once, and oral herpes.

Not yet (hopefully)

It's not a choice, I couldn't stop riding cock if I wanted to, hun.

Actually funny you should ask, I was groping a black gentleman's cock shortly before the shooting began.

Is that SuperHuman Samurai Syber Squad

>G E T S H O T

pic with timestamp faggot

Were you the guy sucking your own dick?

How many dicks did you suck that night?

Pray the gay away you fucking faggot

Why didn't you die.

How are you holding up man? How's your family? Friends?

Yes we were so f'ing pissed! Luckily I was able to sneak out the front door when the shooter went into the bathroom.


Every queen for himself, I'm no hero.

Your local LGBT community opinion about the shooting?

Did someone seriously block the door? Was there more than one shooter?

Was it a standard fuck party?

Timestamp, also did Omar let you live because you're white and he was a white supremacist?

In your dreams outsider.


why kind of cruddy phone are you using to take such a low quality pic that was blurry and why?

No lad the word your looking for is 'groomed'

>I've only got chlamydia once, and oral herpes.
>Actually funny you should ask, I was groping a black gentleman's cock shortly before the shooting began.


Can you leave faggot?


Bug Chaser, leave Sup Forums
kill yourself
delete your account


It was tongue and cheek Pawel, because some nigger on Twitter said that omar was a white supremacist because he hated black people

This why I like bong banter. I know the Brexit thing killed your vibe. Get back to us.

>only got chlamydia once, and oral herpes.

>be me
>be straight male
>be very picky when it comes to sexual partners
>look for stabil long term relationship and want to start a family
>never have had a std in entire life

Makes you think, huh?

This. Purge all faggots.

this is perhaps the most degenerate thing i've ever read on Sup Forums

OHHHHH. Sorry. I didn't get it.

Do you like French cuffed shirts, or Barrel cuffs?

You probably do it missionary lights off under the covers too

Has this effected how you view islam, muslims, or gun control, and how? Also what are your thoughts on the left propagandizing this event to blame christians, the right, and guns instead of the perpetrators?

How many strains of HIV are eating through you right now?

>Be Murrican
>Get raped by blacks
>Family gets raped by blacks
>White population literally raped out of existence by blacks and latinos
>Country literally cucked because a black is president, followed up by a corporate shill
>Unable to take full advantage of freedom because leaving the house will get me shot

It's not easy lad. I just want to live without scare mongering from both sides being shoved down my fucking throat.

Is it hard to be a homo in America or do you guys just make that shit up because you aren't constantly happy.

I see gay dudes around and I'm jealous. They are all in shape in smiling and happy and eat good food. They haven't had their soul ripped out by a woman.

Did you beat up the faggot that barricaded the emergency exit?

Why were u sucking g yer own cock in that tweet right before it all went down?


>Raped by blacks

But we can still defend ourselves with guns. If you don't leave the EU, the courts will most likely escalate their current practices of social justice. That Swedish kid who's doing years in prison now, just for defending himself against Iraqi attackers that were going to kill him.

Please vote leave btw.

Did you manage to survive? If yes, how?

Gays who carry don't get bashed.
Respectable, reliable and concealable pistols can be had for $300.

You're welcome mate :D

post boy pussy please


Why haven't you killed yourself yet?



How does it feel though when an other male enters your rectum?

>But we can still defend ourselves with guns
Can you guys actually cite any cases where an attempted gun man was stopped by another civvy with a gun.

Hard mode: can you cite a number of cases that makes up for all your mass shootings.

How is babby formed?


you and all your faggies should stage protest in front of CAIR HQ's

CAIR has strong bonds with the muslim brotherhood and they knew about the hate speech going on in the mosques in Orlando

if you wanna help trump all the faggots have to man up and stand against the mudshit and lefties, now is when

how is babby formed
how girl get pragnent


What happened to the security hard/off duty cop who tried to stop him? He ok?

What sexual thrill do you get from posing as a gay man who is not you?
Does it help you to fantasize about gay sexual acts that you've never actually performed yet because of your permavirgin inhibitions?
Can you please just take a selfie with timestamp and passport and a large sign saying "I am **** and really I'm a faggot"?

So are the stories about the bar owner having people block the door to "trap the shooter" valid?

>Every queen for himself, I'm no hero.

You disgust me. Not because you are a queen, but that you are a selfish piece of shit that, when presented the chance to change history, you and your faggot friends ran. You don't deserve to live.

1/10 for the rage

Post benis

Obvious b8


Do you autistic fucks even know who this is? You retards fall for the stupidest bait

The problem with the vast majority of these freak show shootings is that they pick a place where they know there will be no immediate retaliation. Restaurants, schools, churches, theaters, now fag bars, places where they know fairly well that there are no law enforcement or armed citizens who are capable of stopping them.

Lots of mass shootings have been stopped by armed civilians. You will never hear of them because your news is cucked. A 13 year old white kid just killed a black home intruder last month ffs. There was a doctor two years ago that stopped a crazy man from shooting up a hospital. He would have killed dozens of people.

Not going to post statistics brah no time for that. We're not giving them up.

Have you ever eaten a piss soaked baguette or a soupeur as the frogs call it?

>B E R E D U N D A N T

how many dicks were you able to suck before that goatfucker started blasting?

>takes the dick
>gets fucked

How long have you had HIV?

La puta madre Carlos

Now that you have seen Muslims first hand, do you plan to vote Trump?