> Sup Forums wants her to take total responsibility for her student loans
Why do you guys insist on fucking over an entire generation?
> Sup Forums wants her to take total responsibility for her student loans
Why do you guys insist on fucking over an entire generation?
Because fuck em, that's why
If she cuts money on her food expenditures she'll be able to pay off those loans herself no problem.
>And Religion
What? Is that a single course?
to think women with these kinds of mentalities use to become nuns, before the internet
This is the baitest bait that ever baited
we're just finishing what the boomers started
I'd rather it kill themselves and not pay for shit.
Because the word 'responsible' needs to have some weight behind it. Why is everyone else supposed to foot the bill for an individual who will never pay into the system themselves? I don't work my ass off to pay for someone else's bullshit degree, I got my MBA and paid it off myself.
She insisted on throwing her degree and college education in the trash with that God awful degree. You reap what you sow.
We shouldn't reward stupid decisions.
As a fan of Pokemon franchise I am utterly outraged by cultural appropriation this vile woman is perpetrating right now.
No one is forcing these kids to take loans. They're choosing to do it themselves. They are consenting to pay back the loan. I waited 3 years after high school to make SURE I was ready to hold that kind of responsibility for a gamble at the job market. Just because these kids were too stupid to think ahead doesn't mean they should be forgiven.
I forgot, this generation doesn't understand what consent means. Fuck you all.
because why did an entire generation bet on not being accountable for the debts they incurred? She's already fat. that costs taxpayer money. She has a bullsit degree. That cost taxpayer money through makework jobs. She's a feminist that destroys the white nuclear home preventing much needed tax income. She's basically the american anti prosperity. Fuck her and all she stands for I hope she dies.
Fuck you pol
I'm 25, still in school, and my debt is rising in the triple digits
What the fuck am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to concentrate on my studies ? Why am I punished for pursuing my dreams ?
Should we just give everyone the ability to reneg on contracts?
absolutely brutal
>women's studies
why not replace this bullshit with sewing, jewel smithing and knitting, that would at least be useful
I have no problem footing the bill for people that get degrees useful to society as a whole. Oh you're smart and would make a good doctor or business person but can't afford it? Sure paying for your schooling is then an investment in the community. Even SOME liberal arts would make sense. Literature and philosophy et al. are important to a society as a whole, but we have too many fucking gender studies students.
>what am I supposed to do?
Pay debts.
I never will be able to
Student loans fucking people over is a meme. I'm 18 just about to go into college and I've had to sign three papers saying I'm informed and plan on paying off my student loans. The best part is, I'm not taking student loans right now. You signed you would pay it, now pay it.
>this stupid bitch majored in fairy tale magic and is expecting other people to shoulder her $280,000 in debt
Then you shouldn't have gone to an expensive-ass school for years upon years unless you had a solid plan on how to pay it back to before paying for it. Stop buying shit you can't pay for such as your education.
But I had to to pursue what I want in life. Would you rather I just give up?
1. pay bills.
2. you kick out anything that distracts you
3. because your dreams are unrealistic
also, chekd
There's a million other people pursuing what they want in life. Some are bound to fail. The idea of going to college is to get a good enough job afterwards to pay off your debt.
study something that pays $100K after 3-5 years of work experience and you'll be fine. Defer debts, refinance your loans if possible and if interest rates rise, pay the minimum
that depends on what you want to do in life. What are you studying for and then I'll tell you whether or not to give up on your dreams
Use that degree and get a job, stop wasting money on frivolous things like the latest iShit, Cook your own food instead of eating out, and make extra payments on your loan so that you start paying off the principle instead of just the interest.
The last bit there was super important. If you agree to a loan like this and only make the minimum fucking payments every month, then you deserve every fucking decade of misery of your mistake. Pay off the damn principle. Compounding interest is a bitch.
Why do you insist on me getting fucked to rectify her poor life choices? She chose to take out those loans, knowing full well she would have to pay them back one day. She also knew what the interest rates would be. Her debt isn't any more my responsibility than mine it's her's
but Arpad basci, that's so intolerant
i hope this fat pig starves to death
>why am i punished for being financially irresponsible
Then why did you agree to the loans idiot?
Because taking money should be free, this is good for economy, and responsibility should only lie on government, no person should be responsible for their own decisions, yet when consensual rape occures, it is always men's fault.
Fuck this gay earth.
i rape women with loans and bank checks
Stop opressing them by abusing your banker priviledge!
banker? no, i literally rape them with bank notes and contracts
Do you fold bank notes and contract in tubes and then proceed with penetration?
Is this what Sup Forums is now? Just constant, incessant, never-ending, limitless, redundant troll/bait thread after troll/bait thread after troll/bait thread?
its usually less romantic than that
I don't, actually. I'm in favor of ending student loans and ending the entire vampiric 'education' industry scam in fact.
Why does every hamplanet think getting multiple piercings and dying their hair will somehow make them as hot as any average woman? Seriously just lose some damn weight instead of bitching that the patriarchy is oppressing you because men don't want to get crushed under your flabs.
>But I had to to pursue what I want in life
Tough shit. Real life isn't gum drops and ice cream.
Because instead of going to university like a lazy, entitled piece of shit, I went out, got a job and did something with my life.
I don't want to spend a single penny on 'people' that hate me for being better than them.
>Why do you guys insist on fucking over an entire generation?
This generation is already fucked with the over saturation and devaluation of a university education, the complete lack of stable low-skill or tradesmen jobs, the depletion of our natural resources and destruction of our ecosystems that comes with having 100 million people with absolutely ZERO respect for nature, the globalist agenda which seeks to continue these trends and make the rest of the developed world just as mongrolized and dirty as the US has been made in the past fifty years, and finally this generation has been so brainwashed by the left and a hundred years of moral and social decline, that 95% of them are ashamed to be alive OR are some non-white both of which have zero patriotism, zero loyalty to this country, and ZERO respect for the laws of this land, it's constitution, it's heritage, and the continuation of this blessed nation.
Yep, nuns were the worst too. Spout off about progressive Bullshit and civil rights while literally abusing kids.
Shit, Catholic school I went to got shut down by cps because they were beating the shit out of us. Nuns are the reason I lost my faith, fucking cunts.
How do we fix it though?
25 years old user here, I had a job since I was 16 and I'm switching part time while getting a meme degree. I'll have no debt once I finish and it might even open me new opportunities though I'm not betting on that yet, You can follow your dream just don't be retard about it.
This "work" you speak of. I don't understand. I am a womyn. I am big and beautiful. The world needs to pay for me to learn to tell them why they are wrong and should support me.
A hard reset. A civil war, race war, or a massive economic crisis that we don't recover from in our life times. Struggle is the father of all things.
The world doesn't work like that sweetheart. You should have studied STEM and gotten that free ride your sister created for you. You'd even get the benefit from actually having a brain to back those claim of yours instead of feefee.