>Sup Forums allegedly is for free speech
>wants to ban islam
Sup Forums allegedly is for free speech
Sup Forums pretty much BTFO
speech? I want islam to be banned because its a fucking religion
still worshipping sand gods in the current year.. djises louises
who said Sup Forums is for "free speech"?
>pol is for free speech
Pol is nat soc so no we are not for complete freedom of speech
I am now #HillaryArtillery
Free speech is one thing, killing groups of people is another
Being part of a death cult and a savage isn't speech
Oh, so you're basically right wing tumblr. Good to know.
What does free speech have to do with Islam?
Perhaps you're thinking of freedom of belief or freedom of religion.
>I allow free speech
>I allow the growth and thrive of an ideology whose endgame is the destruction of the western world
pick one and one only
>Religions are speech now
Britain in charge of english
I wish I could move to the US and become a #CruzMissile now, pol is done
It's not hypocritical, idiot. Islam hates free speech. We are fine with those, who jointly, with us, are for free speech. If they are not for free speech, there is no reason for us to extend it to them.
It's not the saying that's the problem, it's the doing.
Free speech is only for white people
Yes, they want to destory civilization and we want to save it
Criminal acts aren't free speech and never have been
>Still free to say Islamic things
>Back in fucking Birmingham
If I'm not allowed to join or create a Nazi party then why are Muslims allowed to attend Mosques ?
If you are going to ban a facist genocidal hate ideology then you should ban them all.
Also why was the USA goverment allowed to violent crackdown cultists in the Waco siege but not Islamists? remember this cult only had suspected gun violations on its name and not even a single death..
Literally one clause is too much for you paki?
Islam is a weaponized system of government mascarading as religion.
Muslim are cock roaches. We don't need to ban islam, we simply need our government to stop providing Muslims protection. The rest will work itself out
If you were really atheist you wouldn't give a shit.
why do you shitpost here then?
Don't worry it's a britbong, they have to have big brother check in on them with their TV license and Internet no-no's if you say the wrong thing
Islam isn't speech
Go fuck yourself
Free speech doesn't mean free from consequence.
>>Sup Forums allegedly is for free speech
I'm not.
I see no problem in banning a death cult.
This is a meme. This would only be the case if religious did not try to force their fairy tales down others throats, did not have church bells rining / mudslime bs over speakers and with drew from politics. But they don't and as long as they keep doing that shit I want religions gone
>inb4 hurr duurr fedora
Weak bantz.