Fucking london

I mean really?

>being this cucked


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Poor brits

>feminists cant be angry becuase hes a muslim

>Sadiq Khan argued for the move by appropriating the language of feminism, claiming that alluring images of beautiful women could make them “ashamed of their bodies”.
The left has been grooming the public for this for a long time.

Also is there any real hope for our distant related euro bros? Or should I give up hope and let the muslims have them.

Be seeing you London. I'm sure you can get by without my money or investment. You had better hope that the majority doesn't do the same and defund your expensive ways.


Is this a bad thing?
Based Mayor bringing about the downfall of (((cultural marxism))) with the protection of the left.

>not wanting to ban degenerate images in public

Can;'t critique the Sadiq

Did anyone used to want to visit London at some point but now the thought terrifies you?

its britianstain, its a muslim country what do you expect.

>The left has been grooming the public for this for a long time.
The west betrayed by the west
how did this even happen?

We're not really much better here in the US, lad. I mean look at our president.

It's sad, but it's also inevitable.

we will not dissapoint you dad.

we're gonna fucking destroy everything once we've been poked enough

Let the creeping sharia law begin.

Surely the most pressing issue of our century. Sexy images of women.

Well what did they expect?
Its a muslim for fuck sake, britcucks getting what they voted for.

do people only come to london to look at bikini billboards?

What a Muslim move. I love how most people will consider this freak 'moderate', even though he's utterly insane. This is why """""""""moderates""""""""" never explain their position, they just claim to be moderate, and expect people to accept them.



I'm currently visiting london from another country, what do you want to know?

>breit fucking bart fucking dot fucking com

>>feminists cant be angry becuase hes a muslim
They probably support it. No "body shaming" that way.

Logical policy

Britain has no attractive women so fairy tale images can only cause despair

Shar'ia covertly succeeds in ending pornography and pornography-lite

London is basically another country within England, like the Vatican City in Rome.

>implying this is a bad thing


>not wanting to ban jewish degeneracy

Taqiya is slowly slipping away.

Full blown Sharia by next year.

What's the problem? You guys have been yearning for leaders against degeneracy and finally you have one.

how much for a direct flight from London to Karachi? I assume you were flying coach

>alluring images of beautiful women

tfw femnazis will support this until the muslims ban pictures of pigs

It's not so much wanting pornography to remain.
It's knowing that covert Shar'ia with the West's confused approbation will be doing much more than just this. Morons can't see the larger picture

I did. I find the red light too stimulating.

Sup Forums is siding with modernity over traditionalism, its really sad.

how many muzzie cocks have you ate?

Englishmen of the royal land, step up! Your country is not to be taken by invaders.

>tfw am sad the country's being shit on

>sjw/feminist-muslim alliance

There's no hope. Germany's population has ALREADY been tipped inexerably to a Muslim majority by 2020. Britain is not far behind. This is the future Europe chose. Hopefully the new world sees the mistakes of the old and goes into a state of Hemispheric Isolationism

Slipperly slope... Hope you britcucks stocked up on sleds.

If you'd like to explain how 5 percent of the population can become 51% in three and a half years, go right ahead.

I flew business mate, company paid for it so i'm not sure.

Sorry mate, not here to live out your fetish.

Oh I consider the slippery slope possibility, but it's very exaggerated, if Muslims wanted total Sharia they wouldn't be trying to leave IS. All I can hear is:
>It better not be Muslims who reform society in a way I want!

>muslims using postmodernist deconstruction techniques to trick feminists into doing their bidding

maximum subversion

the patriarchy has finally come to Britain, and it bears the mask of feminism


If Brexit doesn't happen, I'm sure muzzies will keep pouring in. How is the white British birth rate? Low? How unfortunate, muzzies has a ridiculous birth rate. I give it 20 years max. Germany is already fucked beyond repair tho, you still have a chance

5% is typically the population they hit where they start demanding shit that's disproportionate to their population. Enjoy your mandatory offered Halal meals in every restaurant

>when the islam kicks in

Maybe he'd prefer them covered up.

>how did this even happen?

britania has fallen

they want sharia, they just want also to appropriate the infrastructure and docile population that whites built

>All I can hear is:
>>It better not be Muslims who reform society in a way I want!


jesus you idiots
this has been on the cards since that "beach body" advert shitstorm a year or two ago. it's not really any thing to do with the wrath of khan

>haha britain is cucked
it's almost like 1 muslim didn't shoot 50 people dead a day or two ago isn't it

Londonbros quick put up pictures of victoria's secret models all around town

When was this a bad thing? Women need to be put in their place.

Lols. Japan have the best contraception ever invented. All their women are slanty eyed dogs.

Are you that petty? If your own people can't make the decisions you want it might as well be someone else.

Because the west wasn't betrayed by the west, but by the middle east.

This. They won't complain until the burkhas are literally forced upon them.

I would hope not, however I agree with the other American, all the fascist shit that I hear about in England and EU countries has destroyed my desire to go there as a tourist. Your countries are starting to look more like totalitarian third-world states such as North Korea. Hardly a break from America.

DESU fat people should be ashamed. Actually, anyone who feels shame when they see someone else reaching an ideal probably SHOULD feel shame.

Yeah right, why not just take away the last bit of joy I have left in my miserable life.
You'll just have to pry them out of my cold, dead hands then.

they will claim that it is liberating.

I seriously can't tell reality from fiction anymore


Hard to believe that just a few years ago feminists were arranging SlutWalks in every Western country. Now they're suddenly ready to accept Sharia.

>this is the future europe chose

burger talking about demographic suicide.


Didn't they have a naked bike ride a few days ago in London?

>elect muslim mayor
>act surprised when he does muslim things

>Body shaming women for being conventionally attractive

RIP Britain. I hope you're enjoying your Paki brother at the top.

Enjoy your victory, beady Anglo sow.

bodyshaming is prejudice + power friendo

meant for

I don't think anyone fetishizes subhumans here. They're pretty disgusting.

Compelling argument.

the guy on the left is cheating

This is how stupid feminists are, yes.

They only care about cock, either it's circumcised and they want it or it's not and they don't.

The Jews figured as much out over 3,000 years ago.

But the simple fact is women prefer a man who has been punished for being male by the male dominance hierarchy.

And this is why they spread wide for Islamic cock. They are not human, but instead, easily programmed insects with nothing more than fear and desire.

To be fair, I almost made a car accident on a busy road a few months ago because I got distracted by tits on a poster. An argument can be made against gigantic billboards at least.

> a spaghetti nigger getting distracted by tits

That's a fucking shock.

That gave me the cleanest burning kek

Hot damn, I dislike islam, but these guys are pretty damn smart. They oppress women and kill gays, and then hide behind oppression. People give them awards and medals and parades while they're lynching people, and stripping rights from women.

How are people this stupid?

Watch him ban bacon in supermarkets next.

>american education

>a burger too lazy to hover over my flag to check it
Or are your browsing with your head tilted in a 90 percent degree?


Do you sincerely believe that women would stop voting for immigration if everyone went to get a circumcision?

>90 percent degree

I'm okay with this.
It's pretty much a net positive.

Serious question. Why isnt the native population taking up arms in Britain right now right now?

>banning sexualized images of women
>not men

Islam confirmed gay.



Bin that knife geezer

oh a bikini! My eyes! What exactly are we dealing with here?

Oh well america is speeding off the cliff of I'm offended about everything too.

I'll see you in hell.


Honestly, if Islam embraced the following ideals, I probably wouldnt mind it at all...

>let people drink alcohol and eat ham
>drop the arabic language and inherent arabic culture within the religion
>drop the ninja costumes and just make women dress/behave modestly- use of handkerchief head wrap at most
>brown Muslims promise to leave white Muslims alone in their own countries after majority has converted

Fuck, thats it. Really wouldnt have a problem otherwise with Islam at all if it was just slightly tweaked like above.

Everything according to keikaku

TL Note: 'Keikaku' means 'plan'



Fuck making anyone do something they don't want

soon they will kuffar tax on your ass and you will happily take there bbc up it

it is hilarious, I was trying not to rub it in. lol