Where are the tears though?


>That prepared speech at the end

And she still fucked it up...
>This is a club that nobody wants to be in...and can we please stop the assault weapons so we can keep this club from getting any new members?

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Also, that like/dislike ratio and all those red pilled comments. People are actually waking up, and it's glorious

Other urls found in this thread:


yeah it was definitely a false flag by the jews to make muslims look bad like the boston bombing and 9/11

muslims would never commit such an atrocity

obviously the evil jews framing the innocent muslims yet again. seriously, get the fuck out muhammed

and im still watching you shlomo

Muslims are Jew puppets and Islam is just a later version of manipulative Judaism.

You can hate both.

Wow, the shills already out in force...She is clearly reciting a prepared narrative. That doesn't mean that the attack was fake, it means that they are taking advantage of it. The interview was painfully obviously fake.

I rarely call people shills, but this was obvious.Idiots. You both came out with the same prepared statement at the same time.


I was agreeing with you though. Your reading comprehension needs some work or you'll look like those bigots who are racist against muslims

fan kor dom d går an å være

>no tears
>$500 ObamaBucks have been deposited into your account

King Nigger already used his crocodile tears once and now he's hiring people to do it for him. Fuck jews, fuck muslims and fuck our government for serving both their interests instead of the American people's and the Bill of Rights.

>What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
the "family members killed by a mass murderer with a gun" club of America™

That woman had been crying for 12 hours at that point.


>souless paid Jewish actors have tear ducts

>She is clearly reciting a prepared narrative.
>"I don't want my son or other people to die in mass shootings."
Clearly she can't mean that. What person in their right mind would say that?

Your mom


'the club' being parents of dead kids probably

probably just in shock, she seems dazed, worded it weird because of it

seems like the more plausible solution than conspiracy to take your guns

Maybe the shootings and shit actually do happen but the gov comes in with actors to pretend to be survivors/parents/friends to try to push a narrative.

ISIS members without guns are pretty ineffective at mass murder.

With your crisis actor shit, you people are as batshit as the gang stalking people.

>Maybe the shootings and shit actually do happen but the gov comes in with actors to pretend to be survivors/parents/friends to try to push a narrative.
in this age of information, how the shit could they not get caught red-handed doing that? What would the purpose be if people would say this shit anyway.

>"I don't want to get shot at and die!"


A simple google search will show this mom with the dead guy. He's dead, Jim.

That's his mom, get over yourselves.


Pay people off or threaten them.
It's worked great for the Clintons.

She's happy.

Her son was a degenerate and was struck down by G-D.

Yeah, she means "a club for dead people, killed with Evil guns".

And yeah, her performance is not that of a grieving relative a day after a loss. More narrative pushing by crisis actors piggy backing onto a mass murder. It's shameless.

The root cause here was clearly islam, but we won't see too many people on the news calling for a nationwide ban on those. Other than Emperor Trump, of course.

The most shill program on ESPN opened their show with this video today. How convenient.

>Implying he wouldn't have killed more people if he had just went in quietly and detonated the explosives.

fucking ESPN

do they do this shit in the UK?


Implying that makes a fucking difference.
You fuckers sound like you just want to lay down and let Muslim shitheads mass murder you.

these crisis actors need to step up their game

it's like they aren't even trying anymore and having a giggle while mocking us.

>in this age of information, how the shit could they not get caught red-handed doing that?

How is anyone going to realistically verify that an "extra" body was included among the pile of dead faggots? It's a single line on the official list.

And when you do verify it, how do you bother getting that information out without being shouted down and silenced by the good goy that are trained like dogs to yell out "LOL CONSPIRACY THEORY!" at anyone who questions the official order?

Liberals are currently, right now, openly talking about assassinating political figures and violently assaulting thousands for supporting a candidate they don't like. Life means absolutely nothing to them. These people are fucking psychopaths.

The idea that they'd actually stage a shooting is ludicrous when it's easier to just kill a bunch of people. Crisis actors are propaganda used to spread their agendas using real dead as a prop.

What? How are we implying that at all, when you are the one blaming guns?

Never mind, now that I think about it, I'm a #Jebdeweaponizedmissle now.

>How is anyone going to realistically verify that an "extra" body was included among the pile of dead faggots?
Maybe by calling you a delusional faggot and adding you to the pile? You out of your fucking mind.

>shilling this hard

>How are we implying that at all, when you are the one blaming guns?
because you will sell a terrorist a gun because "if he didn't have a gun, he'll just blow me up anyhow!"

That's why you're an idiot.

wow, YouTube comments are proof! Of anything!

Oy vey, whaddup?

Seems pretty genuine to me after being awake for a long time and suffering trauma. She jumps to multiple subjects and changes subjects mid sentence almost.

Also its natural to "blame guns" for mothers especially in situations like this without stepping back and looking at the bigger picture.

She is Christophers mother. Do your research.

Very strange. What really twists my dick is that this horseshit creates conspiracies. If the official story is true and all the liberal media is using crisis actors to sell the "assault weapons" meme why the fuck wouldn't they just release photos of all the dead? Seriously just show the horror of 50 dead people in a crowded night club. Show the dead shooter. SHow surveiallance video. GIve everyone the choice of whether they can handle the truth or not. Seriously so sick of all this horseshit. Also I hate slimes fuck them.

hristoppher who and what is her name?

>8 posts by this ID

Christopher Leinonen (possible mongol decent) mother is Christine Leinonen


I am not typically a conspiracy person when it comes to shit like this, but I find it extremely difficult to believe that people who were hiding in stalls were fucking texting with the killer in the bathroom, but not one person took video of anything. I would assume that at a club of this many gay people, SOMEONE would have been filming or taking pictures.

hahah americans are fucking retards

OH SHIT!!! I FOUND SOME FOOTAGE THE KILLER HIMSELF MADE!!!!! His father was lying, it wasn't seeing two guys kiss that set him off, it was this!!! I made a gif of it because Sup Forums thinks the link is spam for some reason.

I stopped counting after you made 10.

What's your point?

>all the Muslim extremists are going to go to american gun stores and start shooting us down in the streets
>better ban them because that will neutralize radical Islamic terrorism
Wew lad


But I am OP. I am God here.

I am also not saying a bunch of dumb shit and sounding retarded.


wtf is going on

The news is nothing more than police training drills reported as real events. It has always been like this.

The Lee Rigby 'murder'.
Where is the blood though?

What in the fuck is going on with this photo? Yes, stuff like this was shown on TV, and in the papers.

"The son of a woman who appeared on TODAY early Monday was among those killed in Sunday's nightclub massacre in Orlando, officials said.

An anguished Christine Leinonen had been holding out "a sliver of hope" that her son, Christopher Leinonen, 32, survived the shooting because he had yet to be identified as a victim by Monday morning."

>dat nigga ded

>Literally reading off a script at the end





The sneaky little jew glances down every 3 seconds, with mini pauses for reading.
Gun grabbers are pretty heartless, good luck over there to all of you

Well holy shit. Confirmed actress.




>0.02 has been deposited into your account

You've made 0.20 this thread. Good job!


Just because he is dead doesn't mean she wasn't pushing an agenda that wasn't her own.
