post flags of 90%-100% white countries
Rare Sup Forums flags
Other urls found in this thread:
Here, have mine.
>90%-100% white
I don't understand, I see french people post all the time
>inb4 butthurt frenchies showing their """"""""""victories"""""""""" in wars
Hey guy I have been conflicted whether to save PK flags. Your thoughts on it?
These old Iraqi and Tuvaluan flags still being there seriously trigger my autism
Yeah, I see Frenchies all the time as well.
isn't that a stealth rare?
Yeah. The greatest Stealth rare I ever-got was Svalbard. The person had to outright tell he was Svalbard or I would have let him get away.
Isn't there like a French colony with the same flag
that is the flag of the french colony
Best guide to flags
I don't save PKs, but I have no qualms about other proxies. I just delude myself.
Legitimate RARES are always a treat as well.
Isn't it cheating to post the flag instead of finding it in the wild?
All of my flags are legally obtained from Sup Forums with a few from Sup Forums that were linked from here. I'm just postan a few.
nice, I have a couple of rares already, even though I started yesterday
You don't save them. That would ruin the fun. It would be so easy to get all the flags if you did that.
Also for the fags that say things like "Why don't you save the post thats the only legitimate way!" You could easily go on a Sup Forums archive and save the posts that way.
Do you save counterfeit flags?
Checked, here' a list that shows exactly how rare each flag is.
You'll notice some differences between it and the ice(((berg))), but it's reliable. This list also only counts how rare they are on Sup Forums, no accounting for Sup Forums or Sup Forums.
>Norway three times
>Maybe more
the antarctica one I have is not a proxy, it's from a fag who's stationed there for research
nope all legit
Do they even have internet in Antarctica?
thats the French flag
>France three times
There is Norway,Svalbard and Not sure of third one.
on a scale of 1- proxyfag, how real are you
>Not using the extra flags plug-in
2 days ago on Sup Forums
Yeah, but its slow as- HOLY SHIT RARE
I'm here on vacation, I'm from the US though
today on Sup Forums
How are the natives there?
had to google where the fuck that is
Nice, I got my first rare (Pic related) in a few days too. Its been a year and I still haven't found a Ultra rare. Got a lot under Ultra rare but they are all proxy posters.
Stay away from PK
This place is basicly like New Zealand if you've ever been
TY probably proxy poster.
so an island full of sheep shaggers in a place that looks like Middle earth?
Posting rarest I have, donut steel.
Shiiiiet. I'd love to get a hold of that. How the hell does he internet?
pls be real
>ISIS flag
Link me the thread bro.
he's apperantly some guy doing research there, he's on Sup Forums sometimes but not that much
It's a tropical island with 2 cities
It's full of Brits
whats the 'moon' , P and ? flags?
tfw 85% ish
got it already
>tfw you realize that you haven't saved cuba and puerto rico all this time because you had assumed that you got it already
>linking a thread that was made at 6 am local time
I can't find it and I doubt it's still alive
Arab flags are easy to find just go to /sg/
The moon is the fucking moon, Luna. The P is Phobos, a Martian moon. ? is a meme, it happens when a thread with flags gets moved to a board that doesn't support them.
>Sup Forums posters in Antarctica
You have called it uknown or timor-leste, i had some doubts that i should name it its real name, but after all i called it uknown (timor-leste)
I grabbed this legitimate Cuba when that one guy posted pics of his hotel. I know for a fact it's real.
you live in the middle of no fucking where
What about (( and the strange ?
Improved version with captions
>Mfw I already have all three.
The hunt is at it's best when it's challenging.
Huh, I always thought it was Phobos. Too much pic related in me I guess.
Gibraltar should be moved up.
That fag post here all the time now.
You fools will devalue your rares!
I see Zambia poster all the time. He's the only one I think, but it feels like I see his flag as often as China or Kuwait.
>Marshall Islands has had one post on all of Sup Forums
Imma find it and imma catch it
Thanks bro
Only if fags steal em
is it worth it to go to the Marshall Islands just to post here?
Should we start putting watermarks on flags?
The flag trade is different from Pepes. A much higher honor code, many people demand a screencap along with your flag if it really is that rare.
my flag collection after 2 days of half assed looking
Of course
have you guys ever cheated to get rare flags?
>230 flags
>barely get any new ones
Already have it. There's another weird ass flag like that, which is it?
All free-range with no added hormones. Obviously XX is shady, but it's a weird flag in general.
>50 flags
>barely gets any new ones
I sometimes use 4plebs to look for rare flags that posted the same day, but I save them from the original Sup Forums post.
Now that is a rare.
>only guy in the whole of ethiopia to have internet
>browses Sup Forums
Got this beauty just yesterday.
I am almost convinced that the flag denoted as "?" between Western Sahara and Sint Maarten is the current Lesotho flag. The one that Sup Forums uses is the outdated one that hasn't been used since 2006.
hmm lets see
He you go you filthy niggers. Go ahead and watch the fucking world burn.
Niggers pls
got this like 3 days ago, from Sup Forums obviously. i don't collect Sup Forums flags that's gay.
I know South Africa is no longer relevant, but come on no listing
I'll start collecting now bbys
btw luv yu all
Oh shit, what am I doing
easy post
My flag collection
Rate pls
have fun hans, remember once you start theres no stopping, you can't get off the ride
Can you send me the blank worldmap?
hey guys
I need one myself