Find a flaw

find a flaw.

is she on drugs or something, what is wrong with her face

fat and pigeon toed.

she's a turkroach


h-how did you know?

Negligible boobage.

-split ends
-bruises on legs
-missing middle toes

you two shouldnt have any trouble spotting your kin :^)

cause you used to post threads about her on Sup Forums every fucking day

Where's the kitchen?

a flaw? the person in the picture



Is that mummy?

What are the lines on her chest? I hope it's a bad tan and not scars

Shes not publicly humiliating me

Alien-face knees

would you let her pee on your face in public?

would fugg
gib sauce

No hips
>pigeon toed

nihal candan

I was joking you sicko turkroach

Like I said before, get help for your mommy issues

not white


That 'I'm a bitch' look tattood on her face.