How do we fix this?

How do we fix this?

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A new paint color to spruce the place up?

Fuck you, there is nothing wrong with this

Repeal the national firearms act and we won't have to deal with all those wonky barrel lengths.

more accessible pricing would be nice, how much is that ps90?

That's what I was gonna say

I know, that retail space looks incredibly amateur. That store should really work on it's presentation.

Not a lot of people buy them. $1k range even less of you look around.

Ar 15 sucks compared to an AK 47.

Hold a "Fuck the Terrorists, We're Ready For Them" sale and get those guns into the hands of people who can use them.

Ban dangerous people.

>dat file name

I call bullshit, shill.

No money down financing and broader color schemes to appeal to the cartoon generation

>Dat automatic flintlock, doh...

Cut down the barrel of that PS-90 to its proper length.

Make full autos,AOW,SBRect legal and then adapt the NFA system for RPG's and explosives instead.

Fucking This!

If everyone in the world had guns, the problems would iron themselves out in a week! It might not be pretty but it's a fact.

I want to SBR everything. Even that flintlock. SBR that bitch

Thats exactly what the gun range looks like by my house.

But keep in mind none of these are full auto just semi auto. So you cant just hold down the trigger and spray.

Those guns are not automatic

"Gimme the PS90 with extra ketchup and the AR-15 to-go , oh and also only diet bullets pills, I don't want to start a mass shooting"

With the right trigger onsears they are

This, desu Senpai


That ps90 looks pretty nice...what's with the barrel though? It looks weird on a weapon like that.

Ban assault rifles, it's been done before.


An option to swap out the fuckhuge barrel on the PS90. I don't want full auto, but I do want a more compact size, the barrel completely ruins the purpose of it.

and /k/ammandos Identify the old civil war looking rilfe up in the corner?

I don't know. I don't think anyone understands why the AR-15 is so popular.

Exactly none of those guns are automatic

Repeal the NFA so that P90 can have a proper barrel length.

OP has a vagina

The only way to fix the gun problem in the US is for white Americans to buy them before the niggers, spics, and mudshits get their hands on them.

With glass cases. That looks like shit.

This desu

Not at all

Add some more variety to the selection, some shotties and a levergun or 5 would be nice.

Virtually anybody here can already buy a gun. Most choose not to, let alone carry one around everywhere they go. You certainly wouldn't see people carrying around automatics in movie theaters, nightclubs, etc. Repealing the act will not slow down the ever increasing killing sprees that are happening. Come on, people. I looking for serious answers here.

OP is right, the problem is pic related. Why are these guns hanging up there when they should be on the backs of every american. If healthcare is a right where the government pays for healthcare for people, why shouldn't the government buy guns for everyone? I mean it's the second amendment, it's been a right for centuries. It's 2016 guys. We need everyone armed with tax dollars.

Those guns sure do look scary. If they had wood furniture they'd look much safer.

Issue an M4 to every male united states citizen registered for the selective service on their 18th birthday.

Is that my boy Hemingway's .380?

Yeah, OP, there is no fixing the ps90


I could buy a grenade easier than a AR

There is nothing wrong with pic OP posted.

No one deserves a scope mounted this high i feel sorry for this AR

Sbr that sling shot bro

>ever increasing killing sprees

You need to turn the news off. It's warping your sense of reality.

It's to comply with the 16" minimum barrel length.

buy them

you give man money, man gives you gun, problem solved.

Sup Forums BTFO

by giving me that fucking ps90

I think it's a Sharps.
Kind of hard to tell, a lot of Civil War carbines looks very similar.

Make them mandatory?

The wall looks disgusting. Ask Trump on how to build a better one.

4th of July sale.

I would like to see larger price tags. I like to window shop but don't like touching guns I'm not going to buy. That's just rude.

we mount the sights in their proper place?

the caliber of that flintlock rifle looks smaller than it should be
why is it so hard to find proper replicas, you'd think they'd be fairly easy to make cheaply with modern metalworking
all I want to do is impress my range buddies with a nice black powder .58

there is nothing here that needs fixing , all is working as intended.

THESE ARE NOT AUTOMATIC WEAPONS. THEY ALL HAVE PRICE TAGS DANGLING, INDICATING THAT THIS IS A STORE. No store ever would put glorious class 3 weapons next to or even on the same wall as plebshit semi autos.
>how to fix?
Chop the barrel on that ps90 (which is the civilian legal, SEMI AUTO variant of the p90). take the bipod off the m16 with an eotech (hard to justify the extra weight and it's unlikely you'd be using one in

but that is wrong
the modern ar 15 is way less prone to malfunctions and is more resiliant to dirt and shit

You take the fight to the (((Money Printers))).

Most people couldn't make an auto sear for any of those. The lightning link for an ar is not an auto sear just a piece of metal that interrupts the trigger detent.

What I could discern from your sentence is inaccurate from a technical perspective, not to mention its just fucking illiterate.

Put the one way up top down lower so there easier to reach.

/k/an /k/onfirm it's a sharps carbine

Because despite the amount of fat scooter-riding fuckups we have, there's a huge amount of people in this country who believe in its founding principles and make purchases congruous with their beliefs. As a member of the most cucked nation on this planet I wouldn't expect you to understand any of that. As a member of the Muzzie rapefugee pandemic, I'd expect you to. So are you an honest cuck or a shitskin feigning ignorance?

Put them in my basement

By taking them off those ugly wire hangers

send them to yuropoors who need them soon.

Could have a pat down security for a while

nah your wrong. look it up kraut nigger, you cabbage patch bitch.

>File name, lol not a single one of them.
>New PS90
>Not one piece of Magpul anything
>GayCU camo bag

This picture is a million years old. Get with the current year noguns faggot.

Far too man unsold guns desu, buy them up and protect our families with them.

>That store should really work on it's presentation.
>calls others' style "amateur"

user, what the fuck?

We have to fix it by buying them all before terrorist and marxists can do it.

GOGO GO do your part!

yeah i can post memes too.

take it to /k/ and theyll tell you whats up.

no answer i guess
as a murican you ought to know better

we don't, it's beautiful.


> m16 A-1
here is your problem faggot

>tfw not american
>tfw will never get to pow pow pow

Wait isnt your country one of the most lax gun countries in the world though?

>m16 is not an ar

Not as good as murica though

It's easy to get a hunting rifle, but pretty much impossible to get something like an M16. Well, unless you go buy one in Russia and smuggle it in.

Nice wrong price range and nice dubs you faggot.

Fuck off spud nigger

its like you are a dirty communist that cant even read

Create a registry. Ban gun shows, that's where 40% of all guns are sold. If you wish to own a gun for self-defense, get a license.


Its a combination of
>Hey I had this in the army/marines/whatever
>OMG it's like COD
>runs like a top if the people who made it aren't retarded

>I will never have 2nd amendment

Why even live

Maybe a little splash of color and put some of the guns vertical

Mark everything half off.

Buy custom or build your own for quality.