Conservashits BTFO
Conservashits BTFO
>tell faggots to use the restroom meant for their gender
>killing 50 people
>thinking these two things are the same
They can't let lose of the white men, as it seems.
It's an obsession..
Gay men BTFO
They got what was coming for them by refusing to date trans people!!!
Liberals love false equivalences It's like when they compare ISIS to the Westboro Church (I probably spelled that wrong). Yeah, like being assholes and holding signs is the same as ISIS members decapitating people on the streets to a crowd of "allah akbar" chants.
Denying a trans/gay person access to the same restroom as your child isn't even remotely similar to killing 50 of them
Rectum pounders BTFO
As a huge Gay rights supporter I really wish these trannies would stop latching onto them. Drop the T in LGBT
An attack on any part of a community is an attack on the whole.
Sure, the mudslime attacked a buncha fags this time, but he could have arbitrarily decided to have attack a hospital or a school.
Even if you're someone who wants to lynch all the homos this is still quite obviously an impermissible transgression.
>all christian white males are the same person
And while there have been some exceptions, as there are with any group of people, Christian white males have been pretty nice to me. A hell of a lot better than Muslims would be, that's for sure. I simply do not understand why the left continues to push the "Christian white male" meme instead of facing the real problems that are leading to people being killed, sometimes in horrific ways.
>America is one person
We shoul be more cafeful about what memes we manifest into reality.
So I should hate both the LGBT and Islamist.
Who says that you should beat down trannies in public restrooms?
Hell, who even says that trannies shouldn't have access to public restrooms?
The argument is that trannies should use the restroom associated with their actual biological sex.
Nobody's saying that they shouldn't have access, they're just saying that they should follow the rules the rest of us do.
What made up bullshit.
Can these liberals ever not make strawmen out of their opponents?
In liberal America faggots can cower in whichever bathroom they want while they are being shot by Muslims.
>if i dont want them with my daughter in the same public showers Im as bad as the people who want to kill them.
god those people....
It's almost like being tranny is selfish, unnecessary, and causes problems for society. I wonder which demographic was saying this from the start.
>They don't like us using certain bathrooms!
>They get upset when we're slaughtered!
I can't believe this is real. They literally think the above two views can't be sanely held by the same person or group.
I too watched the molymeme video
Are you talking about Omar "Put A Mag In Every Fag" Mateen?
Nobody likes gays, but limp-wristed conservatived dont actually want to kill them.
I dont really care though, they clearly need to be supressed somehow. This way it both gains political power for Trump and 50 mexican faggots got to bite the bullet. All is well that ends well...
Assigned Male is shit but that was actually pretty good.