Tfw no backpacker GF

tfw no backpacker GF

tfw no soundcloud gf

Entry level hhh gf*
Still comfy, but call a spade a spade.
Sounds fun. Vlone is trash tho

tfw no dungeon synth gf

make shield gang gf

ok ill make that one wheres the templae

would actually rather kill myself

Nico GF

>I hate jews
>I hate black people
>I'm better singer than Jew Reed
>Shoot up some horse with me, user
>Sorry, I can't hear you. You're speaking to my bad ear

i tried no bully

Young Thugga La Group gf


this one was good

Post more instrument gfs

Anyone have the death grips gf one?


had something similar, pretty boring

But milo is backpack af

>liking yeezus and run the jewels
who told you what a backpacker was?

>a thread died for this
Every time you post this cancer, a relatively unknown band's thread get's culled.

>Muh music
Shut up we're having a laugh mate

echoes of your ringtone sound better than my singles
leave me injured, stab me with a pencil ;(

eh, there's probably some cross over with RTJ and backpackers. Yeezus makes no sense tho.

>Muh obscure bands
If they're so good why aren't they famous?
Fuck outta here boii

gimme dat neofolk gf

Trust me, you don't want one of those


Why though?


>she can only orgasm while thinking about john cale

The fuck is wrong with her nose it looks like a Jew had rhinoplasty.
>the pretends not to be Jewish black metal gf.

I liked this.
I’ll ride your bell hard. I’ll fucking crack that hickory stick in half over your fucking bright bell.

shoegaze gf please

>no (Seeds of Desire) reference

The lady fire reference is so obscure I love it. Lord Caduceus Xul is the man.

>my dad was a brave and wonderful soldier

While I disagree with the sentiment that some obscure fuckboi band deserves exposure I will concur that these fucking /r9k/ tier threads really shit up the board and are cancer.

Because you can only have neo folk and industrial BOY friends

>A thread died for this
I hate this excuse.

If the thread were good enough it wouldn't have died in the first place. Most of the time the ones dying are the mediocre 5-reply threads anyway.