What to do when you have a 5 inch, kinda skinny cock?
>Will literally never be able to please
What to do when you have a 5 inch, kinda skinny cock?
>Will literally never be able to please
Just thrust aggressively and dominant yo girl
double down on the oral
Get good at licking pussy and playin mental games. Female orgasms are mental
Nothing. You just sit back and wait for her to invite Tyrone over when you're gone.
Open your relationship.
thundersplace forum may be your friend.
Had a friend, real nerdy type, mathmatics phd, told me he had an absolutely tiny cock, and turned it into a decent dick with jelqing, all day stretching and hanging weights.
If you go the pump method, check out bathmate, it doesnt create blowout bands, because when using air the pressure isnt equally distributed.
Also, I have a 5.5" dick and can please my woman, git gud.
You need a big black cock to fuck your girl while your watch. Don't forget to prep the bull before the penetration.
I'd rather have no relationship than be a cuck
I've had girlfriends in the past, they've never complained about sex but it's still something that bothers me
girls and guys like it.
>tfw 8 inch dick
>very dense hair
>183cm tall
I am happy I dont have to worry about all these insecurities you people have
Then why are you here?
Go to Japan and be above average.
You post about it on Sup Forums
They can help you.
because its the only place where freedom of speech is somewhat allowed
Become a trap.
>He fell for Le Giant Porn Dick Meme (TM)
5 inches is enough for most women. The only reason a woman would strongly prefer anything larger is because she was told it's what she wants by out retarded "culture." These are not the women you would want to have any kind of relationship with. It's a hyperbolicly superficial way to think about other people.
>you'll never have a girl ride your dick like that
Accept your place, and no that no meatsack can compare to the power of the robocock.
If you're a good boy she might let you drive.
Choline +
5HTP +
Tyrosine +
= 8"
I have a nice dick, around 18 cm but i'm BALDING, this is what really horrifies men.
generally it is claimed that balding is muuh genetics but from personal experience I only know people who are balding who have bad diet and are physically inactive
iktf, Aquafresh
Fuck off to r9k
Literally everything. Teasing, foreplay, cunnilingus.
This. I'm the same size but the several fat chicks I fuck enjoy it immensely.
It's genetics. Father is kinda more or less bald. He got this from his mother line.
No girl wants to wear a diaper later in life and thats where they are heading if they only fuck dragon dildo sized cocks.
Absolutely this. Learn to be proficient with what you have.
Fags and pornography (mainly produced by and watched by guys) have created the meme that normal women are really interested in huge dicks. Stupid feminist types have tried to latch on to this to create some imaginary parity with guys liking big tits so they can feel *empowered* or whatever.
It's just a meme, get fit, be sexually assertive and dominant, and if we're really getting serious a decent car and a serious 401K. That matters 1mm x more to women.
Don't be weird and insecure, that's what would turn women off in real life.
I can make my girl cum, but I'm sad I lack the aesthetics. I got a muscular broad body, 2 abs peeking out, and thick full hair. All I need is a 7.5" dick for me to love my body 10/10. Fuck accepting who you are.
do you have a good and clean diet? do you lift frequently?
Instead of basing your insecurity on penis size, base it on the amount of times you make a girl cum.
Eye color? IQ? Finances/career?
Are you perfect or are you lying about having insecurities?
I have what you need,
what will you offer me for my penis?
Or high test. I've been hairy as fuck since 13. Sadly I started balding at 20 something.
the neverending euphoria you will feel doing the right thing to make a beta male happy.
I have no problems getting girls to cum, but usually it only happens once, and before i cum.
that's just slightly below average
would be similar to a guy being 5'7"
got to compensate a bit but not really a big deal
I'm not really using it anyways.
>Eye color? IQ? Finances/career?
brown, I did a test once and IQ too high for the test to still be valid, student ayylmao
>Are you perfect or are you lying about having insecurities?
I dont really have any insecurities. I just loathe myself for my laziness. I wont accomplish my dreams but instead waste my great talent if I do not work extremely hard
Learn to use your tounge and fingers like a champion
>Define good and clean diet.
I used to lift, don't really have the time right now. My diet is okay. Barely use alchohol, don't smoke.
So what are you worried about? Sure, your dick picks won't be great, and maybe you won't remove your towel before putting on your underwear in the locker room, but who cares?
Grow up faggot
It ain't the size of the gale but the way you trim your sails.
>Sup Forums
Post a pic of body with timestamp faggot
>inb4 phone broken
gay thread
my brother has a very bad case of balding
he isn't bald but his hair is so undense that you can see his scalp through his hair
I am the exact opposite. coiffeur compliments me every time for how dense my hair is
the difference between me and my brother: I never take or took any drugs including alcohol, nicotine, caffeine while my brother drinks regularly, already smoked in the past (including weed) and drinks coffee daily. he is DYEL while I work out 5-6 times every single week for a decade now. he has a shitty and aimless diet while my diet is clean and I supplement with creatine, multicomplex, o3, d, magnesium so that everything is covered. I drink proteine shakes daily but I do not consider them a supplement
the fact you are getting laid is better than actually getting laid. The feeling that you aren't a nosex shut in loser is infinitely superior to a penis sneeze that lasts 15 seconds.
>tfw shy no confidence qt gf who wont be the slightest bit lewd.
>tfw you have the most depraved fetishes and you will never get to act them out
How do you stay so uncucked, Switzerland? European history seems to have spared you from a lot of it's bullshit.
>the fact you are getting laid
I was implying I'm not getting laid
What are the alps?
This isn't Sup Forums material mate but anyway let's help you here :
Learn to use your hands. I can't stress that enough.
You can do much more with your hands than with your tongue or your dick. Don't be ruthless, don't go full fingerblasting. Instead, learn to do a small but quick motion with your fingers. Learn to quickly find her clit and stroke it that way.
I can assure you, she will enjoy it.
Also, eat her out but be smart when you do so. As I said, your tongue lacks the dexterity of your hands. That's why you will keep your tongue on her clit and after a while (around 30 seconds) you will start to finger her at the same time. By fingering, again, I'm not speaking of fingerblasting. You put your index and middle finger inside her vagina and stroke her from here without taking them out (or just a little to create a motion but don't go all in and out).
Hope it will help.
I started on tongue, and stayed on tongue, probably over 50 hours at this point, gotta say, my tongue is way, way more dexterous than my hands.
I think it depends on the girl. She doesn't like g-spot stuff, loves tongue, thinks fingers are alright.
correlation =/= causation
Sucks for you. My white dick is almost 8' and nice girth. I'm happy with it. Seems like lots of blacks are insecure about their small penises.
She can get off on a finger, she can get off on your tiny dick
a difficult question
our political system is closer to a democracy than every other on the world. that means it is slow. so we are inherently more conservative and harder to cuck
>TFW almost 22 never had a gf
Atleast escorts exist.
yeah no shit
but look at myopia for example. a common belief is that it is genetic too while in reality that is wrong
>tfw 8 inch pencil dick
I was a kissless virgin until 23.
You can make it brah.
The insecurity comes in when previous boyfriends were likely bigger and better. i imagine it's just underwhelming
I would tend to say that you should start using your fingers too then. The rest of your body can't compete with your fingers. If you're already insanely good with your tongue, learning to use your fingers as well will turn you into a god. Seriously. Plus, like I said, tongue and fingers go well together.
I know, when you do something good it's tempting to not add something else but I'm confident that you (and the girls you will meet) won't regret it. Plus it's nice to be able to have some variations.
Fuck hobbit women.
sexless virgin till 26. Now I have a qt 22 year old gf who plays vidya and is a shut in just like me.
All you gotta do is meet as many women as you can, and pray you get lucky. I met this girl while on a date with a trainwreck of a woman.
>tfw set up on blind date
>tfw find out she has had 2 abortions due to retardation. (told 1 guy she was on bc when she wasnt, 2nd because the guy took the condom off because he couldnt feel anything and continued to nutt inside)
>tfw find out she slept with 3 different dudes in 1 night
>tfw one of her friends shows up, has her 3ds at the bar
I'll invent something like alcohol, internal combustion, electricity, pharmaceuticals, locomotion, automobiles.... You know, I'll do white people stuff, like improving mankind as a whole. Life is abject misery, and it's the white mans job to make things easier for everyone.