It's true

It's true

Other urls found in this thread:

>gay cowboys eating pudding.

my god scary time we live in when that homo is correct.

>post yfw gays are getting redpilled

lol my mother in law has the same purse.

It's the truth. Libs chose Islam over gays.

>scary time we live in when that homo is correct.
>mfw many of his views align with Sup Forums's but he has big enough balls to actually express them publicly rather than on a sub-saharan african mud hut building chat room

It's completely and utterly baffling that it isn't just common sense for them to understand these facts. To the point where I just have to assume it's just a vocal group of young, impressionable, bleeding-heart leftists that make it seem like gay people don't understand reality.

It's funny. Milo noticed and pointed out that Feminism and the Social Juices don't care for Gay Men because they are overtly masculine, venerate masculinity and won their little war for marriage. And now the "left" is trying to demonize gay men for not being victims enough. Then they became legitimate actual victims or a real crime/terrorism, and this left has said "Nope, the Muslim didn't do nothin', because he's more oppressed."

Clearly he's got his fingers in the pulse.

I'll consider them redpilled when they finally denounce Islam.

Well /lbgt/ is 50% Sup Forums anyway so you Amerifats sort of know what to expect
Saddle up homo's, meme magic is going to rectal cleanse Islam

Post yfw homos are the ones who take the west back for the white man.


The degeneracy is collapsing, divide et impera
And we didn't even do anything

>implying those pussies could ever handle a gun
can't wait for more fags to get btfo

In France some of the biggest supports of the front national are gays. Even in Britain we have based gays like Douglas Murray giving Islam both barrels. This weird sickness where homos blame a Muslim terrorist killing homos on white people seems to be an American disease

Milo has been redpilled longer than most of Sup Forums desu

>I see what you did there

If faggots weren't such bitches theyd find themselves accepted more broadly.

I'm all for arming the homos. Maybe they'll produce some nice leather gun cases or a good looking ccw harnesses with brass hardware made from the skins of some exotic weasel type creature?


>protect yourself
>with a Vuiton bag

One of the leaders of the FN has been revealed to be gay by the media. It has become pretty obvious for many of them that sharia isn't going to be a kind society for them.

>sub-saharan african mud hut building chat room

Top kek

what kind of gay-ass shit is that, I fully support concentration camps for muslims. It's about the survival of me, my fellow fags and indeed my whole race and culture so I don't give a shit about the ethics

florida needs to allow open carry for gays. we need to protect this precious asset.



Well then why don't you open up tumblr or whatever you faggots use and see what your own community is saying about the religion of peace.

This faggot kike brit obviously knows how to meme himself.


>not carrying cans of food, a radio, toilet paper, lube and other necessary survival items in your Vuiton bag in case of a happening
You're not gonna make it

Way ahead of you.

t. Faggot

i don't interact with them

As long as I'm not gonna get mugged by gays, then fuck it, bring your assault rifles in your gucci bags.

Faggots take the redpill rectally.

>necessary survival item

I see the ways of the ancient greeks are still strong

>post yfw gays hate white people and christians even more thanks to this.

Reminder that in the 21st century a gay hating, homosexual Muslim shooting 50 homosexuals is the fault of white people.

How do you even end up this retarded? I used to think the Cultural Marxism meme was just that, now I'm seeing proof of it for myself.

The pyramids suck my ass, Abdul...

Please tell me this is an image from here.

>gays are getting redpilled
Milo is redpilled, gays as a whole are more bluepilled than white-guilt suburbanites.


They're taking it up the bum but by God they're taking it.

Here's the thing Sup Forums:

Nothing should scare you more than a well-armed army of gay men.

Where straight man have children they need to care for, children who need them to be alive, a gay man has no one who depends on them.

Where straight man have a wife who waits for them at home, a wife who can't fight for herself, a gay man has another man by his side. A man who can fight for himself just as much as for his lover. A man who shares a bond with his comrade so much deeper than anything straight men can ever hope have.

Where straight man need to survive for your whole culture to survive... a gay man is expendable.

Pray that gay men never realise how much power they have because they don't need to survive for anybody but themselves.

If they do, pray that they fight hordes of sandniggers, because that would mean that you can sit at home, comfy, while childless gay men die for your future.

They'll also never cuck you, so that's a plus point,too.

then the pyrimids must be male, goldburg.

It's not just the fault of white people, but leftists are struggling to absolve Islamic State of all guilt.

If it's the fault of IS, it can't be the fault of guns.
Therefore IS -must- be innocent.

>tfw you will never get fucked by milo

Lol if gays are so good at war, why did Germany lose WWI and WWII...

Homos are about to get the red suppository.

I don't follow, how again is this white christians fault?

You think he keeps magazines in his purse, or just Parade?


>the band of Thebes

Fun fact: Milo's preferred candidate and the political party Daddy's trying to run can and will do more harm to American homosexuals than twenty Omars would :3

Because ... ?

I can't wait to look fucking fabulous in my new chest rig!

You could easily store like 300+ rounds worth of mags in there by the looks of it.

and why is that?

Was previously against Trump, but after this latest atrocity i'm all for him. I'm also 99% sure he'll win now.

Islam = major problem. And i say this as someone who is fairly liberal.

Not an argument

Come home to Daddy.

fuck young people. yes it's a hate crime against homos but the only reason it's a hate crime because it was fucking driven by a god damn radical muslim terrorist that despises gays because of his religion

>get mugged by gays
>lose wallet but receive good fashion tips

Do I really need to say it?

>I used to think the Cultural Marxism meme was just that
It's incredible how many truths are perceived as "just memes" until the evidence for their existence becomes insurmountable

Trump's not perfect, but he's the best we've got.

>You were born just in time to witness an anti-Muslim homo militia

If AIDS won't deter them, what makes you think bullets will?

Don't expect any miracles.

He's the last chance the left are getting before we have to turn full rudder to "Gas the Kikes" and install an actual "New Hitler."

You're not wrong.

If faggots joined a militia and assaulted and raped gaybashing Muslims that'd be fucking funny desu

Fucking kek


Ignore this kike faggot. He's nothing but another subversive Jew.


Stones will work just fine

When will the Pink Panther Party Emerge?

>red pill
You mean red suppository?

Cartman predicted Brokeback Mountain years in advance.

Well, Omars are criminals murdering fags piecemeal, whereas the GOP that wants to marginalize fags by any means necessary (exempt them from equal access to goods and services, re-ban gay marriage, make sure people are allowed to fire or deny housing to people because they're gay, keep homosexuality out of sex education classes, etc) on an institutional level.

Half this country is absolutely furious gay people exist. The GOP caters to them and tolerates Milo as their pet fag.

This will end in vigilante groups, revolution and an Islamic holocaust unless something is done - and fast.

>gays begin arming themselves
>sudden rise of mass shootings in wedding cake bakeries

Based faggot

>come to Sup Forums because browsing for porn on /hm/ was far more structured than tumblr
>get redpilled
It's a strange story.

Fags and muzzies BTFO eachothers
What a time to be alive.

He's using his gayness as a shield from liberalism. And then showing the shield break down by forcing liberals to show how much they hate whiteness regardless.

When does this faggot have his event today?

>Half this country is absolutely furious gay people exist.
Never actually met anyone who hates gays. Most people aren't fans of faggotry, but the actual homosexuality is a non-issue at this point.

not in my bakery...

(sirens in the distance)



>gay people get shoot by homophobic people who own guns legally

That guy bleaches his hair.

nigga if your wife cant handle a sidearm thats on you


>Most people aren't fans of faggotry

translation: "you can be gay as long as I never, ever notice it"

But yeah, half is hyperbolic. Still, a considerable chunk of this nation (and a massive chunk of the GOP) is mad about the visibility and social acceptability of homosexuality, and the GOP's far more interested in catering to them than it is in protecting gays from mudslimes.

That low cap. mag, he must be in some liberal state

>Sacred Band of Thebes
>consisting of 150 pairs of male lovers
>formed the elite force of the Theban army in the 4th century BC

>composed of "lovers and their favorites, thus indicating the dignity of the god Eros in that they embrace a glorious death in preference to a dishonorable and reprehensible life"
>composed of men "devoted to each other by mutual obligations of love"

> origin of the "sacred" appellation
>due to an exchange of sacred vows between lover and beloved at the shrine of Iolaus

Paging all homos:
Praise Eros! Praise Iolaus!
Glory in battle! Eternity in Victory!

Looks like a magpul 30rd mayne

There's a quite a demonstrable difference between disliking the act of sticking your dick in a fartbox and deliberately perforating people with bullets in a nightclub.

>americans get shot by islamic terrorist
>I know lets disarm and make it easy for them

>Us, ourselves

Is this guy a faggot?