>free will is a myth
>religion is a joke
>man is a monster
What the fuck happend? Whole Kinosphère is spoiled by pessimism now. Why these themes are so popular? Shows like True Detective, Westworld should be banned from existence.
Free will is a myth
I'm thankful we still have Terry
media is appealing to the least common denominator for $$$
that's why the themes is so superficial and shit. being shitty overly sexual degenerate criminals is the only thing they relate to.
It might have something to do with global recession that lasted 6+ years with extremely anemic job growth even in the recovery.
There's too many people and life is too easy (in the West) that we have our minds wander too often and we've realised how shit life is if you're not a King.
>pessimism is a 21st century phenomenon
Yes user, everything stinks.
Of course it isn't, but there is too much of it right now. For example, look at the new star wars flick, it's not about adventure, power of friendship, and optimism it's a Saving private Ryan 2.
Also, a Matrix-like syndrome where life is the best it's ever been for the greatest amount of people in history so collectively our programming along with intentional media propaganda leads us to still not be satisfied with what we have and want ever greater pleasures.
Regardless of your ethical stances, the Western world is so much more free and egalitarian than its ever been yet the major media outlets seem addicted to pumping out constant reminders of how much sadness and inequality exists.
Forgot about Mr. Robot
Only Elliot espouses those themes and hes clearly shown to not be worth listening to outside of his tech expertise. I wouldnt say the show counts. In fact, its hard to say Esmail makes a clear argument one way or the other but there are does appear to be an overall pro-moral message in Elliot's struggle against what he sees as evil.
That's realism user.
>it's a Saving private Ryan
actually the realized that mistake and reshot most of the film with a lot more quips and levity. you should like it now!
Pessimistic philosophy reappears during times of economic or social recession. If you thought the last 10 years were bad, wait until the Trump years. Pessimism will find new depths previously unknown to mankind.
Except, no. It's realism if you're a weak minded defeatist bitch. Life is good. People are good. It's a good time to be alive.
>Whole Kinosphère is spoiled by pessimism now
Not pessimism. The best kino is typically a tragedy. Tragedy! Here's a word you would like...
Good is a subjective imaginary word with no real world meaning outside of the imagination of the observer.
Just looking at the cabinet picks, can easily show we are going to have great movies for years to come...
A tragedy doesn't have to be pessimistic. A tragedy just means it ends badly. Which can be bittersweet.
>free will is a myth
>religion is a joke
>It's a good time to be alive.
i think we'll see the good times end before we die, maybe the generation after
religion and greed going too far
Thats because its true.
Free will is an illusion.
Religion is a joke.
Man is an animal.
embryo mistake
A tragedy can also be a comedy. Often times called "black comedy."
>the Western world is so much more free and egalitarian than its ever been yet
(citation needed)
>"'I have a dream.' That one day every person in this nation will control their own destiny. A land of the truly free, dammit. A nation of action, not words, ruled by strength, not committee! Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around.
>Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think -to act -for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chickenshit bureaucrats. Fuck this 24-hour Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit! Fuck American pride! Fuck the media! FUCK ALL OF IT!
>America is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it -we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new America will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive - free to live as they see fit, they'll make America great again! ...In my new America, people will die and kill for what they BELIEVE!
>Not for money. not for oil! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own wars!"
I'm going to use fake news as a business to END fake news as a business!
kino still exists you just have to know where to find it
Sounds like a teenage kid's anarchist wet dream.
If Hillary had become president we would have much more thoughtful humanist fiction. No more zombies and ancient evil capeshit.
because hope is important when there is a war going on
What the fuck is the story behind that picture?
Just hbo autism ruining the only out they had for a retarded storyline.
I don't know my man
I don't want to know
>Man is an animal.
does death come alone or with eager reinforcements?
"Optimists say that we all will be eating shit by the end of the year
The pessimist say there won't be shit enough for everyone"
I don't care for truth. I want a beutiful lie I can sink into. That's why they invented cinematography.
yeah I'm pretty sick of pessimism in "serious" film now. I can't take the shit anymore. It's like people have mistaken being a miserable faggot with being smart.
The internet itself is pretty much proof of this. Near infinite free information about any subject you can think of available to anyone regardless of income or gender or nationality (provided you live in a country that doesn't censor that shit)
oh fuck off.
Because we live in a postmodern culture that thinks it's cool to be miserable, weird, depressed and cold.
Because life in major countries is too easy and people require satisfaction of overcoming something, so idea of cruel world is very appealing in such conditions.
>postmodern culture thinks it's cool to be miserable, weird, depressed and cold
American education
Thank you for this. I realize I actually can't back that statement up and I really I meant to say the average standard of living is higher than its ever been. However, I do imagine we're more free than ever but maybe that's only in my sheltered worldview.
So youre literally a scared little child.
Does grammar ever come correctly?
He was right about memes.
Something similar to this.
>American "education"
>the men in this webm do literally nothing wrong
>woman leaves fiance at the alter to fuck every dick in sight to "find herself" or some shit
>"Fuck Men"
There are 7 billion people and we habe an understanding of time and space that to our ancestors was unthinkable. Couple this with the left's obsession to tear down old values and you have an average person that is lost, confused and ultimately weak at mind.
Our safe lives have made us stop appreciating the good in life. When everything is made in abundance, there is no point in holding anything dear. We feel detached from ourselves and our dear ones more than ever. There is less reliance on them than before. The Internet supplies our every need.
How can anyone not grow pessimistic in this environment? It was made to breed misery.
>muh crime dramas
>muh faux-introspection
>muh realism
>muh self hate
rebuke the mind poison that is normie-shit.
Sure I am.
and you're a fag who likes feeling superior because he buys into bullshit social science wankery.
Do you actually believe God and free will exist? Free will is maybe plausible but most philosophers agree it's very unlikely.
Because pessimism is the culmination of Western philosophy.
Are you able to explain this in a more elaborate way?
Why would anyone make this webm? It's sad and unrealistic.
You're sad and unrealistic.
o-okay? good one
>Star of David
Jumbling mystical symbols together willy-nilly doesn't magically produce wisdom, user. Buddhism isn't particularly compatible with Judaism and the mystery cults, especially with regards to the edgy "no birth, no death" mantra.
You sure seem like a frightened little babby to me.
Trump's election was the last gasp of optimism, for some at least, but his cabinet picks are slowly bringing it all crashing down. With US relative power already waning (regardless of who got elected), and globalism leaving people behind in both the developed and developing worlds, the whole West will find its political and cultural power questioned from the outside, prompting those on the inside to ask questions as well. Essentially, Western societies are going to have to come to terms with not being on-top for the first time in a very, very long time.
Everything being good and well isn't something you can milk drama from, user. There's a reason why dystopian fiction is more prevalent than utopian.
These themes are edgy enough to shock your grandma and feel dangerous/new, but also dumb enough for your average "I fucking love science" redditor to wrap his mind around it
Man, I've just watched some of the monologues from the game. Holy shit, I didn't remember voice action being that fucking bad.
>Loving science is bad
What a sad day for Sup Forums.
Movies and tv shows like to use
cynicism and nihilism to trick their audience into thinking they're deep and smart when in fact it isn't. All the pseudo intellectuals are cynical and nihilistic for the sake of it so they can appear to be elightened.
I want to make a first day here joke, but really I feel we're just going in circles now trying to one up each other with casual cynicism.
You have to go back faggot
He's talking about the people who actually have no interest in real science, those people have a very shallow view of it. They only like so they can appear to be smart. They're the basically the same type of people who love Rick and morty and Big Bang theory
I'd consider it to show that the medium is growing up to be honest. Look at the literature. You might say that the best books are about cool adventures and heroes fighting for important stuff, but the most respected novels for the last couple of centuries are about faggots trying to find meaning in the universe were nothing seems to brings lasting happiness. That's the kind of shit that's relevant to the people who write books and read books.
>free will is a myth
What? It's good.
>religion is a joke
Depends on religion.
>man is a monster
If here no free will, we can reprogramming him on "being good".
not op, but your """argument""" is childish and resentful
this is a staged photo innit
Hollywood is ripe for a director like Frank Capra imo. Someone who makes uplifting flicks that appeal to the good nature of man. I think we're ripe for those to make a comeback.
Fucking hell at least make her a lesbian
>Fuck responsibility! Fuck the future! Fuck having a family and something to worry about other than myself!
>Oh why do i feel empty and alone after so much meaningless sex and chasing dopamine high?
>Fuck men.
The butcher or butchers could be working with ford to play out the script
>They only like so they can appear to be smart.
Woah, that's deep.
man is this pic real OP?
I mean I wonder the story and I wil never know. Poor girl unless she's a whore and got what she deserved
What he means is that literally there is nothing left to live for.
>Why these themes are so popular?
>gives two examples of TV shows hardly anyone watches
>"What is it about society that disappoints you so much?"
"Oh I don't know, is it that we collectively thought Steve Jobs was a great man even when we knew he made billions off the backs of children?
Or maybe it's that it feels like all our heroes are counterfeit; the world itself's just one big hoax. Spamming each other with our burning commentary of bullshit masquerading as insight, our social media faking as intimacy.
Or is it that we voted for this? Not with our rigged elections, but with our things, our property, our money.
I'm not saying anything new. We all know why we do this, not because Hunger Games books makes us happy but because we wanna be sedated. Because it's painful not to pretend, because we're cowards.
Fuck Society."
When asked why he quit Hollywood productions to make educational films for CALTECH Frank Capra said this:
>The winds of change blew through the dream factories of make-believe, tore at its crinoline tatters.... The hedonists, the homosexuals, the hemophiliac bleeding hearts, the God-haters, the quick-buck artists who substituted shock for talent, all cried: "Shake 'em! Rattle 'em! God is dead. Long live pleasure! Nudity? Yea! Wife-swapping? Yea! Liberate the world from prudery. Emancipate our films from morality!".... Kill for thrill – shock! Shock! To hell with the good in man, Dredge up his evil – shock! Shock!
Media is trying to demoralize. When this country has self-esteem we can accomplish anything, so they try to slowly drain our self-esteem. The problem is that they're wrong about human nature.
OP said it: media in general is constantly focusing on the negatives of humanity. What about our redeeming qualities? What about human selflessness and charity? What about the people who run into burning buildings to save lives? What about the side of humanity that marched into certain death on Omaha beach to fight tyranny? How many people do you know IRL that are actually ruthless, selfish monsterous scumbags? Not too many. Look how many bleeding hearts we have who's downfall is that they have TOO MUCH COMPASSION for illegals and for refugees and for 'trannies' and whatever...
Yes, our race to the moon was inspired by a cold war; but what did we say when we reached the finish? "We come in peace of all mankind."
Bullish investment is only a thing because people naturally overestimate the likelyhood of a positive future. We're naturally inclined to postive thinking, kindness, and hope. We're naturally attracted to stories of triumph and catharsis. That's why it takes years and years of concerted effort to beat us down but only a few months and the right speech or flick or whatever to send us right back over the top.
mr robot is for people with drug addict level thinking.
Are you subscribed to Infowars by any chance?
Fear not, based Lynch will come back and save TV
No, why do they say shit like this on there? I've only ever watched some of PJW youtube stuff. He's pretty entertaining.
Seems like you hate the MAIM STREET METEOR
Buddy trump entire platform was built on optimism, it's part of what got him elected
Americas gonna be great again, and you'll be dragged along kicking and screaming
I like how you're probably meant to say YOU GO GIRL
It sucks today that if his films came out today, people would consider them cheesy and lame.
Is that Annet Mahendru?
Did none of you morons notice that it literally means "have sex with men"?
It's what's left for tards who can't into STEM
It's the game of thrones millennial generation. These people mistake violence and cynicism to be "deep" and "mature". Entertainment like GOT cause the subtle degradation of western civilization. The morale of America only gets lower with garbage like this shoved in our faces all the time. Why do you think young people are so stupid nowadays? Then there's the liberal media, but that's a story for another time
>>>pessimism is a 21st century phenomenon
>Yes user, everything stinks.
Are you so stupid that you think the message of the Seventh Seal was one of pessimism?