Canada has simple gun control, America doesn't

Canada has simple gun control, America doesn't
Makes you think huh?

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>a fucking leaf



America has more freedom in 24 hours than Canada does in 20 years


and also a mass shooting is whatever i define it as and there is no source for this


Thirsty beta cucks


>simply a coincidence

Please dont blame all firearms for the misuse of a few.
Guns are a tool of peace
Saying they should all be banned will trigger them and cause more violence

Good thing the goose isn't out national bird then.

that's not very tolerant of you, canada. we americans prefer to tolerate the actions of our mentally-different gun-abled friends.

Are there any statistics that show the race behind so-called mass shootings? I mean, 95% of them are probably committed by blacks and spics.

Go watch In Search Of The Second Amendment on youtube before making up nonsense. And be careful not to speak any hate while you're there.

Alright so far no one has come up with a counter argument so I'm gonna assume that you're all ignorant of the positives of gun control.

What do you mean, "7 since Monday"? Today is monday. Not every shooting is a mass shooting. 2 bodies isn't a massacre either.


You're right, it's not a coincidence. It's common sense gun control working

America also has a population far, far fucking larger than that of Canada, and a far greater number of gangs, who, might I add, are mostly blacks and wet backs.

Restrictive gun laws only serve to harm the average law-abiding American citizen. If someone (e.g, a Muslim) is intent on causing harm, they will get guns via illegal methods.
Gun control didn't save Paris, gun control didn't save Brussels, gun control didn't save the huge numbers of people who have been killed by gang violence in Ireland.

Congrats, it's going to be that much easier to conquer your territory down the road. Throwing moose shit isn't going to deflect incoming gunfire.

please remind us again of the virtues of gun control and sucking dog dicks you nasty dogfucker.

Much less mass shortings and lower homicide. It's that simple

Gun crimes are socioeconomic. Thats why gun related deaths are going down while the amount of guns per capita in america is going up. Canadian's don't live in nigger tier squalor like spics, niggers and rednecks, hence the high gun crime rate.

>we include gang bangers killing each other
>but only when it's convenient

she also didn't say who caused the mass shooting she quoted. it obviously will be gang violence, but ignore the increase in urban violence since obama pardoned all those criminals.

6 of those 7 were South Chicago niggers whose inability to hit their target means one attempted murder becomes 3+ every. single. time.

If leftistcucks ever broke their "facts" down to show race and location, they'd have nothing left to argue on other than the need to make harsher penalties for minorities who have illegal weapons, which is what we ALL need if you actually wanted real progress to reduce mass shootings.

>Murrica is drowning in Niggers and Spics, Canada isn't.

Makes you think huh?

that pic makes no sense.

and for the record, you can find countless examples of trumplets complaining about socialism and threatening to move to canada if hillary wins.

Much less mass shootings and homicidea in France and Brussels. Coincidence? Nope, gun control

and is that a side effect of the gun control or the doggilingus?

But Canada is also Canada. The middle-child that no one remembers or cares about.

>complaining about socialism and threatening to move to canada


Both countries with tiny populations compared to the United States

Switzerland is a country full of guns yet their crime rate is extremely low.

Obviously gun control. You need to go through a very thorough process to get a gun and it has proven to work


Hey that doesn't mean anything, I hate the French but I'm still going to move to France.


>pol will defend this
>inb4 muh guns

but having a population with unrestricted access to dog cunt must help as well.


>implying its mainly black doing the mass shooting
>implying allowing sicktards to get guns is not the problem
how come america got it right for so long and yet you call them cucks? is it jealousy ?

4 or more people

Yeah that happens once a week in chicago. By blacks with illegal firearms

>372 mass shootings
>475 deaths
>1.28 deaths per mass shooting

Underrated post.

you know how many fucking hoops you have to jump trough just to get a ar-15
its much easier to get a gun illegally on the black market than legal in Canada

>or injured
Get out and come back when you have an argument

canada has the population of california and the population is spread out


If we'd go after the street gangs harder this would stop. Sentence them to death for crimes like this instead of criminal school aka prison. The judges need to quit being so goddamn lax on these stupid thugs.

Check that link out. 90 fucking percent show the perp to be involved in a latin or black gang.

Can't report that though because it would be racist. It's racist to acknowledge facts these days. Fucking pic related.

>thorough process
>a quick and local background check plus a written test is all you need for rifles in canada
>second test for a handgun

it's much easier than you think, coward.

>le we change the definition of mass shooting whenever it's convenient may may

>gets shot for being gay
>so much freedom

Guns are solely meant to kill living things. This is an idea that has been repeated over and over agian and yet I still don't understand how americans still don't get it.
There is no valid reason to keep guns around.

The poster is terribly uninformed. It doesn't happen that often, only once every ~3 months.
And most of them are commited by kids with depression, muslim terrorists and christian terrorists. No niggers or spics around.

our gun control happened because we let our government twist a terrorist attack into a hate crime caused by guns

don't let it happen to you Ameribros


>can own tavors and vz58s non restricted
>AR 15s, restricted, can't take out into the woods
>Aks are prohibited (basically banned)
>Sks are non restricted

Canadian gun laws are fucking shit and nonsensical.

>Guns are solely meant to kill living things.

We get it and we're perfectly comfortable with the idea.

Well, most of us.

and don't forget that Mini-14's are some of the least regulated guns in the country despite being THE ENTIRE REASON WE HAVE GUN LAWS AT ALL

If the pic is supposed to say "we use them to defend ourselves" then you don't need guns to defend yourself. Stun guns work surprisingly well.

If only you had sensible fire control

According to Obama's 2013 CDC study on gun violence, guns work better.

In fact, using a gun results in fewer injuries for both attacker and defender than any other method, including compliance with you assailant.

You don't even need to be a genius to know that's a lie.

First black president...Makes you think huh?

If by "stun guns" you mean tazers, they can be stopped by thick clothing and are known to fail

Plus they are not effective for dealing with multiple opponents

Not an argument, gypo.

It isn't though, that was the actual result of the study.

Not really. It's common sense when you think about it. If you attack someone and they pull a gun are you going to keep attacking them?

Have you read the study?

Citations needed

Makes me think im not very free

Wow, Canada bans guns and welcomes refugees with hospitality and no one dies. Makes you think...

I can't wait to see burgers doing mental gymnastics to explain away their issues.

>doing gymnastics

In light of seeing calls for gun control on twitter and other social media it seems important to remind everyone of the following:
There are an estimated 357 million guns(1), and 310 million citizens. One in three owns a firearm (2), making 103.3 Million gun owners in the USA. According to CNN there are 33,636 gun related deaths (3), of which nearly 60% of all of them were suicide (4). This leaves us with 13,455 (rounded up) gun violence related deaths. Which in a population of 310 million equates to killing 0.00004343% (repeating) of the US population in 2015.
However, 48.9% of Violent Crime is Gang Related (5). So from what I can tell, avoid bad areas and gang related activity and you should live an entire life free of lead made holes.


The media never bring up this topic when police fuck up. Why does no one ever push to disarm the police? They always shoot people and kill dogs.

It's a counter-signal meme, and it makes perfect sense.


>no logical response
>post memes

Except for gay marriage, legal weed, freedom of religion, free healthcare, etc.

But yeah, good point.

>legal weed


Lets look at population differences and economical standings
USA is larger
USA is a larger economical power making it a larger target
Fucking leaf

>gay marriage
pretty much entirely irrelevant and effects less than 1% of the population
>legal weed
we don't have legal weed, and the US is way ahead of us on this
>freedom of religion
we actually don't have that
>free healthcare
this is a pretty complicated issue that i won't try debating

One of the biggest things we don't have is free speech, you can literally be jailed here for speech

wow how many people died from car crashes? Ban cars too xdddddddd

This kills the leaf.

congrats, you posted absolutely nothing.

they've redefined mass shootings with a broad definition to conflate these numbers

99% of those are just gang shootings


explain how we are more free than americans

"""mass shootings"""
>one nigger shoots two other niggers other a crack rock

To me, Mass Shooting, is a massive amount of shooting in any form. Mass shootings happen daily all over Canada at firearm ranges and clubs where people go daily and shoot massive amounts of bullets at paper.

But seriously, why does no one care about inner hood violence? Black kids are killing black kids all the time. Does that not bother them?

its like when the put mongrels (half white - half subhuman) in the white category for govt statistics specifically for violent crime and include "hispanics" as whites as well.

otherwise 80% of the violent crime in this country would be committed by non-whites and muds

You don't have any of those things except gay marriage.

don't bother arguing with him, he's a cuck or a troll or both

really makes you drink

population and demographic differences

per capita, white america has a similar homicide rate to holland

Nigger you have to fill out all kinds of forms and get references and background checks. It took me like 4 months, shut the fuck up you don't know what you're talking about

>Official status: No
Americans everyone.

The U.S has over 9 times the population.

it really depends on the province

I got my card in the mail two months after my test

They only called one of my references, and the interview is just 10 yes or no questions

>all kinds of forms
it's two pages

>90% white (of which OP isn't a part of)
>1/11th the population

I wonder what it is Ahmed, can you help me figure it out?


>Trudeau would be proud

Don't forget our names are ran through a system daily to check for offences we may have committed that would warrant a seizer of our firearms