Serious question, why do you dislike this guy so much?
Seems like a good man who wants to do well for his country. Even if you disagree with his politics, surely you can see it comes from a place of good will?
Serious question, why do you dislike this guy so much?
Seems like a good man who wants to do well for his country. Even if you disagree with his politics, surely you can see it comes from a place of good will?
I love him and am so sad to see him go. My only hope is that Hillary Clinton is elected to replace him.
wow you hill-shills have no life.
Fuck the monkey in chief. SJW pussy.
Did you even see his statement on the terrorist attack yesterday?
Completely devoid of emotion.
All he did was ramble off a speech that was written for him as he used this tragedy to push his anti-gun agenda.
He's a traitor to this country
If this was ancient times he'd be executed a long time ago
he's tired of it. it's time to ban assault rifles.
I don't. I disagree with almost everything he says, but he does seem to do what he thinks is best and doesn't give a fuck about the bloated and corrupt system. It's respectable, at least.
Hillary on the other hand should be strung from the Washington memorial.
Those who oppose him are the traitors.
No, it's not.
2/10 for making me reply.
He hates America. His husband hates America. His filthy bastard children hate America.
He's a pathetic embarrassment
An incoherent foreign policy and expanded many of the same programs that Bush created.
Hillary has done literally nothing wrong. She will be your next president and she will protect the Obama legacy.
You are the embarrassment. God bless President Obama and his beautiful family.
Fuck off retard.
I went from not hating him to wanting him either deported or dead. He's a traitor, no man is so dumb. He's intentionally destroying the U.S. for the bureaucrats.
>Seems like a good man who wants to do well for his country
That's true if all you have to go on is what the TV tells you.
If you go on all of the orders and bills he's actually signed, he's a fucking psycopathic monster.
you are the traitor if you oppose President Obama.
he's a broken man. you gun nuts broke him.
you made him lose his faith in humanity
right...because wanting Americans to have access to affordable quality healthcare and not military grade weapons is so terrible.
His worshipers are part of the problem.
Farts and gets a peace prize.
Hope and Change. Ooooh how profound!
Doesn't matter how bad he fucks up....they are there proclaiming his infinite wisdom.
I don't hate him, I just think its funny black american's identify with him. His is not african american in the same way they are, they are descended from slaves who were raped by white men to create mulatto's etc. He is the son of an african that never left Kenya and a white woman.
They are "African American", he is 1/2 Kenyan 1/2 white.
>Fuck the monkey in chief.
wow that was really creative. You are so smart and witty. You must have sniggered to yourself as you wrote that. Such bravery! The human race makes another leap forward.
A horribly incompetent government with "good" intentions is 100% worse than a corrupt government fucking with it's civilians
Fuck no it isn't! I got fucked over by Obamacare because now I'm paying a shit ton more since the market now has to compete with Obamacare, whose standard rate was at least 2x the market's at the time
>military-grade weapons
there's that phrase, again.
>being a patriot means cow-towing to the president
the founding fathers wept.
He looks like he's a man who hates his job, hates his countrymen, hates being alive every second of the day
>hates America
>works tirelessly for America
okay m8
just reported you nigger
I'm sure trump or clinton will be better
with that halfbreed monkey it looks more like a step backwards
i dont think he was that bad
>Seems like a good man
But is he?
He is the greatest president in the history of our nation.
He's weak.
>works tirelessly for America
Really? He and his husband and their 2 illegitimate children have gone on more vacations and golf outings at the taxpayers expense than any other president. Please reconsider staying alive
>good man who wants to do well for his country
>plays the race angle so hard that the USA is about to explode into racial warfare
He should have at least adressed the BLM protesters concerns, even if only formally. Not say shit like "if I had a son, he'd be like Trayvon Martin".
He deliberately and willfully let the race debate escalate. And then there is his terrible foreign policy in Syria and Libya.
I voted for him 8 years ago when I was young and idealistic. I believed him when he said we would stop wasting American lives interfering in 3rd world shitholes, I thought he would end the drug war, I thought he would close Guantanamo. Turns out I no longer care about some of those things, but he quickly disillusioned me and now I see him more clearly as a globalist puppet. I don't think he's evil though, just a naive fool who thought he could change things and was quickly devoured by the powers that be. I almost feel sorry for him now.
I don't know maybe it's because Obama can't protect the citizens of the country he is apparently from, and lets Islamic terrorists commit mass murder unchecked then blames gun laws and white people's beliefs instead of the Muslim terrorist(s)!
Maybe it's because the USA is almost twenty trillion dollars in the red with public debt or because Obama has let communism in from Cuba and Vietnam, chases white business men in FIFA instead of Islamic terrorists, hates capitalist private sector freedoms, or makes white male USA citizen whistle-blowers like Snowden run to the airport instead of backing them, Snowden won't be the last or the first to flee the Obama Administration's white genocide Muslim terrorist backing programme. And it's not over yet unless Obama is exposed to the point where he is forced to resign for his not so secret Muslim agenda.
ya got me, I'm triggered now
His face is the fucking epitome of the screams internally meme
It was written by the insurance companies precisely to drive up prices. Obama is a corporate shill like the rest of them. Only gibsmedats benefit from obamacare.
Let's dispel once and for all with the fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he is doing, he knows exactly what he is doing. Barack Obama is undertaking a systematic effort to change this country, to make America more like the rest of the world. It is a systematic effort to change America.
>He is the greatest president in the history of our nation.
Oh, and lets not forget Obamacare, AKA 'lets pad the pockets of insurance companies". Its a dismal failure. If the man wanted socialized healthcare so bad, why not copy a northern European model, instead of this disaster? Everyone's premiums have gone up, and the insurance companies are making a packet due to state limited insurance coverage.
I don't dislike Obama. I disagree with a lot of the things he's done, but presidents are people and people make mistakes. Some of the stuff (Libya, immigration policy, etc.) has hurt us. But I'm not going to spout garbage about how he's deliberately sabotaging the country, or whatever. He's doing what he thinks is best, and occasionally being wrong, and occasionally doing stuff that I don't really agree with. I will say he's a bit too globalist for my taste. We really need a nationalist in office.
Have some fucking respect for the office. Don't be a mongrel.
Exactly, that's total bullshit. Without the standard, the market would have to compete harder to lower prices, but now the baseline price is high as fuck
>occasionally being wrong
Name a single thing he hasnt at the very least bungled, if not made worse by his actions.
Think Libya, Iraq, Healthcare, the Race Debate...
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. It isn't that I can't see that Obama believes he's helping America, moreso that I disagree with his opinions and positions on how to go about helping America.
>the Race Debate
I don't think he's fucked that up to the degree people here say, though.
I'd say Obama's successes have been in scaling back American intervention in areas around the world (something we realized pretty late we'd have to do to stop fomenting insurrection and global resentment), expanding intelligence, and that whole auto industry bailout. You can make arguments to the validity and merit to each one of these, but you have to admit that these have had pretty effective implementation and have produced tangible, intended results.
He is an idiot using liberal media propaganda stay popular. Literally George Bush II (Back in Black), only only reason people like him is because he's on buzzfeed for huffpost every other day.
>wants to do well for his country.
>disagree with his politics
Pic related. He's a deceptive country wrecker and prostrate to foreign authority.
fugg I forgot the pic,
>Seems like a good man who wants to do well for his country.
The man has shown that he cares about foreign countries and the feelings of outsiders than the people he was elected to lead over. He has used "them versus us" in terms of race, religion, and nationality and in the majority of those cases has shown himself on the side opposite of America.
I don't have very much problems with most of his policies, as most were merely symbolic, and others were surprisingly blocked by the cuckservatives who remembered they had balls every now and again, though there are a few that I am largely against. But my biggest problem is that he just doesn't care about American values or the constitution. If he at least acted like a man with a set, like Lyndon Johnson, at least I wouldn't feel like we were ran by a limp-wristed faggot but he fails in that department as well.
Nigga who gives a fuck about global resentment when you have pic related?
The real reason America had to pull out of all the interventions was because it cost too much money and people die. Or does nobody else know what the term blood and treasure means? He uses it an awful lot in his speeches
He sucks, he's Bush in black face.
"the Cambridge police acted stupidly"
"If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon"
"Cool clock, Ahmed."
Obama is a synonym for fuckup
I'm only happy he'll be the first and last colored man to sit in the Oval Office.
It was good because now blacks really have less of an excuse to bitch about unfairness when one of their own rose to the highest position one can in this country. However, it seems they have become more entitled and Jew money makers have saturated our culture with more blacks than I've ever seen on tv, movies and Internet.
These past 8 years was only a taste of how horrible the future of this country will be when whites have become the minority.
>Cool clock, Ahmed
makes me giggle every time
>not a good man
>does not want to do well for the United States of America
>I do disagree with his "politics"
>he comes from a place of malice and deceit
I am 100% serious and further more I have no shame or hesitation in stating that I am more educated and informed than you on my understanding of the subject and know my "opinion" to be correct and factual.
I'll agree with you, user. My only point was that there's a clear long-term objective there, too, since radical groups and ideologies tend to hate you a bit less (big picturw wise) when you allow them self-determination within their own borders. Fewer problems in the long run. But I agree that the motivations you're describing are every bit as valid.
Those are three incidents in which faux pas occurred. Do you honestly think that's established a toxic atmosphere around American race relations?
I'll repeat what I said: Obama makes mistakes. But in this case it's hardly as bad as you're implying; the average American doesn't sit around and think about race as much as the autists on Sup Forums do, and the impact here was minimal.
>I'd say Obama's successes have been in scaling back American intervention in areas around the world
His scaling back in Iraq produced ISIS. And he intervened in Syria and Libya all the same, with disastrous results. Had he left Assad to do his thing, we would not have a refugee crisis now. Or a 5 year long war that destabilized the entire region.
Im all for yanks not meddling in other's affairs, but at least do it intelligently when you pull out. Not just say fuck it and leave.
>Do you honestly think that's established a toxic atmosphere around American race relations?
Oh hell yes.
Disagree with Obama position on anything....racist detector sirens blare
and I still haven't forgotten "The time has come to put away the fudge."
Time to ban all muslims
>Do you honestly think that's established a toxic atmosphere around American race relations?
I think it encouraged it. Obama encouraged the likes of BLM, rather than adres their issues or sit down to talk with them. Or even just say they are acting stupidly and stop them.
His complete passivity on the issue, the odd encouraging remark aside, allowed it to fester into what it is today.
Remember that BLM started with 3 activists around the Trayvon-Zimmerman trial. And look at it now.
I'll be the first to agree with you. But my emphasis is more on the overall tone shift toward non-intervention. Where Obama struggled was deciding when intervention was appropriate, and also balancing those cases with his grander desire to reduce involvement. I think THAT will be considered a failure of his.
>Disagree with Obama position on anything....racist detector sirens blare
user, I think you spend way too much time here. Most normal people do not think this way.
There's only one of his policies I feel strongly about and it's the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Iran deal).
I think it was an excellent geopolitical move and I'm prepared to defend it to anyone who disagrees with me.
>inb4 hurr durr giving the ayatollahs nuclear weapons
Because I don´t fall for the persuasive rhetoric. He is literally THE actor of the century, nothing personal about him, all robot teleprompter talk. He is a psychopath no doubt. Politics is showbiz for the shallow.
That's a reasonable enough perspective, and I suppose I agree to some extent. I think there are racial tensions in the country, and Obama probably can't help but get wrapped up in them, too. I wouldn't be surprised if he has a sort of tacit desire for the general sort of change that organisations like BLM espouse.
But I wouldn't really consider him a supporter. He has roughly the same opinion most people do: it's important that issues are highlighted, but being strident for no reason gets you nowhere. He probably just doesn't feel like coming down hard on either side--which is a bit of a motif in his presidency.
>Most normal people do not think this way.
This is your first time off reddit I see.
It isn't really on me if you don't spend a lot of time in actual company. But Sup Forums is a pretty niche subset of people. Believe what you want; just don't be too surprised when you find out that the vast majority of people don't really care about your narrative.
You're an idiot.
disagree with Obama be called racist
About 39,600,000 results on google
pic related (You)
>Here's my evidence: a 316 view meme video from Fox News
I was kind of just eggshelling around the word "delusional" before, but I think I'll go ahead and break it out now.
Take a step out of your echo chamber for a bit.
Reminds me of another thing about Obama blowers.
If they aren't calling you racist for disagreeing they choose from the following:
Delusional - There has to be something in this DSM I can use.
Isolated - various appeals to popularity
...and on and on
No respect for a differing opinions.
Again I'll be so happy when he is gone because he has done so much to divide people.
And you are a perfect example of the problem.
>Delusional - There has to be something in this DSM I can use.
Oh, settle down. You started the ad hominems, and I simply stated (pretty politely, by the way, until you sperged out) that acting like 100% of Americans (or even 50% of Americans) have Sup Forums's obsessive attitudes toward race relations is completely retarded. If you have delusions about the actual state of affairs (even if they're fed by lots of repetition on 4channel) you're delusional.
>No respect for differing opinions
>done so much to divide people
If you want to just lay down an unproven, unsubstantiated premise and totally run with it, then feel free. I'm not really interested in that sort of discussion.
What I can see is not 'goodwill' but rather 'competent politician.'
Now I accept that we have offices for politicians, and I won't hold his competence against him directly, but frankly I'd rather have someone a little less evil, even if he were also less competent.
>You started the ad hominems,
No you started them with normal people do not thinks this way.
I gave examples that many people share that view
...and you continued the personal attacks
"Most normal people do not think this way" is not an insult. The following is an insult: you're a child.
Congrats, you get to have the last word.
I see why you are defending Obama.
Just like Obama its not a insult when you do it.
I'll be so happy when he is out of office and these double standards are reduced.
He refuses to acknowledge radical Islamic terrorism and blames guns for everything. I don't feel that he actually believes what he's saying he is just saying whatever is necessary to push his agenda.
he's a trans loving undercover muslim communist who was placed into the white house because he was also a nigger, fucker gives out more EO's that the past 3 prezs before him and has the audacity to say everything is hunky fucking dory, motherfucker attributes a fake infograph of unemployment to himself which isn't even real itself.
Blatantly anti 2nd amendment, pro immigration, pro open border, want's to eliminate all guns in the land of the free and home of the brave, supports lgbt to the max, he's a fucking idiot.
He's also fucking scared, scared that his legacy is gonna get shit on by DT being elected right after him making him look like an idiot worldwide.
there is a fucking plan in the midst, ever since march the economy has been prepped to free fall levels of dropping just incase trump gets elected, and the said thing is that once donald gets in office, "THEY" are gonna make the economy collapse, then all the blame will be pinned on trump with obongo's legacy staying intact, when this happens and it will, it will take atleast a whole 1 year for things to turn around in favor of trump and us the american people.
Just as the prayers of 50 people can change the outcome of a city, the prayers of a few 100's of americans can change the events of the future in our favor, please pray for trump to win and for the economy to get better once he's elected.
Seems like more of an egotistical prick than a president.
Same goes for Trudeau.
This came out before Obamacare I reckon, which was a complete, and utter abortion.
He wants to impress his deadbeat Marxist negroe father so he hates USA and has done everything he can to fuck it up
I think most people here don't have a nuanced view of anything. It's all black-and-white.