Will Australia one day be the last uncucked country?

Will Australia one day be the last uncucked country?

They have geographic advantage, unlike America and Europe which has a land connection with the third world.

Australia can continue to police their waters and only let in the creme of the crop.

Why aren't you living there right now, Sup Forums? If you're white and educated there's a good chance you'll make a new life in this country.

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Australia's pretty cucked IRL, especially when it comes to guns. Also less white then Britain, and almost as non-white as the US.

They don't need guns though, they don't have a nigger infestation.

And if you REALLY want a gun in Straya, you can obtain one. It's just a pain in the ass (as it should be).

she needs to lose about 30 pounds

Too many Asians. So many Chinese it's unbelievable.

I finished school at 16, and I'm not really qualified for any specialist job so they probably wouldn't want me
Would be nice to visit there though, my uncle lived there for 10 years or so and studied there, and he loved it

I don't know, I think Russia is not doing to bad, they have had some quality banter lately as well (Pic related).


Explain your gun laws, censorship, and your abbo beauty queen, then

>Implying that's a bad thing

Chinks have 99% employment rate, work 70 hours a week and strive to provide for their families.

Nothing wrong with them engulfing the first world.

>bans haram vidya
>not cuckold

America is uncucked in 6 months

Holy shit

>And if you REALLY want a gun in Straya, you can obtain one. It's just a pain in the ass (as it should be).
Cuck view

australia already forfeited


Nope, a realistic view.

>They have geographic advantage, unlike America and Europe which has a land connection with the third world.

But, their land IS the third world.

>can't even play pixelated video games if they feature a skipable scene depicting violence towards women
>not a cuckshed nation


I know right, that is some quality fucking banter desu with you.

lol savage nations always have the best bants. That's why Australia is exceptionally high-keks as anglophone cultures go.

>be american
>get shot

Yeah if you're an Anglo cuck without any values except those imposed by the (((City of London))).

>Be UKuck
>Hold teaspoon
>Get tackled by cops and told to bin that weapon!

Russia and Australia can banter all they want but they are cucked and walk the same road as all western countries to the great burning fires of cuckery. There is no major white country with births at replacement levels.

>be british
>islamists rape your daughter and you get thrown in prison for trying to defend her with a kitchen knife

that kid is goign to grow up very tough.

i wish all kids got tought these lessons

He's going to grow up very bitter and possibly a bit psychopathic.

Calm your tits, theyre mostly international student and temporary workers. And plus, we only allow the brightest to come here. This is the closest thing to eugenics.

We are still mostly white.

Hmm.. wonder what their housing markets indicate

He's going to love cigarettes

He'll probably smoke a few after killing his whole family and eating a cat or something.

>if you beg reeeeeeeallllly reaaaaaaaallly hard your betters might let you own that inanimate object
I'm embarrassed to share a planet with such weak """""people.""""" Also
>No nigger infestation
>only country on earth that posses the rarest of negro, the abbo, each worth about 10 prime African Americans in terms of entitlement and general niggedry.

>he thinks abbos are as bad as the nigger problem in USA

I lived in Australia most of my life. Most of the abos are concentrated in Queensland and NT. The rest of the states have tiny aboriginal populations and they are rarely ever seen.

Also they are non-violent almost always. The most they will do is beg you for a few dollars to catch the bus home.

>a white person talking about psychopathy

Inspite of the memes, abos arent that bad and most in the eastern states are diluted as fuck. I live in Melbourne and the only Abo I know is this quarter caste who kinda look like a pajeet. Didnt know he was abo, I assumed he was a tech worker, but he was asking for money on the streets.

this guy gets it