>"religion and religious extremists are the problem, an atheist would never do this!"
>a hundred million dead from communism
>50 million aborted babies since Roe v Wade
Can we put kebab removal on hold so we can remove fedora?
>"religion and religious extremists are the problem, an atheist would never do this!"
>a hundred million dead from communism
>50 million aborted babies since Roe v Wade
Can we put kebab removal on hold so we can remove fedora?
Other urls found in this thread:
One at a time, lad. One at a time.
>file name
Right because if reddit is known for one thing, it's for being pro-life
Fedoras are a problem much more dangerous than kebabs.
They corrupt the society from inside, kebabs are outsiders that would never came if the fedoras never existed
>50 million aborted babies since Roe v Wade
All of them babies of shitskins and leftists. How cucked do you have to be to see this as a problem?
You cannot consider yourself right wing, conservative or traditionalist if you support kinslaying.
>Muh aborted BABIES
Shut the fuck up. If I planted a seed and dug it up, I wouldn't be cutting down a tree. That being said, I agree with your post generally
I know this is Sup Forums but if this is what you unironically believe then you are an evil person.
I appreciate the analogy but there is a big difference between a plant or animal, and a child of God.
It's almost 100% a bodily autonomy thing for me. I don't morally agree with abortion, but the idea of the government telling anyone that they HAVE to carry a child to term rubs me the wrong way. I know you're supposed to say "well it was their choice to get pregnant," but keep in mind that no one who got pregnant on purpose wants an abortion
I'm ok with killing to achieve a political motive, eugenics and think overpopulation is a massive problem.
I also recognize the difference between potential and actual.
A woman's "right" to privacy from the government doesn't give her a right to kill a baby. A right to privacy shouldn't supersede an unborn child's right to live just because women are so lazy and selfish that they won't give birth to the little bastard and give it up for adoption.
>t. omar mateen
Theocracies kill because of religion, communism kills because its a form of tyranny. Religion is the cause of theocracy while atheism is just one of the products of communism.
Not the same thing.
Abortion isn't murder, and if it was, oh well. There's enough people on this planet already, you should really be encouraging abortion as low intelligence religious zealots grow in numbers everyday.
Why not? Why is some spic from the Brazilian favelas the authority on what's right wing and traditionalist?
They used to drown babies they didn't like in barrels before there was abortion and before that they pierced their feet and left them to be eaten by wild animals - if you would've read Oedipus you'd know. Killing unwanted offspring is tradition.
>How cucked do you have to be to see this as a problem?
I guess this answers that.
Cuts down on crime
>if too many people are born we should mass murder people so we all can have bigger lawns and less traffic
t. atheist
The act itself is a crime against humanity, and it is a worldly negation of the traditional view of transcendence, whether it be karma, or the Christian idea of immortality.
>if you're not down with mass murdering babies you're a KEK
Do you expect this argument to work on anyone older than 14?
Yes all muslims and jews and christians should unite and butcher atheist intelligentsia.
Notice how the pro-life cuck has no rational arguments and has to rely on emotional appeals.
Kek is a frog deity. It's not a substitute for the word "cuck", which you are because you'd rather have millions more niggers and leftists (livescience.com
You don't even have to kill them yourself, they're already doing it for you. And instead of being thankful that they make society a bit better and the future a bit less dim you want to ruin it for what? Some vague nonsense about transcendence.
Considering that these 50 million babies would've procreated eventually we're talking about potentially MILLIONS less people who are more likely to commit crime and almost certain to vote for policies that'll lead to the destruction of your country.
You say that like it's a bad thing, like it's not what makes us human. This brings up another point, how attached to rationalism you atheists are, as if it is the alpha and omega of all knowledge. You know "rationalizing" is kind of a bad word, right? Like if you know something is wrong but you're trying to convince yourself it isn't, somebody will say "you're just trying to rationalize it". Sorry but you don't get to dictate who lives and dies based entirely on rationalism while completely ignoring ethics, tradition, and all sorts of other things.
>Kek is a frog deity. It's not a substitute for the word "cuck"
This. little retard kid doesnt know about the fucking filters
>>a hundred million dead from communism
Dumbfuck Christcucks don't realize that without abortion the nigger population would skyrocket
the Oregon communities college r9k shooter faggot was asking if people were Christian or not. he killed the Christians and knee caped the atheists.
>unironically wanting to kill black babies that literally dindu nuffin
You need Jesus user.
I literally never hear this argument, I'm an atheist, I only see the kebab as a problem, I don't care about any other religion.
>You say that like it's a bad thing
It is when you want to convince people of your position. Appearently you don't. Abortions will continue to be a thing and hopefully it'll lead to eugenics eventually so that we can snuff out defectives before they're even born.
I'm not an atheist by the way.
>Sorry but you don't get to dictate who lives and dies based entirely on rationalism while completely ignoring ethics, tradition, and all sorts of other things.
That's correct since the choice at the moment is voluntary. Your problem is that YOU don't get to dictate who gets to live, at least admit to that :^)
I've been here since the Hebdo shooting. I've seen the rise of both the Kek as well as the cuck meme and the only ones conflating them were newfags and shills.
Abortion solves problems before they become problems. Abortion is great.
Amen :^)
we must realize that we are all gods, or earth will die.
Most people aren't so autistic that they sperg out "not an argument" anytime a person makes an "emotional appeal", you understand that right? Most people who have any morals whatsoever don't need their arguments on whether we should kill babies or not to be based entirely in rationalism. You're the fucking weirdo here that can't into ethics. Also, try typing cuck in all caps you oblivious to filters newfag.
Killing a person =/= aborting a fetus before its been born.
Nice try though?
The pope and his retarded crypto jewish followers are one of the biggest threats to the west right now
>l-love your neighbor
>t-turn the other cheek
If you are ever in the situation to need an abortion you trash anyway.
Eugenics is good
>Killing a person =/= aborting a fetus
This is what atheists actually believe.
>You say that like it's a bad thing
This kind of emotional garbage brought Germany into its current situation.
>Sorry but you don't get to dictate who lives and dies based entirely on rationalism while completely ignoring ethics, tradition, and all sorts of other things.
The same shit could be said about rapefugees. But I say, sink the boats and deport/shoot them all
Teleological ethics agree competely with killing babies since it depends on the goal.
The goal for me is a healthy people. Healthy people aren't shitskins, aren't leftists, aren't defective. Therefore abortion is ethical.
Right because the "red pill" is hating Muslims and going to war for Israel. Pathetic, goy.
>We must remove the brown people because they aren't compatible with our kosher, fag enabling nihilisitic liberal democratic degenerate western post-modernist values!!!111
>not wanting to get rid of blacks
The christcuck contributes to white genocide once again
>there are still people who unironically, seriously and without a hint of doubt believe that life begins at fertilization.
This is seroously sad.
>atheism and communism are the same thing
No what brought about Germany's situation is they thought they could kill millions of Jews, Slavs, gypsies, and others and not be put on a leash for the rest of history. The same type of nihilism you are advocating today. Do you Krauts never learn?
Implying. Jews are next on the list
>I'm redpilled
>Now let me tell you about the ancient jewish palestinian carpenter I worship
We must remove brown people because they're brown people. It's like you either don't know or don't care about the downsides of diverse societies.
million aborted babies since Roe v Wade
>Americucks defending jews, gypsies and rapefugees
Christian are truly pathetic cuckolds who care more about their emotions than the future of their race. You're like women.
>there are still people who unironically believe the jury is forever out on when exactly a human life is created but will sperg out if they hear there is microscopic life on Mars
>not killing black babies is white genocide
wew lad
this 2bh
Thanks mostly to abortion the black population in the US is set to stay at ~13 percent through 2050.
That's a "A fucking leaf", "poo in loo" kind of argument. It just show hoe stupid you're.
The greeks(and other pagans as well) drowned babies, not the christians. The pagans died a long time ago.
It contributes to white genocide.
I'm getting suspicious that I'm replying to a nigger
I suppose I should care less about my salvation and more about how much melanin my descendants have throughout the ages to come? You're cucked by your worldly nihilistic views.
It sure as hell doesn't start at fertilization. Science backs that up.
Shitskins, especially the middle easterns type, do not usually make abortions. Meanwhile, a good part(in some countries most) of europeans do.
And low fertility rates plus abortion laws will make you people extinct in few centuries
What is a fertilized egg then, a fucking inanimate object?
>The greeks(and other pagans as well) drowned babies, not the christians.
I guess when Roman women at the end of the 12nd century threw their babies into the river Tiber they were just trying to teach them how to swim, right?
>Trexler, Richard (1973). "Infanticide in Florence: new sources and first results". History of Childhood quarterly 1: 99.
>The pagans died a long time ago.
Yes, and so did the Christians that could've effectively stopped abortion.
>calls others cuckold
>fell for the "race goes only skin deep meme"
Christian everyone. Traitors are the first to go once shit hits the fans. I also don't know why you keep spouting "nihilistic". Bet you never even read Nietzsche
I never said abortions didnt existed
Do they teach you English in Austria?
>Shitskins, especially the middle easterns type, do not usually make abortions
Blacks do. The demographics of the US would be fucked beyond repair of those nigger babes wouldn't have been cut out of the nigger sows ON THEIR OWN REQUEST.
The Europeans who get abortions are leftists, I'm glad they're dead before they get to vote. We have enough of those traitors as is.
>And low fertility rates plus abortion laws will make you people extinct in few centuries
Birthrates aren't static. We're not seeing a natural and healthy adjustment to future developments (you know, since whites are mostly K-selected they care about that shit more than subhumans like you). Automatization is going to make so many people redundant, it's not even funny.
Removing Fedora = Removing almost all East Asians
>protestofags speak for all christians
Then again not like they teach Germans history anymore.
>he fell for the race realism meme
"IQ is literally everything except for when we are ranked #3 we are still #1 because muh inventions"
East Asians have the fastest growing Christian Communities in the world.
It's not a human life.
Define life.
And then define human.
You said Christians didn't drown babies. Rome was Christianized by the 12th century. Roman women threw babies into the river Tiber.
Do you think they were trying to teach them how to swim?
What's wrong about "roman" and "century"?
>if I call it a zygote it's not a human life
This is why Guenon considered modern science to be a degenerate shell of traditional sciences.
>he thinks race realism is a meme
At least you're open about being anti-white. Something pretty common amongst the Christcucks trying to shill their bullshit here.
Commies were not motivated to kill by atheism.
They killed for communism.
Exaggerating to draw on the fact that you said 12nd instead of 12th.
>Rome was Christianized by the 12th century
Are you enjoying your summer? Seriously though stop replying, your opinion has been discarded.
They did want to remove religion. So that makes them atheist.
>150 million dead people
Why are you against this?
You could have just deported all the niggers to Liberia and then ban abortion.
>he fell for made up horseshit cobbled together from a collection of contradictory texts and traditions about a magical carpenter
>he's willing to sacrifice his own people because of "muh feelings"
Expected nothing less of a mutt nation. The Eternal Christian strikes again
Yes, but they lack of religeon was no the motivator.
Muslims and Christians will kill for god, Commies killed for communism.
No communism and no religion looks like the best situation.
>Government tyranny is atheism
>Abortion, which is primarily poor blacks culling their own, is the result of atheism
>Atheists, which are a very small population in the americas, have more of an influence than the christian vast majority
Nigger what the fuck are you doing.
>The Europeans who get abortions are leftists, I'm glad they're dead before they get to vote. We have enough of those traitors as is.
Then most europeans are leftists, or they're the only group that breed.
Pic related
>ZWe're not seeing a natural and healthy adjustment to future developments (you know, since whites are mostly K-selected they care about that shit more than subhumans like you).
You're a subhuman, therefore you argument is not valid. are you what? 14?
>Automatization is going to make so many people redundant, it's not even funny.
And yet there are thousands of immigrants coming to your continent... if you do not breed, euros will be a minority.
Also, automatization will not happen só quickly, there will be long years before that.
Even if it happened in the short term, there would be mass revolutions because like, 90% of europeans would losr their jobs and start to starve.
>I can't defend my position, hopefully nobody will notice
It happens. I don't see you calling out anyone else in this thread.
I unironically believe this
If you abort then you shouldnt parent anyways
>he thinks we should segregate our population based a stormfaggish hierarchy of race based IQ test averages
You're more anti-white then I am because your outlook makes it much easier for the rest of the world to want to be rid of you.
I love that a German is whining about protecting the white race on an imageboard, arguing with some sort of American protestant over the morals of abortion solely based on muh niggers.
Unless you are plotting some sort of riot or coup you have no right to bitch about muh white race.
Then you have Sweden.
>Christians kill for god
I wished man, but legionaries died 70 years ago.
And even if we went by your logic people would still kill.
Sweden is half communist though and is importing religion (of peace)
>Can we put kebab removal on hold
It's hard to put something on "hold" which you've never really started...
The rest of the world isn't the liberal west
>he threw away 6,000 years of tradition so he could forever hate everyone outside of his immediate tribe and die alone after his views ruined his entire country forever and arguably Europe
Also, as if that makes it somehow right because "the rest of the world" thinks it it is.
But then again, you're a refugee and nigger apologist who only acts on his feelings
>I wished man, but legionaries died 70 years ago.
That's because Christianity stopped being a religion and morphed into humanism + chillpills for old people. Most modern 'cristians' don't go to church or pray. They view it as an identity.
>And even if we went by your logic people would still kill.
They'd have one less cause to.
Feels good.
Have fun with you mutt grandchildren as long as you have your (((salvation)))
Yes, christians do not drown babies.
Christians do not sell their bodies for money too, but some people in medieval Europe did.
Living in a christian country do not make you a christian.
>I can't defend my position, hopefully nobody will notice
West Rome fell in V century.
Fuck all fetuses, even if someone proved that they were people I would say it's ok to kill them. Kill worthless people.
>based a stormfaggish hierarchy of race based IQ test averages
Nice strawman. No, I believe we should segregate our population we're a tribal species and diversity has observable negtive effects on society.
Like I said, I like how blatantly obvious you are with your anti-white stance. That will make it easier for people to be rid of you eventually as well. I wonder who'll be first to go.
Wanna bet?
>That's because Christianity stopped being a religion and morphed into humanism + chillpills for old people. Most modern 'cristians' don't go to church or pray. They view it as an identity.
Yup. Humanism and the French Revolutions were the two biggest mistakes in European history.
>They'd have one less cause to.
We both know that is not really a cause but a reasoning.
Sandniggers would chimp out either way, Islam is just a good cover.