Is math degenerate? I mean it's basically mental masturbation.
Is math degenerate? I mean it's basically mental masturbation
Mathematics is the key to unlocking the secrets of the vastness of the universe. It's the purest language in existence.
Let me guess: you only studied math in high school.
Are GPS satellites mental masturbation?
What's wrong with you, Sweden?
sweden is so cucked literally cannot understand anything but degeneracy, swede wonders why he can't understand math isn't mental masturbation.
>Is math degenerate? I mean it's basically mental masturbation.
Eh, I don't think it's degenerate. It's a form of escapism for a lot of us though.
>Mathematics is the key to unlocking the secrets of the vastness of the universe. It's the purest language in existence.
quality bait right here
Thank you!
t. mathematician
No. Math is the key to everything. Every discipline uses mathematics to a very high degree. Most are not even aware of it. Fuck off you cuck.
t. fucker of your mother
No I majored in exercise physiology an studied anatomy and biology in high school.
Homology is the king subject.
>yfw all physical theories will be written in (co)homological terms by the middle of the century
Mathematics in itself is useless. It is just a bunch of incoherent pulled out the ass axioms and paradigms pushed by enough shills over the years so it could dominate other forms of description and became an institutionalised religion on which uncritical prostitutes have built their believe system, not getting, that they were played by the kike.
Question how old are you. Better question, what is your highest education? You claim its not important, and i want to hear the reasoning behind this, not just a statement. I'm genuinely curious how you, the avarage person see math.
Not all math actually. Set theory is the trojan horse of math degeneracy though, causes more problems than it solves.
Yes if it's not applicable to the real world like 99% of theoretical stuff. Especially "jewish physics" like CERN/quantum crap.
The parts based on logic (i.e. most of the theory used in computer algorithms) are sound though. Kikes take advantage of this to control us meanwhile we get taught that computer science is about computers, not logic and never learn logic in school (Trivium).
If you can't make something with it, then it's degenerate Jew shit.
tbqh theres been some integrals that have been more satisfying to solve than sex.
>Set theory is the trojan horse
Elaborate please
But even then, even the parts that do work in reality could still be considered degenerate since the Unabomber is basically right.
fuck my life, I'm an electrical engineer
No. Mathematics is not useless. Not theoretical, not applied. You like that smart phone you got there son? Yeah that's a fucking MIMO system in a box that's modelled with stochastic matrices.
You like your electrical jew machine? Yeah that's fucking complicated rotor wheels aka modelled mathematical machines.
You enjoy Sup Forums? You know what IT is motherfucker? Yeah I fucking do, I fucking work with that network modelling.
Do you enjoy being able to drone strike a-rabs? You're fucking welcome.
You can stop using the tools made possible by mathematics if you think it's useless.
I can't tell if this thread is serious or pure sartire
Almost anything will be used sooner or later. The problem is that finding applications take time.
Less time now in the information age, but still time.
More theoretical math, more fun jewery gadgets for you to enjoy in the far future.
I am a twirly gay cuckold and proud swede!
>ITT: uneducated neets showing their true colors
very nice
pure shite
most "high" "education" is mental masturbation for people who think acute intelligence is the same as wisdom.
mathematics is just a language for philosophy.
meh, in the end technology is destroying society. One of the smartest math geniuses ever realized this and went stark raving mad. I think in the end though, modern math is only as valid as any other system that produced results (such as ancient greek geometry, or even alchemy)
Transfinite numbers are an abomination that gives nothing fruitful except meta-discussion about the nature of numbers, which is pointless since maths is an activity of calculus and not a field of knowledge. Moreover, set theory is cluttered very jargon that would make Shakespeare look like an illiterate.
Nope try again, I'm an electrical engineer with a master's.
I see the end products of math "working" before my very eyes but still question the paradigm.
There's literally no way for your fallible perception to know that the theory behind why your computer works is actually true, and it's not just black magic with demons manipulating your perception.
ITT psuedo intellectuals who are either in community college or working at mcdonalds
ITT: a triggered math major
and I'm a purple dinosaur that's been to the moon 3 times
Yes, its another jewish plot. I am it was OK in elementary schools when there were like numbers n shit. But nowadays they even put letters and some weird orcish runes. They say they be like greek letters or sumfin'. But I know these are just kike lies, since Greese is in Europe and Europeans use like normal letters.
I don't know what it is with geniuses and being crazy but it's interesting viewing older mathematicians on the brink.
However I think your point that technology is destroying society is humbug. Childbirth death rates have fallen in western society. We have a magnetic cannon that can shoot a projectile accurately 24 miles away. We have probes in space that collect terabytes of data.
Everything is so interesting now. We have tons of information and endless possibilities.
Haters be jell. friend.
t. fellow math bro
jell hater detected
We wouldnt have anything that we have today if it wasnt for math
kys you bitter faggot, wish you were in that orlando club getting shot
You enjoying those fourier transforms that were highly theoretical 100 years ago friendo?
Maybe those transformation matrices we so galliantly analyzed for you some years ago? You enjoy that?
>set theory is cluttered very jargon
*cluttered WITH jargon
Moreover, the mindset of mathematicians always favors expansion more than reduction, always trying to break things where they simply work. Maths should always more or less intertwined with natural sciences, otherwise it just looks like senseless mumble jumble.
Computer engineer here, first year. Question is, will the whole thing once get together as a whole? I mean its feels me that i learn here tiny bits of informations, but not the big picture.
Knowledge in general is destroying humanity. We're learning more and more about how to build more and more complicated and powerful control systems that ultimately could cause humanity to collapse into a singularity of power and control focused on a single, albeit flawed, individual.
We intuitively know everything in the universe already, mathematics and other mundane forms of knowledge is simply us trying to conquer the unconquerable reality of the universe and our ultimate subjection to the creater of the universe.
So while Math is degenerate, it can be used to show the truth behind the veil that we are building a sort of towel of Babel with our search for self-empowerment
I think a lot of the concepts regarding frequencies are literally in our brains naturally, and some of this used to be intuitive to ancient people, and lost in the modern day. Since after all the nervous system works by sensing frequency of inputs.
Math is based.
I mean no harm but, what is this thread about?
All the shit you listed is bad tough
>electromagnetic fields
>splitting of atoms
>literally all of physics
You are 100% retarded if you actually believe this. That because something doesn't have immediate application its useless...if physicists thought like you this world wouldn't even exist.
>education is required to be a freethinking individual
fuck yourself sven
>You enjoy....
Did you even understand anything I wrote? Or are you really one of those narrow minded mathheads?
I have some news for you, people who give a crap about meth or even think about going farer then calculations are dieing out. Why? Because you dont propagade and are pictured by most people as egg heads. Short speaken, you have no good propaganda.
But sure people who really have gotten what is important use your (((skills))) to get where they want, in addition to other people with other skills. And actually power dont needs iphones and it maybe even far easier to get people in line withouth fancy jew games, manipulating their speech.
Math is just a tool, to many people took to serious over thousands of years, getting elitist, losing ad power, slowly declining and getting unimportant. You language is dieing out lad.
enjoy idiocracy or a global battle royal
Math is not degenerate, quite the opposite. But forcing math into places it doesn't belong (like human behavior or cosmology) is autistic and try-hard.
No, it's just a bunch of ass burgers studying theoretical horsecrap and making a big fuss about trivial crap. Since 99% of people aren't smart enough to understand pure math, they think what mathematicians do is cool and useful.
Many of the "applicable and useful" extensions of math are dog shit as well, like the ridiculous geometric brownian motion/lognormal model of stock prices, which have caused a gigantic derivatives bubble.
Other nonsense from mathematicians include garbage like the rendleman-barter model, which assumes short rates follow a GBM, the vasicerk model which assumes volatility is constant and CIG model (Which only gives mathematician boners because it has mean reversion an volatility that is correlated with interest rates).
All of it is nonsense.
Math is only accurate when setting up imaginary parameters that never happen in reality.
>I think a lot of the concepts regarding frequencies are literally in our brains naturally
>like hilbert spaces
>You language is dieing out
Thank you for this explanation. Its kind of what I criticize about math, to much unprovable paradigms fucked it up as usual tool. Happy there are still empirical mathheads in the wild
You see the fruits of the theories, but have you ever seen a single one of your list with your eyes?
For all you know it could literally be black magic, and people are just coming up with new terms to explain it.
All of "math and science" is just a massive cargo cult, like those ooga boogas in New Guinea who worship a plane as god.
>knowledge is destroying humanity
No that's called retardation. Literally turn on the news for 5 seconds and you'll see retards are the ones killing us, because there are so fucking many of them.
This is the kind of anti-intellectualism that's fucking us all right now.
Confirmed autist, rip senpai
This is partially true but please don't bring up economics my dude, it's literally a fake science.
>that basic ass analysis on the board
>normies impressed
But to answer the thread it's easily one of the most useful if not THE most useful tool humans developed.
t. Physics student
The device you are typing this bait on wouldn't exist without a fundamental understanding of math
Written language was a massive mistake.
nearly all of us would be happier illiterate
You are one seriously retarded fuck.
You honestly use a cellphone or computer then say you've never seen this shit with your eyes?
Here's a simple experiment for you:
>get metal shavings
>get paper
>get a magnet
>put paper over magnet
>put metal shavings on paper
You'll see magnetism you dumb fuck.
You better be fucking trolling.
Are you fucking dumb? Do you think you can intuitively make shit work without having the correct pattern fool?
Do you think fucking pythagoras saw in strings?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Yeah maybe you don't wanna be a space pirate one day but I sure as fuck want to.
Maybe you fucking hate cars but I don't, not the least bit.
Without mathematics you'd be living in the fucking dark ages. Not even the middle ages.
Progress is good you degenerate and all progress can be attributed to mathematical progress.
t. someone who doesn't understand mathematics
It could be black magic! Except it's been tested and tried, weird HUH!
Look beyond what's on the (((news)))
There's multiple dimensions to what's happening, that's what a lot of discussion on Sup Forums is about. The chaos happening is mostly controlled opposition and systematic destruction of societal cohesion and individual discernment. This is an elaborate plot by neo-jews who worship satan to introduce an antichrist in a way that the world would be likely to accept as their god.
I thought everybody knew this...
>Most useful tool
What is about the gold tongued law fag knowing people with Schekel and getting them to pay for your art
>A real person has come to this conclusion
What are you even doing mate, whaterowhat
yes, exactly. Everyone should study something practical, of value like gender studies.
>is math degenerate?
No, its a powerful tool. Litterally the only infalible information in existance. You can be completely insane and still make sense of a world that adhears to the laws of mathematics.
There's those that place their trust in words, and those that place their trust in numbers. Only one has built civilizations.
Clearly meth addicted. enjoy living in a box
>it's basically mental masturbation
You mean mental lifting.
I've considered that Trump might be that antichrist, but he still doesn't have that kind of worldwide support.
I think it might not even be a real person but an AI or virtual construct.... perhaps the Internet itself personified.
Math econ double major at top 15 university.
Passed all actuarial exams and my salary is over $200k.
He still needs someone to count his money ösi-brudi
I genuinely can't believe there are people on Sup Forums who believe there is "jew math".
This is the worst fucking thread I've ever seen.
Genuinely fucking kill yourself, the world would be truly better off without you, and I'm not even exaggerating.
People built civilization, and people who put trust in People (not to mention God (s) ).
Math is degenerate because it's a metaphor for sex
1+1 = 2. God how fucking awful. Think of your dopamine receptors next time you do math porn faggots
t. type theorist
>The map
laughing my fucking ass off. Math lord loves poo people. You are going down in shit my Sweden friendo.
No, Trump can't be the antichrist. There's a lot written about who the antichirst will be and how he/it will be received. Basic traits:
>Good Looking
>Highly energetic
>Amazing personality
>Personal life hidden from public
>Liked by everybody except John the Baptist types who see through it all
Basically the most successful, amazing, rich, loved person (by the masses) and shilled non-stop by the media (like clinton except waayyyyy worse)
Also probably gay
>Implying counting requires a deep understanding of mathematics
Thank you for creating the theorie behinde it, actually noone cares for it and if we forget it we will sure come up with something new or all become communists
Found the gender studies major.
I have a phd in math. I make 350k a year any job I want.
It's a language with which you can explain logical concepts. Just because you can't think of a use for it doesn't mean it doesn't have a use.
why is she writing so fucking large?
what the fuck is wrong with women
t. math graduate
That's like saying a good novel wouldn't exist without a fundamental understanding of the language the novel is written on.
While it's technically true, the argument is trivial (Math pun intended).
Much of the advancements made in society, including the computer I'm writing this on, came from studying properties of inanimate objects, mostly semiconductor and materials science.
Math is only used to measure properties of the inanimate objects.
>Famefagging on a buthanes cuckhold porn board
Timestamp of last paycheck or gtfo
What if it's Peter Thiel?
He's behind most of the 2016 "alt-right" stuff including gamergate , the fall of Gawker, and Milo btw.
I liked math because it was right or wrong. You either got the answer correct or you were wrong.
In my English class, I'd write a paper and get a B for whatever dumb bullshit reasons the teacher came up with. One time I looked over at the paper next to me and the student was writing at literally the quality of a small child. It was all short sentences. "I went to the store. I ran the entire way. I bought a can of soda pop at the store. It was good."
It was fucking retarded bullshit. It deserved a motherfucking F compared to my paper.
If math is masturbation is philosophy sex?
You clearly have no knowledge of Computer Science so just be quiet you child.
A Swede asking a dumb question like that. I can see why your country is in the state it is in.
>le mathematics is all theoretical nonsense maymay
Here's some useful applied math for you
1+1=kill yourself you fucking degenerate baitposter
Math is literally the opposite of the frivolous bullshit that is western degeneracy. All the great mathematicians were not degenerates, even the Arab ones.
>1+1=kill yourself you fucking degenerate baitposter
Please define room properties
that's not analysis user...
I hated all my math teachers, and they all hated me. Maybe it's because I'm dyslexic. I have the mathematical skills of a 4th grader.
depends entirely on what kind of math, geometry and trig are good and practical examples of math which can be used to build all kinds of things.
the rest is either for jews or physics nerds
not possible. It's clear (((it))) will be unveiled at a time of great international turmoil as a "great unifier" to bring the world out of an engineered collapse. He/it is prophesied to wage a world war on the opposition, winning a lot, but facing enormous opposition, but winning. Then ruling for 3.5 years (2020-2023???) before getting BTFO
Yes, that's why you're using math right now to communicate. Idiot.
>Talk to this grill
>She's kinda bored and waiting for chad to call
>Suddenly i start talking about gaussian hypergeometric distributions like the autist i am
>She starts to tremble, drops to the floor and starts to gyrate to capture my semen
Math is the key to everything.
Sure thing Sweden.
>Majored in exercise physiology
Yeah, you've only done highschool maths, pleb.
>yeah! let's randomly start stigmatizing a discipline that has played a role in all of mankind's greatest discoveries and achievements! just because some of it is pointless and fun for certain individuals! and because I have a problem with most other things and because I said so! yay contrived and reactionary authoritarianism that believing in bolsters my insecure masculinity!
Shut the fuck up.
Enjoy modern life withou... wait a minute, you're swedish, no modern life for you anyway
Math is absolutely, without a doubt, totally degenerate.
>>le mathhead beaten by (own) language
Math is satanic.