Why can't Europeans understand this?
Why can't Europeans understand this?
So I guess you're British?
He's Swedish.
That hamster is so cute :3
No he isn't potatocuck
Shut the fuck up leafnigger
What are you talking about you fat sack of buttery deepfried gravy?
>triggering the autists of Sup Forums with a nationality/ethnicity bait thread
Good on you, show yourselves you fucking retards.
maybe that animal self identifies as a fish
did you ever think about that?
Chill bud. Do you not like hamsters?
Swedish is an ethnicitiy. Like German, Italian, Polish etc.
Immigrants will never become a part of Europe. It's another case in America and Australien though.
Squirrels are cuter desu
We aren't all animal molesters like you moosefiddler
I like chipmunks. But do you really not think Misho is a cutie?
Going to spam this pic to all the leftist assfuckers in my mailing list.
They'll be imploding. kek.
Thanks m8.
just what a racist scum would think
Misho is a degenerate slut who probably fucks black bears.
how would a mouse be born in an aquarium though? wouldn't it drown immediately?
Good luck making a fool out of yourself.
I smell...degeneracy...I smell...leftist bullshittery...a burger.
Go eat out shillary's ass.
I'm partial to fat prairie dogs but Misho is adorable.