Turkish protesters: "Kill all Armenians"
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All of them should die imo desu.
Sup Forums please adopt me. Get me out of this country.
>Hey Sup Forums I'm one of you guys look what I'm saying.
Fucking selfhating bastard.
Yes, Yes you are
I'm K*rdish you shitskin. And yes I'm one of "you guys" which you will never be.
And what exactly are you, lad?
Take a guess. An opressed minority in Turkey.. Hmmmmm... who could I be.
Kurds, Armenians, Greeks, Women, Other turks....the list could go on forever
I'm kurd too so what?
>implying they'll accept you as an european.
Awesome pic.
>Look guys kurds and their weapons, we are blowing streets.
>Look how different kurd from syrians and shiet.
Go home kid.
Kurdish ofc.
They do. We get a lot of support on pol, we get a lot of support by European right wing in general. They like us. I can't wait until I move out of this shithole to Europe for good.
Who gives a fuck. Armenians are shitskins
You could have been european Mehmet, you chose the crescent instead of progress.
Ataturk had a great vision, Edrogan disappoints
You're not Kurdish.
>Kill all Armenians
i dont see the big deal here desu honest
They're the first Christian nation in this world and who are you exactly? A corporate shithole under the control of Jews.
Fuck AtaGAY. He massacred Kurdish people.
I don't worship a dead kike on a stick
This is really how Sup Forums works?
>we hate turks, we want them dead because they are cockroach subhumans
>some turks say they hate armenians because of rational reasons like khojalı massacre and stuff
>ooh turks are so violent they are full of hate why do you oppress minorities guys stop
How do you personally support the movement for the realization of a Kurdish state?
>Fuck AtaGAY. He massacred Kurdish people.
The turks massacred romanians, hungarians, greeks, cypriots, syrians, russians etc etc etc ..war's hell...but i do understand that losing your entire country to them does affect your viewpoint a lot more than mine since we were only vassals
>your entire country
what? what country?
I'm not a muzzie don't worry.
>I'm not agree with you that's why we can't be part of the same ethnicity.
>being that childish.
Borders were subjective before modern times, especially in less developed areas..you should know that
what are you?
>I'm not agree with you
okay okay now we believe you are kurdish
forgot link
he is just an edgy teen .
Some atheist person who lives in Turkey.
I want our independence like any other self respecting Kurd and we should do anything we can to get it. I don't see PKK's attacks as terror, it's war and they do what they have to do.
>The turks massacred romanians, hungarians, greeks, cypriots, syrians, russians etc etc etc ..war's hell...but i do understand that losing your entire country to them does affect your viewpoint a lot more than mine since we were only vassals
Dont care, all I know is that he massacred people. Doesnt matter if he was an atheist or European, he still killed Kurds. FUCK him.
Fuck off already. You are pretending to be Kurdish to divide and conquer the European-Kurdish unity.
>vermin is about to destroy itself mutualy
You have my blessings and both of you, bring your cleavage to europe, please.
You're mad that he's not an assblasted roach like you are?
>Some atheist person who lives in Turkey.
I really have nothing against the average turk. As a matter of fact, two white stars.
One for being surprisingly one of the few countries with a positive viewpoint over Romania (Don't really know why)
Secondly because i went on vacation around there and was surprised that your local merchants were speaking broken romanian trying to sell me stuff
Bantz aside, it's clear that Turkey is the one islamic country with the most european influence.
>Dont care, all I know is that he massacred people. Doesnt matter if he was an atheist or European, he still killed Kurds. FUCK him.
That's a bit small of you - again war's hell and you should be aware of that. Nevertheless my question was more direct so i shall ask again since no answer - what are you personally doing to aid your wishes?
I have this feeling you're like me in the sense that i stay at home and complain about the government while working at a private enterprise
>what are you personally doing to aid your wishes?
I dont know what do you expect I could do? I'm a student in Istanbul right now and I will try to find a job in Europe after I graduate.. I cant stand this shithole anymroe.
oh dear you're not very smart, aren't you?. Why should I pretend like a kurd just for strengthen the argument.
>> to divide and conquer the European-Kurdish unity.
>prejudicing this hard.
If you really hate Erdogan as much as I do, don't beg people to leaving Turkey and stay here to fight with us?
>I don't see PKK's attacks as terror, it's war and they do what they have to do.
no you hypocrite faggot IT'S NOT A WAR
it's not a war because they are not directly fighting against turkish soldiers
they know they would all be fucked up if they did so
they are killing turkish teachers, turkish doctors, killing innocent children(both turkish and kurdish) and this is why we call them terrorists, not """freedom fighters"""
you know what? you can be free in turkey as a kurd by not chimping out, by not stealing anything.
i am a turkish citizen with kurdish ancestry, my ancestors were integrated to here and yet nobody hates me because of my kurdish background
Well, you just posted pictures of armed militia and you ask me what you could be doing?
>studying in turkish university
>hurrdurr barbarians raped our lands leaving behind schools, hospitals and universities
I do have respect for those who actually take arm for their cause, regardless of how lost it is...albeit even the isis fucks do something their stupid brains and lost souls actually believe in.
>they are killing turkish teachers, turkish doctors.
so what?. don't blame PKK for this, it's all government fault, Erdogan wants civil war.
And then we fucked up. I can't believe we can't do anything to stop him.
Fight what? We will already get our independence don't you know? Erdoğan collaborates with US also. When the Syrian war is over, we will become independent in Rojava and Iraq. This is certain. Then Northern Kurdistan shall unite.
>muh innocent teachers and doctors
Rofl. PKK only targets soldiers and it's war indeed. Guerilla war but still war.
Why should I fight when we will get independence anyway?? And many of Kurds are already fighting.
>I can't believe we can't do anything to stop him.
How much is left of his term and what's the legislation over him being put in the same position again?
>Why should I fight when we will get independence anyway?? And many of Kurds are already fighting.
Are you independent yet?
Are your people still fighting while you study comfy in Istanbul?
>we will become independent in Rojava and Iraq. This is certain. Then Northern Kurdistan shall unite.
You will be as independent as Donetsk is *generickurdishname*
>>we will become independent in Rojava and Iraq
>says this who currently living in İstanbul and begging eurofags to take him.
armenians did the exact same against azeris a month ago
didn't see anyone bitching about that on the internet
>>muh innocent teachers and doctors
>Rofl. PKK only targets soldiers and it's war indeed. Guerilla war but still war.
forgot about this, don't you see the hypocrisy?
>'s all government fault, Erdogan wants civil war.
pkk was a pain in our asses for decades it isn't something started about erdoğan
pkk is fighting against 75 million+ people not only one guy
if pkk wanted to kill erdoğan(that would be really good) they would be succeeded but no, they choose to kill thousands of kurds and turks
>PKK only targets soldiers
>Temmuz 1993 tarihinde 100'e yakın PKK mensubu, Kemaliye'nin Başbağlar Köyü'nde sivilleri kurşuna dizip evleri ateşe verdi. 31 kişi öldü, 3 kişi yaralandı.[67][68][69] Katliamı PKK üstlendi ve Abdullah Öcalan Davası'nda PKK'nın eylemlerine örnek olarak gösterildi.
... :)
It's collateral damage when the Turk fascists do it but when it's PKK people lose their shit??
4 years and probably more? fuck this shit.
The sad thing is there is no war in Turkey at the moment but if PKK continues to bombing cities and Erdogan continues to kill kurd civilians. We will become Syria v.2.0.
And that's why I'm not supporting PKK or Government. We just wan't civilization, not war like shitskins.
Like you said turkey is kinda westernized country. I have a lot of friend who is like me. But sadly country is getting dangerous for us.
No little man, it's collateral damage on both sides. I've stated at least two times in this thread that war's hell.
I was just pointing out you being hypocritical because you call your fighters freedom fighters, and the turks fascists while they see you precisely the same way from their viewpoint. how could you not see that?
>Kill all Armenians
Yes please, I'm too much of a pussy to kill myself.
he is lying pkk targets civilians more than our soldiers
>According to Governor of Şırnak, Mustafa Malay, the violence was caused by 500 to 1,500 armed rebels which he alleged, entered the town during the festival. However, he conceded that "the security forces did not establish their targets properly and caused great damage to civilian houses
so what? you don't have anything to say?
>It's collateral damage when the Turk fascists do it but when it's PKK people lose their shit??
gorillas hide in where innocent kurds live you retard turkish soldiers don't do that
come at me bros
Does anyone know the add-on that filters flags? Way too many Turkish posters on Sup Forums now, I'm surprised they even get internet there
Hey bro. WE are one people. When are we taking back what's rightfully ours?
>4 years and probably more? fuck this shit.
Eah that sucks :( It's gonna be a long summer for Turkey under Erdogan
I think I actually understand a bit what's going on.
Erdogan needs a nationalistic Turkey and goes apeshit on rooskies and PKK in show of force while instigating islamic doctrine to unite the uneducated - this is going in because otherwise, you'd lose territory - That's how i see it, i might be dead wrong
Armenians are better than kebabs, all the Turks should be killed and Armenia should be given their country.
Stop being to reasonable. I want to see fascist blood, and I mean the blood of all fascists
you're welcome...
>he is lying pkk targets civilians more than our soldiers
Frankly I'd fully expect so - that's a better way of sending a message than fighting military forces. Look at the jews and the palestinians - same tactics >Stop being to reasonable.
That's a first on Sup Forums hehe
Just kill me. Or give me a gun and I will shoot myself.
Armenians, Kurds, İslamists get the fuck out of my country!
Someone get a Raid can for this turkroach infestation...
>mfw trump will make this a reality
You are welcome
Suddenly, Turkey was empty.
i said i had a kurdish ancestry but i feel like i'm a turk
you know turkey is a multicultural country just like US
Why are they so upset over the Armenians?
Try again.
can i ask you how do you know that dead children were muslims?
Thank you for reminding me about that one
You're not that wrong wise-senpai. There is one more thing. Erdogan is not an idealistic person like radical islamists. He only thinks himself.
at first he has all libtards, kurds sport. then he became more self-centric.
Yes he wants an uneducated population. Our schools/education system getting shittier everyday.
>>that flag.
>wanting to be mongol again.
He seems increasingly paranoid lately from what I've read.
I understand that there's huge pressure on his shoulders but I fear his intentions are not in the interest of the Turkish people rather as you said in his own self-centered world.
Then again having the reins of a country such as Turkey (historically speaking) must be a huge undertaking and at the end of the day, everybody wants to be part of history
i'm tired of trying to explain all the stuff about pkk and erdoğan guys
here is a redpill about foreigners
>He seems increasingly paranoid lately from what I've read.
i hope he kills himself asap
Quick post Farouk Tekbilek videos
>i hope he kills himself asap
Pray he doesn't kill you all before he kills himself by doing something incredibly stupid
Never come to the West. You're a shitskin and part of the problem regardless.
>doing something incredibly fun
fixed it for you
Based Tekbilek
As a side-note, it's even funnier because you're Austalian
>inb4 romanian education
support* typo and shiet.
You really analyzed well for a foreigner senpai.
I really want to read what you have wrote but that looks so long fuck. I'm new at english. Özetleyebilir misin dostum, tarafsız olduğunu düşünüyorum.
They're obviously afraid of Dan Bilzerian fucking all of their women.
>You really analyzed well for a foreigner senpai.
Aside from the roachposting, I actually do read what you and your countrymen have to say about the whole issue.
too bad yerevanistans entire population lives in russia and america. the only reason it exists is because of diaspora pouring money into it and russia stationing its army
>Özetleyebilir misin
erdoğan kürtlerin oyunu alırken kürtlerin iyiliğini düşünmüyordu. kürtler de türkiye'ye karşı savaşırken erdoğan'a karşı savaştıklarını söyleyerek iki yüzlülük yapıyor
daha önce erdoğanla kürtler iyi anlaşırken araları açılınca kırk yıllık düşman gibi davranmaya başladılar (pic related)
>tfw Tekbilek had a concert in Greece the same time you were there as a tourist but you didn't see him live
wtf I hate turks now
I can't wait for 50% of Canada to turn muslim
I mean it.
What is funnier then creating an arch enemy, subvert the average joes into being active on all levels hunting them down, confiscate all their wealth to push your agenda and in addition kill them in a symphony of industrialisation and bureaucracy.
Damn I wish I was born in 1910's as son of a rich german or austrian military/politican/industrial
pic related 2
Trust me, I fully understand...
I really feel my life would have been a lot more fulfilling if that were the course.
I always want to talk about the whole issue with people like you who wonders what is happening here. but talking normally not really possible in Sup Forums thanks to edgy turk teenagers and roach*memeing, I don't blame you guys for that memeing, they deserved imo.
That's why I always preferred to read here, not posting. But since we are here, ask me anything senpai, I will try to answer as i can.
thanks man.
Well, I was actually wondering what the general mood is in Turkey in regards to Erdogan?
Especially in the highly educated turks from big cities.
Also, was the downing of the russian plane sincerely seen as a good thing to do?
Albeit it was a powerful move since dead rooskie
In regards to the PKK - are they an actual threat to integrity or will they at most just gain as much independence as Donetsk did?