If i emigrate into USA
Am i an american
Or am i still a croatian
If i emigrate into USA
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Do it legally and become naturalized, then you can be called an American.
If you do it legally, you are an American in my book. If you do it illegally, you are sub-human and should be sent to the gas chamber.
Legally? Your an american the day you step foot in our country friend.
You can easily become American if you have a job offer or a relative there.
Basically being American means nothing.
Well obviously legally, why would i do it otherwise.
You'd be surprised. That's why we are going to build the wall and kick and the undeported immigrants out.
Can't wait for you to help.
Well even tho i identify as communist, i still think trump is the best option
>i identify as communist,
ah, sorry to hear that, commies aren't welcome.
I'm going to Croatia soon. What's your address? Also, do you have children?
Looks like someone's just finished watching
Didn't realise how friendly Americans are towards issues like this.
Scotbro thinking of moving to America here, you've really made me feel better.
Thinking of moving to Oregon, Montana or Maryland.
Very few americans are against all immigration. Youll notice the divide is between the liberals who want to take in literately everyone from everywhere at once no matter what. And conservatives who want people to go through the proper channels and prefer people who are willing to work. At the end of the day though anyone on earth can become an american and thats kinda the point.
whoever you want to be when it suits you.
I'm English American - born in Leicester, now a US citizen.
GrljevaĨka 128 podstrana, we have apartments too, and yes
It's really no big deal as long as you're white. We're a nation of mongrels of mixed descent from various ethnicities anyway. It's not like intraeuropean immigration where a bunch of poles moving to the UK fucks up the UK's ethnicity.
It's all good as long as you try your best to integrate. None of this "I'm going to live in little china and 5 generations later, the people living there still don't speak english or have american cultural values" bullshit.
Yep, basically just don't be like this cunt.
If you emigrate legally, you are an American and people will probably define you as Croatian-American.
If you emigrate illegally, you have to go back
See you soon.
I know a croatian guy
Really cool dude
I told him if he was ever in the states he could sit on my face
You have to wear a Croatian football shirt too, so we can pick you out in a crowd.
Why does everyone think i would immigrate illegaly, is it really that much of a problem?
You would be a Croatian-American
Like how us Mexicans are Mexican-Americans
You don't need a job anymore. You just need to cross the border.
This. If you become a legal citizen you become on of us. Burgers and rifles are sold separately.
You'll be part of the
What does the community think of slavs? Is there any discriminstion?
Of course. "You become American by saying others do not deserve to be American." -me rite noa
You guys seem like the strongest type of whites
top capitalist banter
You were founded as an axis nation. You will be welcomed as my grandmother was.
If you join the Church, no one will question your Americanism.
My parents are Croatian. I don't really consider myself American and will never really consider be considered true blue American because of my last name. I only consider the descendants of the original English and Dutch settlers Americans desu.
At the same time I don't really consider myself Croatian either.
come to the US
get shot
go back to Croatia in a casket
Well my grand parents fought aginst it
And i wont join the church, but ill let my children decide if they will
Look, I'm gonna level with you, I was gonna come to your house and make a mess but I think it would be better if you drowned your kids in the bath and then killed yourself in a sanitary way.
Why would they?
Good luck
Traitors. He's your typical jew-grade degenerate who will travel the world destroying nations with commie sentiment.
Cause it sold the part we live in to italy, basicly hypocrites
Redemption for someone like you can only come if you kill your kids and then yourself.
Any based states to move to? I like woods, wilderness and history.
fuck off, we don't want ustase, only brave srpski dobrovoljci
if you integrate, you're american (irish and asians managed quite nicely)
if you stay in your own stupid little sects and never interact unless forced to and start trying to bend everything to how it was back where you came from, you're just another leech like the niggers
You are still croatian.
Your children will be croatian americans.
Your grandchildren will be niggers.
White american... also makes you really think.
Just like the African-Americans
Btw they are basicly the same
Not true, when Italians immigrate here they are still Italians.
>close to NY, Canada and plently of National Parks.
You might have won me over.
obvious bait.
Move to a midwestern state, Missouri is a good one!
Im going there to disconnect from my people, cause of the hatred about history
You may have american citizenship, but you're still croatian.
A dog born in a stable is still a dog, not a horse.
So there are no americans except natives?
Suicide is the only honourable option for you. You're shit and you know that.
I worked for a couple of Croatians who came over in the 90s
They were based
Same goes for brazilians then?
Luckily you dont have to commit suicide
Oh, the flag. I'm here on a work visa. I'll be home in just a little while.
Same. The continent belongs to the natives. Europeans are invaders in the Americas just like Arabs and Africans are in Europe. To think of one place like this but not of another is inconsistent.
So what is the best state, im looking for a state/city that supports:
Gun rights
Internet faster than 10MB
Relatively safe
Would like some woods
You're so weak. They took that land, it's theirs now.
You sound like a pakistinian.
>They took that land, it's theirs now.
If a nigger steals your bike it doesn't become his. It's both stolen and yours.
I live in Oklahoma. We've got all of the above. My internet is 60mb/s
American, my Croatian brother.
^ that is how you'll be seen
If a colonialist steal your bike and makes the laws then it isn't.
You're a hue faggot that's scared of everything and will always side with victims because you have to since strong people don't want you around.
Well it took me a 17 years but I gets I can call myself america an now. The relationship test is going back "home" and discovering you no longer fit in with the people of the Cou try of your birth.
He's a communist.
if you come
drink a microbrew IPA
cook yourself a hamburger
sit down to watch the game
cuss and burp loudly at regular intervals
you might be an american
Doubt it. I have a Ruski friend who was an orphan there
They take to the republican party well
>If a colonialist steal your bike and makes the laws then it isn't.
Yes, it is.
>You're a hue faggot that's scared of everything and will always side with victims because you have to since strong people don't want you around.
No, I'm just consistent. Either Europeans can steal land from Native Americans, and so can Muslims from Europeans, or no one can steal and will always be a foreigner at best (and an invader at worst) outside of their ancestral homeland.
I wouldn't expect consistency from a leaf, though. You're probably a mutt desperate for a homeland.
No, like, he stated that he's a communist in this thread.
NIgger listen,
I born in USA have both citizenship and i'm still Roach.
Midwest or Western states like Montana and Kansas.
Got me there, leaf.
Good. Now go bounce your ass up and down and put the video on youtube.
Oh, he's gonna be friends with liberals abd gays then. Have fun.
>the leaf is a degenerate homosexual
Not surprising desu
>If a nigger steals your bike it doesn't become his
It totally does.
You literally have to steal it back
Northern New England. Whitest part of the country
Although i am communist im not liberal, voting trump if i get in time
Deny our commie shit entry, swallowing poison is bad isn't it, we'll root out the dalmatian trash we have in our country soon enough. Komunjaro zmazana
Even as a tourist?
Vrati se u hercegovinu
Hahaha mamu ti jebem posrbljenu, borili se 5 godina protiv lopova poput vas i vase lopovske ideologije. Aj ti mars u crnu goru natrag i tam si prakticiraj lopoluk i ljenost
West Virginia is the most patrician state.
Epska mema
Any fucker who legally immigrates to the US and becomes a citizen is American (in addition to whatever they were before, if they want)
that's the whole point of the country
You're a Croatian in America until you become a naturalized citizen
Then you're an American
Define naturalized, speak the language well? Give up my croatian nationality?