What's the worst accent on Earth, Sup Forums? Which people make your ears bleed, and do you go out of your way to avoid being around them?
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southern american accents
people who say "accrosst"
This one gets me, too. I fucking hate southern accents. I really hate cockney accents, too, but more in women than men. Female cockney accents are erection-slayers.
new york accent for sure
>Put it in my schlüppentransporten!
London / Southern England accents are like nails on a chalkboard. Northern accents sound really nice though .
kentucky accent is the worst
Englanders for sure brother, I FUCKING HATE BRIT TALK
My accent, Minnesotan.
English(GB) or french
Indian, no competition
Dudley, uk.
This one crossed my mind. Fuck you, wooper.
Ghetto speak
Bosnian. Trust me.
Yep, Amy Wino's voice makes me want to puke. She sounds like some cockney Victorian prostitute, "Ere love, 'owabout a bit o' fun for a copper, eh?" while she lifts her filthy skirts to reveal a filthier merkin.
Horrible singer on top of that; I'm glad she's dead.
Southern California accent.
It's worst when youre talking to girls from that area who really elongate and rise the pitch at THE END OF SENTENCES AND CLAUSEEEES(?) So that every sentence almost sound like a nagging QUESTIOOOON(?) It should really STOOOP(?) what's worse is that they've also developed a croak as thEY TAAALK (?), which make them just sound ridiculous and pretentious. I know that this trend is pretty widespread amongst AmeriCAN GIIIIRLS (?), but from my experience southern Californians are most affected by it. Now even guys are doing it to and they sound ridiculous and effeminate.
So basically, American accents with 'uptalk'/high rising terminal and 'vocal fry', which just ao happens to be most predominate in southern California.
Lol I like this answer also i forgot my trip up here
Singaporean, la
>says the guy who has the accent that sounds like hes a fucking faggot with a gay lisp
new york accent is the best accent, you half slav mongrel
De gud ting abut de english languge 's dat piple kant tel wer yu cum frum.
holy god id fuck that till my dick came out her mouth
northern jew yankee accents for fucking real.you can literally hear the shekels clink.
yankee / new york accents, effete west coast accents, and every nog accent from everywhere around the world.
or north american free range negro.commercial city negro worster.
the word "bruh" triggers homocide.
Any non-Celtic British accent, Nigger accents, and the Midwestern Yankee accents.
I've never been up north and honestly I have no idea how I dont have a country accent while everyone else does down here so anything is better than these people down here.
French Canadian accent is fucking annoying close second is people from Boston or New York
t. southern redneck
When a fellow Ozfag tries to talk like a pseudo-Japano-Russian.
I have to hear it from my friend's gf every time I'm around them both and my skin just crawls.
I'm from california, redneck accents are annoying but basketball americans, jews, and fuccbois are worse
people from Boston don't even have accents that shit is in movies only
"Midwestern Yankee" wat
hispanic women
my god its absolute shit tier get one of those bitches on the cellphone and its worse then hearing a dindu speak ghetto trash
Listen to Mandarin Chinese for a while, especially fat nasally chinks.
I watch tons of documentaries from around the world with English subtitles, but Chinese is the WORST to listen to.
New York/Jersey, followed by Indian (from India), followed by Chug (our Indians), then Newfie trailer trash.
Faggots from Brooklyn and in general, gays
French Canadian chicks sound sexy as hell
baaastan can be entertaining like minnesota's ameriscand and although just cant deal with ny kike maine doesnt bother me.
but in the south u have to have lived there to get its nuance theres about 4-5 slight dialects each more southern the further u get away from decent school districts.
scott co va is coal miner slanger southern and probably most decrepit form ive ever heard.
theres tennessee moonshiner that u cant understand,carolina lilt,almost every state its slightly different.
and are hot as fuck and from what ive seen and experienced,are ready to go allday long.
well that just hearing that entire dirt language.i wouldnt spend 10 seconds trying to decipher dialects fuckin is just a language that oozes blunt stupidity.
They generally take very good care of themselves.
bullshit know plenty of people with those exact accents
what the fuck does that sound like?
would be in guiness for most confusing sound in the world.
I got you senpai, watch this
Worst English accent, I agree, incredibly vapid I can't listen to them
Basically the L & R switch, plus a bad actress's Russian accent on all Rs that turn them into DT. With the Australian drawl of vowels.
And an attempt at a Russian accent into the Japanese outbursts of "Nani desu ka?" and the like instead of just "What?"
She's of Irish/Welsh descent, so neither of these are in her blood nor upbringing.
Just... FUCK
Lol you jealous brah?
Le meilleur français sur la planète est au Québec!
>Worst English accent, I agree, incredibly vapid I can't listen to them
Agreed. It's also pretty bad that the trend is now also hugely popular here too among women. If you have a listen to an inner city girl from Melbourne or Sydney, they have slight American inflections in their voices. So imagine that, plus a croak and the uptalk. Apart from the SoCal accent, the accent I just described is my most hated.
Your video was spot on about the vocal fry, thanks for sharing senpai. Here's one about uptalk, my most hated of vocal trends:
American, it's sound so cheap and tacky which is why it's used cheaply in every piece of media there is.
That's literally you. God dammit Leaf.
these sound horrible
ehh niggers are their own species they dont count
>cheap and tacky which is why it's used cheaply in every piece of media
more like
>used cheaply in every piece of media therefore sounds cheap and tacky
I work at a nuke plant, i grind my teeth every time one of my coworkers says newk-yuh-ler
No mention of German or German Accent?
Color me surprised.
fucking nigs sound better even
Germans speaking with an American English accent sound awful tbph
>Working at a nuclear plant
>Can't say the word properly
Shouldn't that be a litmus test as to aptitude to work there?
at least you fucking deleted your post
Mexican Spic makes me want to put my hand over my wallet.
As far as human beings, Boers who moved to OZ/NZ while young and now speak English as a first language.
Liverpudlian, it's harder to understand them than a mongol from deep within Siberian tundra who barely speaks English at all and has had 5 liters of vodka before trying to speak. Not to mention how fucking retarded it sounds.
Yes, I did. I do care about fixing my mistakes at least.
Even if I don't notice them until too late.
>What's the worst accent on Earth, Sup Forums?
Whatever the fuck Trump tries to speak
- NY
- Around central Europe (it may be Dutch I'm thinking of)
- Indian
The south of England has so many accents that this is just a completely stupid post.
The accents in the south west sound nothing like London accents. Even within the SW there are tens of different accents...
you still failed, straya.
Brit women trying to talk dirty
But what's the best?
I vote for General American, or, more accurately, Central Hoosier.
Hey Americans, what kind of accent is this?
It sounds fucking weird to me.
In Great Britain at least, excessively strong accents are common place of the lower class. I can't think of a single strong regional British accent that isn't awful
I like cockney desune.
Canadian, Indian and South African
Cockney followed closely by guido new jersey
Andalusian and canarian. Also the spic ones.
Scouse isn't a "northern" accent, it's scouse. Think more like Sean Bean
came to post this (i think)
if it's this you mean:
Latvia gets it.
What do you think about Norwegian?
>inb4 it sounds like Swedish
I like the Swedish accent, so yours is probably also good.
The basic finnish accent is horrible but it's a tie with the french and italian.
>uhhhhh I do not uhhhhhh know uhhh the thing uhhh le bonne chance you know uhhh oui oui
>iiits te-thiiiing, very bellissimaa *smacks lips* frutti di maaaare, in itttaaalia most-a best food-a we eat-a
When I was in England Liverpool was considered the north, at least amongst Londoners.
I woulda ate that broad out.
Makes me rage, too, straya. They're not very common where I'm from, outside of 12-year-old twATS(?) trying to sound contrarian. Thank god, or I would have Omar'd out a long time ago.
Houd je muil, landverradend stuk allochtonentuig. Surrogaatmensen als jij zouden standrechtelijk moeten worden vergast.
Stupid Hollywood and their eternal mixup of Dutch and German.