Irish flag on Sup Forums

Can some Brit or alcoholic explain to me why Ireland has its own flag on Sup Forums?

Ireland is part of the United Kingdom; this would be like every state in the US having their own flag

Wales doesn't have its own flag so wtf

Other urls found in this thread:

Half of Ireland governs itself


come on lad

And the other half is governed by the EU and a bunch of Socialists.

Ireland is a separate country.
Northern Ireland is part of the UK and I'll make sure it stays that way.



Ireland was a part of the United Kingdom, however, they are in the British Isles.

Cheeky cunt.


Niece stale meme, I never knew Anglos never knew ratios

And I thought Americans being literal stupid as fuck retards was just a meme.

Romans came and kicked out Britons to the North, Scotland and Wales. Romans leave and Saxons come, Scoti from Ireland go to Scotland become scottish displacing the Picts who go to Ireland. Celtic Britons then move to Britanny in France, Cornwall and Ireland having been displaced by the Saxon invasion including St Patrick who was a Briton slave moved to Ireland. Few years later Normans invade from Northern France having invaded Normandy from Scandinavia. Normans destroy the Anglo and replace the ruling class. At the same time Nordic invasions settle in the north as part of the Danelaw. Some survivors go to Ireland. Few years later protestants move to Northern ireland becoming todays loyalists; they break away from the Irish Free state during the irish war of independence to stay with a united kingdom. Pakistanis invade in early 2000's they displace the people who move to Australia and mars, the Pakistanis are then invaded by the a......

Delete your account.

I'm dumbing it down for our freedom friend
Why is everyone trying to punch me in the nob for explaining why Ireland has it's own flag?

That's as Irish a sentence as I've ever seen.



It's 2016 people, come on!

le topb8 m8 le top epic xDDD


I lol'd

When England brexit and Scottland UKEKSIT, how are you going to maintain control over Northern Ireland?

You really are fucking stupid aren't you!

because the irish will bomb some innocent civilians like the sandniggers they are if they dont get their own way

Threads you can't tell if they are bait or not.

Northern Ireland is part of the UK, the land with the deep gold deposits and strategic access to the Atlantic, not Eire with all of the potatoes.


With Sharia law of course.

Yeah, I meant the RoI Poindexter.

>American flag
>Not Israel
I don't get it.

This is correct, save for "British Isles". This triggers the Irishman.

Don't forget Rockall.

Rockall is ours, dammit!

go fuck your mother, probably too late to tell you that.

Don't ever talk to me or my mum's husband ever again imo

Ireland is it's own country. Northern ireland are a bunch of cucks.

I thought northen island was part of great britain ;(

Rockall is rightful Irish clay, don't push on this Nigel we won't cave like the Argies did.

You and every retard loyalist

You caved the northern half of your country tho

Ireland is not part of the UK. Also, I'm not Irish but I have a lovely view from my hotel right now

How though? Have you ever looked at a map?

Did you think the Falklands were a part of Great Britain as well?


sixth*, and honestly mate you can hang onto it. Its inhabitants scare the bejaysus out of us with their Protestantism and Rangers and flegs and ARE KULTURE etc.


3-1 defeat for the UK, "Great" Britain couldn't even keep a firm hold of her nearest colony, how pathetic is that.

I hate Americans

They are fat , shoot up schools their ""culture""" is that of daytime TV and watching black dudes throw an egg. They know nothing about other countries
The world hates them


Too craic in this thread potato nigger.

Well done. Any chance I could have my driveway retarmac'd?

i got some questions for you eirbros

1. Why do only like 3 players of your national team sing the anthem?

2. Why do you spell your surnames in english spelling rather than the irish original? is there anything more cucked than that?

3. What the fuck is up with your peoples attitude to your own language? A language is the most important thing of what makes a nation, and what makes it unique. But everytime i see you people talk about it on the internet, half say "just let it die on its own" and the other half are chimping out about how its a useless language and you should teach languages that matter, like chinese and spanish, instead of Irish. How the fuck can you treat your own language like this? I just cant believe this shit

>Niece stale meme, I never knew Anglos never knew ratios

Why can't Irish English?

Already done it while you were at work m8, you now owe us £500 or I'm smashing your windows and stealing your dags.

1. It's just a song bro

2. Just the way we were christened. Only muh heritage fags change it. Saw a fringe x men meme on fb the other day. "I don't answer to my slave name" Literally WE WAZ tier

3 pretty much answered. English is superior. I've grown to hate these types campaigning for shekels to prop up their dead language.

Cringe not fringe *

2. but why the fuck would you change your surname to something easy to spell and pronounce for anglos? imagine dutch people respelling "de Vries" to "Defrees" just because its more anglo. What the fuck?

3. Why are you such pathetic losers? why cant you be like the based Welsh? youre just another anglo country, your independence is an absolute meme. you deserved everything the eternal anglos did to you

They chimped out of the union in 1922 pham. Britain only has the tip now.

>1. Why do only like 3 players of your national team sing the anthem?

Because it's in Irish and most people don't speak it. It's officially our first language and compulsory in schools but it's taught terribly so most people come out with a very basic level of it.

>2. Why do you spell your surnames in english spelling rather than the irish original? is there anything more cucked than that?

That's a hangover from when the Brits ruled us. Irish people would show up and be all like "Caoimhín Ó Maoldomhnaigh is ainm dom" and some harebrained Sasanach who can't comprehend the existence of other languages would be all like "u wot m8? Kevin Muldowney, is it? Alri' then you're Kevin Muldowney from now on m8 off ya go". Then in all official records you'd have an Anglicised version of your name you were forced to us.

After a couple of hundred years of that, it's kind of hard to go back to the old way. Though some people, myself included, use the English and Irish forms of their names interchangeably.

>3. What the fuck is up with your peoples attitude to your own language?

I agree. I used to think that way but totally changed in the last year.

The reason it's viewed that way is complicated, but it's rooted in the 19th century when the Catholic Church made a pact with the British authorities to be pro-British in return for Catholicism being legalised. In practice, this meant that the Church heavily discouraged the use of the Irish language and associated it with stupidity and backwardsness while English was promoted as the language of opportunity. Similiar shit happened in Wales and the Scottish Highlands with their languages.

How it's forced on you in school coupled with how badly it's taught in school has made a lot of modern generations "hate" the language as well. Most of these "hate" it as a subject though and would be mostly indifferent to it as a language, if you get me.

Where do you think the phrase 'Throwing a Paddy' comes from?

oops thumbnail

You do realise that's satire, right?

Brits here are the Sup Forums equivalent of that granny on Facebook who believes Onion headlines.

Prob one of the danker posts ever made desu

Ty for this my friend

kek will it

You guys should just learn to get along.

3. do you speak some irish or are you learning it now?

Is Orkney a British island geographically?


I've been learning it for the last year and am probably at B2 level now. Before that I'd pretty much 100% forgotten all I'd learned in school and honestly that was a blessing. It allowed me to treat it like any other second language I was learning - i.e. without any nationalistic mental baggage - as opposed to the whole being accused of being a traitor or "west brit" if I made a grammatical error procedure that we endured in school.

Also the girlfriend is a native speaker herself (though in urban Irish, which is considered the least "authentic" dialect by some) so I'm lucky in that I've someone to practise with frequently.


No eu country is independent
We're all slaves

Nexit when?

níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin desu senpai

Yea I read bad things about the urban Irish. They say its heavily influenced by English in sentence construction (just directly translating English word to word into Irish) and also pronounciation. Also Urban speakers are said to not be able to understand authentic Gaeltacht speakers well. I read Urban speakers cant differentiate between the word for "horse", in singular and plural anymore, because they cant make a certain sound. Is it true, do you know more about it?

nexit now

I learned horses in seconds

The word for horse is capall. The word for horses is capaill. I've never heard anyone pronounce the two differently.

>They say its heavily influenced by English in sentence construction

More or less accurate, yeah. It's a problem in some gaelscoils (Irish-speaking schools) that the students speak English 100% of the time outside of school and therefore are just translating from English to Irish in their head while they're in school. Now Irish has a Verb-Subject-Object word order and a case system, meaning the syntax is completely different and much more flexible/free-flowing than English (which, as you know, makes up for its lack of a case system with relatively rigid word order rules), so the product of that whole internal English-to-Irish translation is sentences that aren't strictly speaking incorrect but just sound kinda wrong to proper native speakers from the Gaeltachts.

>I read Urban speakers cant differentiate between the word for "horse", in singular and plural anymore, because they cant make a certain sound. Is it true, do you know more about it?

I do. Some words in Irish are pluralised by slenderising the last syllable.

(As an aside, letters in Irish can be "broad" or "slender" depending on which vowels they are or vowels they're surrounded by - A-O-U are broad vowels and I-E are slender vowels)

So "capall" (pronounced "cawh-pull") means horse and "capaill" (pronounced "cawh-pill") means horses. Urban Irish speakers are notorious for not slenderising properly, which can make nouns in the plural or genitive case hard to distinguish from the singular/nominative. Sometimes it alters the meaning altogether and you have to infer the actual meaning from context.

Case in point I honestly put this down to bad teaching and not much else. In school I was only barely aware of the existence of the genitive case (and had no idea the dative or vocative cases existed) and had no idea of the existence of slender consonants (I thought only vowels could be broad/slender) and I was in the top class in my year. It's a fucking joke and I blame the state tbqh.

Why has the state never tried to do much about the problem? Why didnt they just made all lessons in Irish to begin with? Kids pick up languages pretty easily. Making English the main language and Irish just a class seems to have been a huge mistake

>Why has the state never tried to do much about the problem?

Flat-out incompetence

Ireland is a free state. Go tell the IRA that Ireland shouldn't have a flag on chan. Ulster is the only part of Ireland under and British occupation. And they are not welcome. And on an unrelated note. UK should withdraw from the EU. Fucking fags.

>Ireland is a free state.

The Republic of Ireland is a bankrupt tax-dodging pontoon, completely reliant on the EU and us standing behind them ready to bail them out.

I really hope the northern Irish just wipe themselves off the map. Fuck that entire area into oblivion and off yourself alongside it.

>Why has the state never tried to do much about the problem?

There's a bit of a "the emperor has no clothes" situation about Irish in general. The establishment essentially pretends that Irish is our first language and English is secondary and operates off that assumption, and to question that is tantamount to being anti-Irish/pro-British. Hence why the syllabus for Irish in school involves a shit tonne of essay-writing, poetry/prose analysis etc and fuckall actual learning of the language itself. The syllabus is basically a copy of the English syllabus because it's presumed that everyone learning the syllabus is already fluent.

That kind of Orwellian self-delusion pervades everything to do with that powers that be over the Irish language and it's fucking infuriating for those who actually want the language to be alive again.

>Why didnt they just made all lessons in Irish to begin with?

The Brits wouldn't allow it, and Ireland was essentially an English-speaking country by the end of the 19th century. Even after independence, the Church still controlled the schools and taught through English. The newly-independent Irish government was too weak to wrestle control of the education system from the Church, so the status quo continued. That's about the length of it.

That's the philosophy of the gaelscoils though. They started popping up all over the place in the last 30 years or so and they teach everything through Irish. They're becoming very popular these days.

>Making English the main language and Irish just a class seems to have been a huge mistake

Yep :(

Giz a bit of that OL irish ye lad

>The Republic of Ireland is a bankrupt

We're the fastest growing economy in Europe m8. Kneel before your masters!

I think someburger's jealous.

Don't tell the irish that they might get mad

>We're the fastest growing economy in Europe

Fuelled with excessive borrowing, distorted by companies using the Republic as a tax domicile. The lessons have not been learned, it is the same thing with Spain.

Some people sold their surnames for more anglicised ones during famine and shit. You could get a bowl of soup or something for it.

>Fuelled with excessive borrowing

Lolno, the EU budgetary restrictions stop that. The biggest problem businesses and home buyers have is getting access to credit. Central Bank rules designed to curb reckless lending make it a bitch to get a loan/mortgage at the moment.

>distorted by companies using the Republic as a tax domicile

We have no shame in using a competitive corporate tax rate to cancel out our lack of natural resources, peripheral location etc. There's nothing wrong with tax incentives, unless you're some form of commie.

Even then, the companies here are more than PO boxes. Apple employs 25% of its global workforce here. Google Ireland has 4,000 employees. Intel has something like 10,000. The pharma companies here employee hundreds of thousands.

>The lessons have not been learned, it is the same thing with Spain.

You're still wrong, but closer to the truth. The real problem was with the architecture of the euro, and that's only sort of been solved.

We're doing well at the moment because instead of dicking around throwing missiles at riot police and voting in gibsmedat meme parties like the Greeks did, we bit the bullet and actually fucking sorted out our economy. You reap what you sow.

Oh boy

>the EU budgetary restrictions

Do not apply to corporate and consumer debt, which is where the bubble is.

>There's nothing wrong with tax incentives

Distorting your GDP, increasing your subscriptions to the EU whilst having very little impact on the real economy.

>We're doing well at the moment

No, you are not. The illusion of repair is prevalent all across the eurozone. The reality is that the bailouts were a lifesaving measure, the entire single market is saturated with debt and completely reliant on Germany sanctioning more printing at the ECB.

Just like the Cuckfederate States of America tried to secede, we have potatoniggers trying to secede. Most are just jelly subhumans who envy the Aryan Northern Irish.

>>the EU budgetary restrictions
>Do not apply to corporate and consumer debt, which is where the bubble is.

That's what the Central Bank rules are for you dipshit. Actually read the comment you're replying to.

>>There's nothing wrong with tax incentives
>Distorting your GDP, increasing your subscriptions to the EU whilst having very little impact on the real economy.

Hundreds of thousands of jobs provided by foreign MNCs has "very little impact on the real economy". Got it.

>No, you are not. The illusion of repair is prevalent all across the eurozone. The reality is that the bailouts were a lifesaving measure, the entire single market is saturated with debt and completely reliant on Germany sanctioning more printing at the ECB.

That's not solely why we're doing well though. We export a lot to the UK and US and their recoveries have driven our open, export-oriented economy, which the massive internal devaluation of 2009-2014, coupled with economic reforms, prepared us for incredibly well. In a way it was similar to the Tallaght Strategy the government in the late 80's did which laid the groundwork for the Celtic Tiger, so likewise we have to be careful not to vote in political parties who buy votes with reckless spending, deregulation and tax reductions like we did in 2002 and 2007.

We are indeed vulnerable to the world economy going tits up again, be it due to Brexit, China's slowing growth or whatever else, but that's inherent in being a small, open economy.

I'm still waiting for the scotflag.

The us states do you moron

I don't think the dipshit realizes that their Is state flags

>Claiming Northern Ireland
That's racist.

And tortillas are not pancakes Google.

We're not part of the Caliphate

>being a dirty proddy orange bastard