Latino Community Hit Hard in Orlando Shootings, Most Victims Were Hispanic

> It was Latin Night at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. And as news unfolded of the nation's worst mass shooting, it quickly became evident that most of the victims were Latino.
>"One of the needs the city has asked for us to help fulfill are certified translators who speak English and Spanish, and can also assist in crisis" Bolivar said. "We have a number of people who may not be equipped to properly assist, so we are asking for professional translators for families in need."
> "When I heard it was Latinos, it hit me hard because we are already a minority —Pulse was a safe space, especially because it was Latin Night, where you could finally hold someone's hand, or to kiss them while feeling like the majority and unopressed."

So can we take down the title of most deadly American shooting since most are living here illegally and can't speak English?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's Florida
Those Latinos are most likely Cubans or Puerto Ricans

Most Latinos in Florida are Cubans, and they are legal you fucking retard

Most victims weren't even US citizens.

Puerto Ricans don't count, fuck off

lots of gay spicks. look at your father homo. your real father not the cuck that pays your mom.

>A win win just became a win-win-win
I'm ok with this

Puerto Rican and Cuban immigrants are red-pilled conservatives

Wow Latinos must be really gay.

>mfw 50 less fags
>mfw 50 less spics
>mfw 50 less hillary voters in a key swing state
>mfw hispanic and gay communities will now throw their hats in with Trump
>mfw guaranteed red state

>When I heard it was Latinos, it hit me hard because we are already a minority
Not in central Florida they arent

I'd hit her latino community hard, if you know what I mean.

And nothing of value was lost.

Like we care about culeros

Relevant :^)

>desire to motorboat intensifies to unsustainable levels

>Most of the victims were Hispanic

That means that 90% of them weren't even natural born US citizens.

I've posted this in like 20 threads now. It's ORLANDO, FLORIDA. If it's a nightclub or an event like this you can guarantee that almost every person there is from Central or South America.

kek this fag still have that on his computer

Less people to fill the buses going back



when the fuck did SAFE SPACE become part of our lexicon!!

of course, I kept my memes for future use

You have to go back


>50 spic fags disappear
>enormous right wing political gain
>anything but celebration from /pol

But what if they are legal?
Isnt the you have to go back thing against illegal inmigrants? ffs, get your shit together.

They will vote Trump or they will die. The left cannot protect them. It refuses to be politically incorrect.

Uhh Salma and Hayek and her genes aren't Mexican dumbass. She's Near Eastern clearly.

>Most victims weren't even US citizens.

Yep. Let's see which shitlib first has the balls to claim Trump wants to deport the victims.

How do i post this without getting that not an original comment shit?

>dead faggots
>dead spics
>dead muslim
nothing to worry about m80s

Lmao @ jo(3)rge falcon

look it up

>not understanding the difference between nationality and genetics

She was born in Mexico. So she is Mexicana.

Shes has your genes right bubba?
I've heard about your appropriation of cultures but of individuals.. Kek

You learn something everyday

His ex-wife says he hate latinos and blacks.

Who gives a shit? A spic is a spic.

They are destroying themselves over their oppression Olympics. B-but this was more of a hate crime to latinos.

Susan Sarandon = D I A M O N D S

The hell is up with her man chin

>a safe space

This entire concept boggles my mind. There is no such thing.