Murritards in denial

>No guns
>No shooting

>Shootings every few weeks
>"Hurry, we need more guns so we can be safe!"


Enjoy your muslim shootings, because there will be come..

Other urls found in this thread:

It's funny because it's true.

Right buddy, because Paris was safe from Muslims because of its gun laws?
Oh wait, Muslims still killed people with AK's.

Criminals don't pay attention to laws, you moron.

> Switzerland
> Everyone owns a rifle or more
> No shootings
It's not the guns, it's the population.

Right, one time vs. a trillinon times of us shootings.

Ammo is very regulated there and military service is mandatory.

Remember when there were almost 3 million Turks in Germany?
Remember when Cologne happened?
Remember when Merkel decided to such Erdogan's dick for refugees?
Remember when Germans felt so guilty about holoax they decided to bend over backwards for third world countries?

Look man Germany is a great country but you are in no position to speak

Start by sending all the freeloading turks back here

i have guns. im in europe.


white america has the same violent crime rate as switzerland. black america has the same violent crime rate as african countries. this is not about guns. this is about culture, ideology, and race.


"well regulated"

the shop keeper writes down how many bullets you buy... kinda like a receipt

you mean like that shooting that didnt happen in Paris?

With your logic muslims need to be banned because a higher percent of them are implicated in terrorism than guns that are used for mass murder.

Samefagging your own thread

Your country used to be a proud people.


How about statitstics. Of all weapons who are owned by people, legally, ends up killing people?

Now of all weapons possessed by terrorists and thugs ends up killing people?

You can talk all shit you want about guns and access to them, but if you cant' get gun, they will kill with other methods. Stabbing, driving over ect.

In finland, a person can get a gun legally, but we still have more people stabbing each others to death then shoot.


People who cry for gun control dont deserve to be taken seriously on any issue, they just dont have the ability to think rationally, they have child like brains, and they are a danger to us all.

Clubs are gun free zones. The guy knew that.

Enjoy your race, it will be gone before my 2nd Amendment rights Hanz


>Remember when there were almost 3 million Turks in Germany?

Yeah, they builded up this country.
In exchange we gave them culture.

>Remember when Cologne happened?

Oh some guys groping at girls.
Totally equals 50 dead people..
"Muh rape culture!"

>Remember when Merkel decided to such Erdogan's dick for refugees?

Merkel will soon be gone.
Erdogans deeds shall not go unpunished.

>Remember when Germans felt so guilty about holoax they decided to bend over backwards for third world countries?

Because we don't need to lie about what we did?
Where in turky papa roach deperately needs to hide the truth because beneath him there's nothing but very cold water..


t. Ahmed inshallahaboob Muhammed

>having shitty eagles
Turul is best bird

>One time
Reading must be hard for you, it was two, with thousands more planned.


>white america

No such thing exists, burgertard.
You're stuck with your mass murdering gun fanatics no matter how many gated communities you create, so enjoy your 62%.

Anti gun fags hate us

>le race red herring
>implying race matters here if the two live in the same fucking country


Should start a petition to have the bald eagle removed as the symbol of America because it stands for racist bald skinheads, and trick leftists into signing it.

We have a saying here, patjeet, it goes "he who sits in a glashouse should not throw rocks". All I say is Rotherham.

>tfw the australian eagle tries to kill humans

Australia's at it again

Do not listen to these subhumans, they want us to lose our guns so we can't protect ourselves when they attack.

So muslims hold 3 of the top ten slots despite being 1-2% of the population.

Religion of peace

you're stupid and uninformed. many states, cities, and counties are 98+% white.

It's not a red herring. It is a statistical fact that needs to be addressed.

The Muslins at the Batacan were armed with sporks

>Criminals don't pay attention to laws, you moron.

Criminals are always the first one who get weapons, moron.

Murritard have wet dreams aobut outgunning the "bad boys" lmao..

>With your logic muslims need to be banned

I have no problem with that.

Well, it worked.
Thanks for the bump!


Hahah, maximum damage control !

There is one tiny uninteresting land that has guns.
Whereas the rest of europe faces 10 times as much terror warnings as the US and 10 times less shootings.

Just wow.
That level of denial is great..

Praise allah for the NRA !

Do you guys just like pretend all the terror attacks over there don't happen or something?

See no evil, hear no evil?

There is seriously something wrong with a system where someone who had been investigated by the FBI can buy a gun

>Enjoy your muslim shootings, because there will be come..

last time i checked german public opinion was surprised that sand people didn't went on killing spree in germany yet

>with thousands more planned.


Even though there are a much bigger mass of potentially violent mudslimes they can't go apeshit here because we give them no guns.

Difficult to understand, I know..

It's Mohammad or Nigel, get your memes straight Abdul.

Fortunately we didn't import 6 gorillion rapefugees, so my word to you is Cologne.

The "Wild West" actually had very strict gun laws. Guns were there but rarely left the house. Banks and political offices were right next to the sheriff's office, so that was also a factor.
That guts the concept of unions introducing gun control for the first time.

>Whereas the rest of europe faces 10 times as much terror warnings as the US and 10 times less shootings.

Imagine if your population had been armed during the New Years "festivities". Not that you would have the balls to use firearms to defend your women, anyway.

>trying to samefag on Sup Forums

but they DO need to be removed user
what are you, a kebab?

They had guns stock pilled in France, you non reading idiot.


Switzerland literally has everyone enrolled in the military, and there are restrictions on ammunition.
Honduras is at the dead center of an awful drug war.

He was cleared, numbnuts.

Do you think anyone interviewed by the FBI should never be allowed to buy a gun again?

Jesus fucking Christ you people need to be institutionalized.

>Replying to tanned Germans
>The year of our lord

Does this make you mad

Go ahead and explain to me the gun laws in the western states/territories from 1846-1900

Gandhi was talking about the removal of India's military.
Some of those quotes don't really apply to gun laws. They're just about self defense.

>Imagine if your population had been armed during the New Years "festivities".

Imagine the drunken mudslimes with guns?

Thanks but no thanks.

>no guns
>if you speak out against a gang of 30 men raping your daughter, you're arrested for offending poor minorities

>daughter doesn't get raped because she has a gun to defend herself and you can defend your own family and property

You Europeans are at the mercy of your enemies and what your police and government are willing to do. Thoroughly, thoroughly cucked.

>brazilian harpy eagle
>loses the cup to the german imperial eagle 7-1

How is it to be addressed? Gating off millions of people from each other? Kicking millions out of their country?

Only one of those eagles is white, Achmed.

>no guns
>no shooting

really now, what happened in france

No switzerfriend.

I have no problem with you or your guns.

But your situation is different to bigger countries.

And still....

You're point is?


>Germany will cease to exist in 30 years
>every German shitposter will be a dhimmi or dead by then
You will never know this level of smug

>No guns
>No shooting
>Sharia now

>that German eagle


Pajeet is more accurate since your country is like 90% indian.

Infact when i was in elementary school the first thing i learned about england is that you guys are full of indians because somehow the english families in our schoolbooks where mostly indian for whatever reason.

I'm embarrassed to be your neighbor.

Last time I checked we still had our trade centers..

And how many mudslime shootings did occur in germany?

Oh right. None.

Keep funding your enemies, 'murrica.

Dude it happened in France.

That's easily Louisiana to your Colorado.

Don't worry, we'll take care of you soon.

Anschluss 2022

>thousands of rapes though
>plus race mixing
>Germany projected to be non-white, non-German in 20 years

You aren't even German.

>And how many mudslime shootings did occur in germany?

>Oh right. None.

Heard of the Frankfurt airport shootin in 2011?

>You aren't even German.

Except that one Paris and the one that almost happened a few weeks earlier but was stopped by a couple of Burgers vacationing there and of course the Charlie Hebdo attacks, not even mentioning all the small shootings in Sweden, including grenade attacks.

In fact, if you remove the non-white population from the statistics, US gun violence is on par with Switzerland.

Didn't the deadliest Schoolshooting in the world take place in Germany? Oh and let's not forget Saint Andrew of Norway who had planed on purchasing a black market kalashnikov, before he exercised some time-preference and went the legal route.

All these shootings in the states also seem to take place in Gun-free zones, with the exception of that one Jewess senator who got half her brain splattered over a mall floor and is now supporting Shillary.

Try us, Piefke. We'll shove your black painted broomsticks so far up your ass that it'll look like Vlad Tepes' court.

> What is Holocaust Museum shooting May, 2014 In Belgium. Suspect armed with kalashnikov rifle and pistol
>what is Charlie Hebdo shooting January of 2015
Suspects armed with cz-58 assault rifle and cz-61 submachine gun, and at least one pump action shotgun
>What is attempted train shooting in Paris August 2015
Suspect armed with AKM rifle and .38 caliber revolver
>what is Paris mass shooting leaving over 150 dead November 2015
Suspects armed with kalashnikov rifles and explosives.

>"no guns"
Sure thing cuck.

Go back to Israel, you commie Jew fuck!

I'd rather have mass shootings than mass rapes and the rapists don't even get convicted because the women feel apologetic because refugee.

Sick burn, mate.

A mudslime walks into a bus in frankfurth and shoots US soldiers..

Did you notice something?
No germans lost.

Verräter !

Yeah, like last time.. XD

>that pic

laughed and saved. Pretty rare these days :^)

You only try to use mass murders because the homicide statistics are too widely available and your side got tired being BTFO by every person with an internet connection.


>Did you notice something?
I notice that you can't admit when you're being wrong which shows you're intellectually dishonest and there's no point in talking with you.

>Yeah, like last time.. XD
It was an Austrian that took control of your country and opened the door for us to be part of his victory.

Enjoy being sent to the front without weapons or clothes by our next political export.

To be fair there is a difference between shootings in the US and Europe.

In the US they use semi-autos and improvised bombs. In Europe they have actual machine guns and grenades.

There will be cum in your esoophagus, you faggotkraut

>and planets

Jelly cause you never used a gun. Don't worry, me too. Back to r you go. :^)

>I notice that you can't admit when you're being wrong

Sorry, but you had no point.

>It was an Austrian that took control of your country and opened the door for us to be part of his victory.

Fair enough.

B-but there was once a shooting!
The NRA guys can't be wrong!

The more guns, the safer the the country!
Every immigrant should have his semi automatic as welcome gift.

Meanwhile in Germany: Regular rapes and Shariah Law.

Why would they shoot you when they can just go around raping your women? Terror tries to make people submit. Western Europe has already submitted and is gaping their vaginas.


Bist du dir sicher das du deutsch bist?

The Philippine eagle is the largest eagle in the world.


I-it's not like that!!

Guns only lead to evil, m8.
We germans must know..