Would you rather be a black man with an IQ of 140 or a white man with an IQ of 100.
(pro tip: if you choose the latter, you're pretty retarded)
Would you rather be a black man with an IQ of 140 or a white man with an IQ of 100
I'd rather be who I am now
>would you choose to not exist or be am average white male.
Fixed my lad
High IQ blacks do exist, just look at Thomas Sowell and Ben Carson.
Carson implanted a white mans brain into his
Both would be an improvement for the average poster on this board.
Of corse they are exist. Who said they don't.
>would you rather be an ugly looking burnt "human" that literally has the same facial features as monkeys who is slightly smarter than a real human or a human
wew to the lad
I would rather be a white man with an IQ of 60 and live out my days as a happy retard
except that's not an option leaf
It would have been simpler to just ask whether people would rather be deformed or retarded
>Big black dick
>incredible athleticism, sight, reflexes, stronger bones
Seriously, is the only reasons blacks didn't conquer the world because of the harsh desert separating them from the rest of the world?
Being an intelligent black man must be Hell itself.
Watching your communities tear themselves apart with that IQ 85 regularity and grim predictability over and over again, knowing you could only help with the symptoms and never the cause.
An average white guy just lives an average life. Nothing wrong with that. It's pretty sweet, 2bh cuz.
>many different types of test
>many different scoring systems
I.Q. isn't as big a deal as your bait would suggest but I'll nibble..
I'm already a white male alpha with a tested score of 178 I.Q. on the scale in 1995.
I win, I guess?
You left out your 5 foot dick, and the harem of women you inseminate on a pile of money everynight.
>IQ of 100
No, it's their lack of brains
>Seriously, is the only reasons blacks didn't conquer the world because of the harsh desert separating them from the rest of the world?
They did conquer the world - they just happened to evolve into Whites and Asians etc in the millenia after departing Africa and interbreeding with Neanderthals as the spread.
there is nothing worse then being a nigger, so the second option
>the first peoples to sell and ship African slaves were Africans
>black slaves were more often harsher to each other than the abuse they received from slavers
>When black communities riot it's almost always on their own lands, never against an enemy's lands
No, they just tend to eat their own wherever you supplant them.
>you could be anything
>choose to be a fucking leaf
And look at their children
There's a fucking reason why niggers suck. It's anomaly to have one that's capable breathing mouth shut
Additional information: the white guy looks like Chris Hemsworth and the black guy is literally Gary Coleman's reanimated corpse
What if I want to. E black man with IQ 100?
Slightly above average in length and bit more in girth, and I have been with my fair share of women for a straight man my age that hasn't been married or coupled for any significant period of time.
I don't need to brag or bully to strangers on the internet to feel better about myself, so there's that...
What a waste of Hitler dubs! You could have at least put the question would you rather be happy and black, or unhappy and white for a worthless bait/shill thread like this. - Plenty of very unhappy high IQ people out there.
IQ of 100, studying, exercise, healthy diet, and meditation can improve IQ substantially. Of course if you stop these acts you revert to your mean, but variance in IQ is a thing.
White people don't hate themselves, and we're well respected. Also we're more aesthetic and noble. A smart nigger still has the impulses of his primitive kin.
outliers always exist, but high IQ blacks are extreme outliers, and always raised in 99% white culture and institutions.
I would hate to be related to niggers.
>White people dont hate themselves
wew lad did you forget about SJW's, Liberals, and Cucks?
Also I'm rather white, success is a combination of attributes. Not being associated with a bunch of primitive monkeys is one of them, while an IQ of 100 is just average in the west. Though I'd choose being black if I had to stay in Africa.
Something tells me you already are.
Black. Anytime I get in trouble I can call racism and get free money and better treatment.
I will be accepted at any school I want, get any job I want, get trashy upper class women to throw themselves at me, and scholarships left and right.
Anyone gets in my way? I accuse them of racism and destroy their reputation.
Blacks live life on easy mode (assuming they survive their twenties)
I agree, thanks for you input
there's more to intellect than just IQ
They're probably a jewish halfbreed, or have some type of jewish blood. Any whites that hate themselves do not deserve our title.
>be a black man with an IQ of 140
I'd rather not be a figment of some SJW's imagination.
I'm a white man with an IQ of 140.
I'd rather have the 100 IQ, toot beef honey.
I'm already White with an above average IQ (I think, I've never taken the damn test, but I ain't stupid that's for shure) I like who I am
Black Man with an IQ of 140.
I could go farther in life much easier(thanks goldstein)and still get me a white woman. Life would basically be on autocontrol.
Does everybody here gets his IQ tested? How? Here we have to go to a psychologist and i think it's quite expensive
You could have just gone with "Everyone has a super-ego", even thought that's a pretty outdated model.
My IQ gets tested every 8 years as part of being a schizophrenic. I don't think it's pertinent, because they know I'm not stupid. But, it's probably just part of the procedure.
>we have to go to a psychologist
Yeah, that.
>thomas sowell
>ben carson
always the same fucking examples
ben carson tried to kill his mother and his friend, is a butcher who has botched many operations and believes joseph used the pyramids for grown
thomas sowell repeats basic talking points and thinks trump is hitler. you would not know his name if he was not black.
Second option, I care too much about my looks.
>Would you rather be smart and have a BBC or have none of that and be a white loser?
The choice is obvious.
>high IQ
>ze gud life
>not mental problems and a high chance of social retardation
White, because high IQ doesn't mean much if you don't put any effort into your studies or w.e you're trying to achieve. And being born black has a much higher chance of me being born in a shit tier house hold, where i would be sent to a shit tier school and have shit tier friends who would eventually dumb me down with their pressure and make me waste my potential.
For military draft need to do personality and iq test.
Anyway 131iq and driving lorry with electronic engineering degree kek
I thought being white meant playing life on easy mode?
a black man with 140 IQ would've known the smarter choice was to be white
White man, because regression to the mean
His children and grandchildren will slide back towards 85 IQ points, while the white man's children will remain near 100.
If a simple desert was keeping them down, then they wouldn't be fit to rule anything, wouldn't they?
There are what, like 5 of those?
When I was tested the first time, it was extra credit for an AP psychology class in high school, and it was administered by a local college professor who was certified for his particular testing method and scoring, and the results he gathered were for a regional intelligence study he was a part of.
Fuck IQ when you packing a bullwhip.
really makes you think....
>intelligent people be cray cray
Is pretty much true in every race. Einstein was a poop sniffing sex maniac is probably the easiest example.
Pro tip: kill yourself
What's your point?
I'd rather be a wizard with a ten inch cock.
That guy clearly doesn't have an IQ of 140, though.
A mental disorder
A sane person
Regional intelligence study? I don't think we have one of those here. What's your score? How close the real deal was to online IQ tests?
I just realized
White 100 IQ = SJW normie
you are probably right
I mean, look at him, he's testing some kind of white concoction in that culture tube, does it/will it turn him white when he ingested it?? Not many more than him can ever know, for he is the statistical zebra!!
>Would you rather
how big is my cock?
White man.
Black people are the most dislike in the world. Even sex workers do not want them as customers.
That cure for watermelon blight says otherwise
Not when it comes to fucking white womens,
>Gold Standard Post
I'm a white boi with ~130 IQ and I would pick 100 IQ white not really die to race but because being smart fucking blows, most people around me are visibly stupider than me, I can't relate to them at all, and I'm drowning in the various mental health problems smart people often have. I'd rather be stupid than go for a 140 IQ and just exaserbate my problems.
Is that Lauren Southern?
>black man
>IQ >90
nice try
Most have White genetics. A black African with an IQ of 100 is as rare as a White with a 130IQ. Literally you are an African genius if you have an average IQ.
>you will never have a qt3.14azn bodybuilding gf to beat you at armwrestling then calling you a beta bitch
why even live
85% of everyone else you will meet is conditionally stupider.
I just spent an hour explaining to two coworkers last night that I am sick and tired of feeling like the very only adult in a room full of toddlers on Pixy Stix'. It makes me want to light myself on fire in the most flammable part of the building.
>130 IQ
>says boi
I don't think so
I haven't ever taken anything online, I don't know, but I received similar scoring and did 99% on the ASVAB through the military, when I thought I might join a few years later (circa 1999 or so).
Would you rather be a pig that's happy, or a human that's not?
Black man with an IQ of 140.
Ben Carson is based.
My drug dealer doesn't sell to blacks either, for that matter.
Thank you for inviting me to the debate.
Might as well ask if you want to be a powerful elf wizard. Those probably don't exist either.
We found one mulatto who could string sentences together when they are written by someone else and made him the fucking president right away with no qualifications.
If there was a black man with legit IQ 140 out there held be declared God by SJWs in five minutes.
I would rather be the pig, eaten as some being's sustenance, shit out as possible fertilizer to nurture the furtherance of life.
Weather or not it's consciously experienceable level of existence.
being smarter rarely means being happier
A white dude with a 100 iq. You'd still be godlike when compared to the average nigger or spic who are only in the 80s range.
140 isn't even that far above the White mean. 140 is asssstromnical for a nigger, but it's farily normal for white people to be above 115.
Being the smartest nigger in the room still makes you dumber than a chink or a kike. On top of that, you'd have to face racism no matter which country you go to whereas Kikes & gooks are largely ignored, which gives them room to just plot against everyone else. Kikes in particular are exceptionally skilled at this..
Intelligence is variable. I would take my chances being white and educate myself the best that I can.
>a black man with an IQ of 140
Damn it, user, at least try to make it sound plausible.
> shit out as possible fertilizer
nice proxy, poo
I'd choose black if the sjw lunacy continues at its current rate. I'd just cuck myself and adopt a white child instead of wasting time and money on my own seed which would almost inevitably be a degenerate simpleton.
Being a black man with an IQ of 140 would be terrible. Smart enough to know your people are idiots, but nothing you can do about it...
Intelligent people tend to be more unhappy.
I'd rather be average and content than be a nigger and depressed.