Orlando is the fault of white people

White supremacy caused the Orlando massacre.


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Are they just making stuff up now?


Jesus Christ I wish communism prevailed in the cold war

>be nonbinary qudroqeer demifag transfat
>get shot by muslim
>fuck white people

Is suicide the only way how to get off this ride?

? communism is what fuels this shit

It did

no just let these idiots destroy themselves. There is no helping these people.

But they are destroying everything else in the proces.
It feels like you are captain on the ship and some faggots are cutting holes in it. Sure they will drown, but how well can you swim?

>its the commies I swear
Sure "However, in the 1930s, LGBT themes faced official government censorship, and a uniformly harsher policy across the entire Soviet Union was put into place, with homosexuality being officially labelled as a disease"

I'm seeing this all over my facebook feed and it makes me sick. When will it end?

What's the difference between latinx and regular latins?

>west frees slaves
>west passes laws to stop discrimination based on race, sexual orientation, etc.
>west pushes idea that everyone is equal and deserves to be treated so
>west allows trannys into the bathroom they want
>west allows gays to be married
>west lets people practice what ever religion they want

How to these people respond?

>It's obviously the west fault because they're so filled with hatred and bigotry

Send all of these people to Islamic countries. They don't deserve the luxury of living over here. And you know what I wouldn't mind trading for a hardworking sandnigger that just wants to make their way in a free society. Hell some allahhuakbar girls are qt. And they'd definitely appreciate the country more than these ungrateful sell outs. Every lib who thinks America is racist and bigoted needs to spend at least a month over seas in an Arab country.

Latinx gets out the tough stains.

>Sabrina Lynn Hyvärinen
Why must our women be so blue-pilled...

lol liberals. And they wonder why Trump is winning.

>capitalism is bad

Please move to venezuela

Silly white people, brown people can never be responsible for horrific acts of violence.

So move. Fuck off to one of those third world countries I constantly hear these spastics talking about, why would you stay in a place where you're constantly oppressed? Oh because other places, the places these fucking inbreds who are "misunderstood" come from, are much fucking worse? That's what I thought. Pieces of S H I T.

fucking white people I knew it

even if a muslim terrorist would kill their parents, siblings and friends right before their eyes and explain to them that they did it because they deeply hate everything they live and stand for they will blame white people. these people are completely batshit insane. Someone just send their ungrateful asses to Saudi Arabia so they see what real oppression is. God fucking damn it!

>most of the people killed were degenerate insane faggots like these
they'll be dearly missed

> captain on the ship
youre not the captain, youre a passenger. Leave the ship and swim to the closest island.


I'm black and my mom says this shit. She also says Trump will bring back slavery(as if the mudslimes won't)

Comments are on point, at least.

yes the commies have found out that there original methods didnt work so they went for culture instead

The narrative? Well among Facebook’s “trending topics” one was about the Texas Lt. Gov’s ambiguous Twitter reference to scripture, the Westboro Baptist Church (membership < 100) response to the attack, Trump's comment on the attack, and Tom Brokaw's call for gun control.

The narrative will never take a hit, because the people who control the narrative will block all criticism.

I'm just about past the point of giving a shit. The vast majority of these attacks are on people who are orgasmically pro-pc/multicult/open borders – the Twin Towers, airplanes full of Left Coasters headed to Los Angeles, Left Coast government employees, Bostonians at a marathon, Parisians at nightclubs, gay Latinos at nightclubs, etc. Sure there's the occasional attack on an Army base or recruiting center or flyover country shopping mall (Trolley Square in Salt Lake City), but nevertheless it's mostly lefties who are getting slaughtered now and in the future, just like it's blacks who have suffered the most from BLM.

Fuck em all. If they want to die then they can die. I'm sorry for them, but I won't feel myself accountable for full-grown adults who refuse to accept reality and call me a bigot for not sharing in their delusions.

holy shit she almost broke the fucking echo.
>giving mentally unstable people a voice
absolutely haram

I'm finding it hard to have sympathy for these faggots now

Everything in the world now have a #.
Do people even understand what are they writing?
it's like Eminem's gibberish

It's just buzzword soup. It doesn't actually mean anything.

She's virtue signalling and trying to seem intelligent at the same time. It's classic facebook.

It's also a consequence of the "intersectional politics" cancer. You can't JUST support gays, or blacks, or homeless, or whatever. You have to support all of them at the same time, because piggybacking nonsense causes (transgenders, kill all men, etc) on valid and accepted causes (gays, equal rights for blacks) is easier than actually making an argument.

the only people that wants slaves are progressives

im pretty sure no one here wants to rule over non-whites

This is communism, retard.

>Classic SJW nonsense

>Queer Latinx Leaders

That's even funnier than Mexican intellectuals

If you can't trust their judgment..

> Then don't trust their judgment.

This is your doing communigger.

"white supremacy"
Are these fucking faggots for real?

reminder that it's not even the faggots pushing this, but the (((media)))
right now all the gays want is emotional support since this is the first time in a long while that gays in the west were outright butchered
they're undoubtedly pissed right now that the media is twisting the event to protect the person that murdered them, so expect a lot more redpilled homosex

>the only people that wants slaves are progressives

this. the only people nowadays making everything about skincolor are the fucking progressives themselves also they're complaining about blacks who are actually smart, don't act and talk like fucking ghetto nigger thugs and make something out of their lives and call them race traitors.

It did, communism is what controls the US right now. Exact same brand of collectivism, being financed by the exact same people, but now they have more sophisticated tools to work with.

not so sure about that. Too much of them have been brainwashed to a point of no return already

>Make a living blaming white people for everything
Why would they stop now? 50 of them are dead. White people need to pay!

Undoubtedly there are many past the point of no return. But I wager many are not political and will be swayed by this.

to these people it doesn't matter what anyone does, they are professional victims. right now they cry about "500 years of oppression", 500 years from now there will be people like this crying about "1000 years of oppression" even when there is absolutely zero evidence for it.

they will never ever be satisfied because they live in utter delusion. the media enables them. if we were being intellectually honest, we would group crazies like these with the tinfoiler reptilian conspiracy theorists. it's only because they are politically useful (read: subversive) that these idiots get a platform at all

>muh capitalism and colonialism
Why couldn't these people be the ones that were in that nightclub?
These delusional cucks have 'explanations' and excuses for everything.

That's not really fair. A lot of them just keep their heads down and don't say anything, because biting the hand that feeds them (while surrounded by hardcore SJW cucks) is not a good idea.

Ideologically, a very large portion of gays align with conservatives, and now that Trump has dampened the religious overtones of the GOP, he has a real chance to bring them into the party.
What a move that would be. It would boost his votes AND destroy the Democrat claim on the moral high ground.

The Soviets under people like Stalin slaughtered these people wholesale.
No coincidence he ended up going after the jews too.

>destroy the Democrat claim on the moral high ground
I deeply hope so

>These delusional cucks have 'explanations' and excuses for everything.
Welcome to critical theory, where logic is sexist and racist, and the truth is literally whatever you want it to be (and no one is allowed to argue with you).

At least we'll get Trump soon. If not we'll be shipping in rapefugees and then they'll see first hand, but then it'll be too late

enjoy working with muzzies fags hope you can fly


This. I stopped feeling sad after these attacks because I think so much of the sadness comes from shock, unpreparedness, and the shattered belief that the multicultural project can work.

Aw, finally in a post-Zimmerman Florida, I a hispanic man am not considered white anymore. Am I still allowed to post here though?

Where do fags get this idea that Muslims are their friends?

Yes and no. Identity politics guarantees generalizing groups of people instead of understanding the individual.

They're trying to simplify the incredibly complex and higher-order interactions of political oppression into hard segments of

>What you look like
>Who you sleep with
>How you perceive yourself

By necessity, they have to keep creating more and more specific terminology to reconcile the inconsistencies in their philosophy.

It's what happens with any philosophy formed from the conclusion backwards.

Effectively, their terms are only understood or useful within their own framework.

enjoy your freedom faggots amerishits lmao

These people bitching would do better in society if they stopped crying.
The white mang aint holding them down, their feels are


>50 spic fags killed by Afghani Muslim immigrant

>White people are to blame

Libfags are worthless and I'm past caring about people that openly work against white civilization. Let em all burn.

Your next Mexico! Just wait until you get blacked and Mudslimed. We won't be around to protect you when your women are being colonized and feed Halal semen.

I'm literally offended by this. They are discounting the 80 million pooloo deaths at the hands of Muslims before those 500 years

Latinix is the retarded way of being "gender inclusive" instead of saying Latino community.

Really makes you shrink.

He was born in the USA

Nobody will ever give a shit what you think about anything if you're too fucking lazy to learn basic aspects before spouting of your assumptions as if they were facts.


These people are the reason more and more are shifting to Trump

No. We would have to ship in ten million or more for anything to get past inevitable media blackouts, on top of the retarded right wing media machine numbing our ears to complaints.

Shit this is for

>we wouldn't have to murder so much if there wern't so many of you
>fucking white people bringing this on yourselves baka


If Hillary gets her way we're going to be shipping in more than ten million

>it's not the fault of one group
omg those fucking christians and their bakery. White people, am right?

Faggy little cowards afraid of muslims in their next lefty Freaks Coalition

OK OK his parents were the immigrants. Really got me. You are exactly like the apologists that claimed the Paris attackers were European. There point is that we are importing a fifth column of civilization destroyers.

Fucking faggots

You're a fucking WHITE MALE!

>He was born in the USA

and raises by a racist Taliban supporting family you fucking leaf. Go smoke your vape pen and stay off this board.

Instant Classic

>Sure "However, in the 1930s, LGBT themes faced official government censorship, and a uniformly harsher policy across the entire Soviet Union was put into place, with homosexuality being officially labelled as a disease"
True but communists were very anti-nation, anti-border and pro-multiculti. And we know what this means.

I've always thought "banishment" should be a criminal punishment.

This is why Trump is winning. They have no one to blame but themselves, they pushed it too far over the past decade.


Yuri Bezmenov was right all along,everything is happening just the way he said it would.

They were. Bullets are the ultimate redpill.

Not banishment just a stay abroad to see what actual bigotry and hatred looks like. We could send them to the UK to show what happens when immigration goes too far

Let's go ahead and ignore Spanish colonization in South/Central America. It's all white people's fault. I am sick of this shit.

wheb you syop using facebook, dummy


Holy fuck, society really has gone to shit.

Srsly. Let Muslims, leftists, liberals and faggots kill each other. Just lean back and watch the magic white men.

Then when only one decimated group of degenerate filth is left - end them rightly.

Problem solved.

Jesus, user, that post just have me a boner.

Real quick guys, how many people have muslims killed in terror attacks this year?

I think it was 2000+ in March.
Estimate at least 500 per month as minimum.

>Latino night in a gay bar
>Most illogical of all possible responses
I hope some gay vato twink bitchsmacks her dumb ass

Orlando is liberated by gays like Detroit by blacks.

Underrated post.

Backwards rationalization(Backwards concluding) affects many different flawed ideologies TBQH Famalam

Hey not all of us Bostonians are cucked, the ones who don't go or work in the colleges are usually fairly conservative in my experience anyway

why is there 900 views on youtube but 600 thousand views and 14 thousand shares on facebook?

It was Republicans fault

>Trans Queer Liberation Movement
What are they liberating themselves from in the West? The freedom to be freaky in their own homes without the door being kicked in by, say, sharia morality police, being dragged away and hung from a crane?

The freedom to type that shit into the internet without the same occurring?

Of all people in the West, they have a righteous enemy in islam. But nooooo... there's no money in kicking off against muslims, no backpats, and it might even be a bit dangerous. I guess they'll have to stick with liberating themselves from sanity, as always.