Are we getting a flood of leftist shills or is it just a small group of dedicated shit posters spaming "Really makes you think?" threads? In the past few weeks there's been a huge increase of kikebook "infographics" being posted or Sup Forums BTFO threads.
Are we getting a flood of leftist shills or is it just a small group of dedicated shit posters spaming "Really makes...
Other urls found in this thread:
dont really care to understand it famalam
fink = cancer
immediately saged
Trolls trolling trolls
Those people are usally just shitposters that want to trigger Sup Forums
It's like you're new to Sup Forums
It's a... I think a "maymay" is what the youngsters call it nowadays.
Sup Forums has been and always will be trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls. What easier infant level difficulty target is there than an anonymous political image board.
It doesn't matter. They will all be turned if they stay long enough. This place isn't a personality driven popularity contest. They're screaming into the Abyss, but the Abyss screams back.
"It really makes you think, therefore I am."
>t. Le Dick Giver Man
It's just a stupid meme, 90% of them are troll posts.
hillary's and soros's million dollar internet defense force are hard at work. we're not being "troll'd" we're being "corrected."
I'm just shitposting m8.
Internationally, Japanese are the closest political allies of Germany. However, in America, the Native Sioux are the closest political allies of German-Americans, as the Japanese do not enter politics.
Sioux are Nebraskans. Native Nebraskans descend from ancient Germans. There is proof of this.
The migration behavior of modern Germans parallels the ancient Germans.
The Nebra sky disk was found at the geopolitical center of Europe, and Nebraska is at the geopolitical center of North America.
Nebraska means "of Nebra."
The other native name for Nebraska is Nebraski, which also means "of Nebra."
Nebraskans were tall when we arrived here. They are honorable, with a Germanic look.
The cultural and political parallels go on for a long time. Nebraska is even a far right-wing area of North America, just like the area around Nebra is.
The things one can draw from this are surreal. It's probably likely that if the geopolitical center, or heartland) of a continent becomes left-wing, the whole continent could suffer a sustained economic and cultural collapse. Other parallels go on, like the wolf clan.
Simply knowing about the Nebraska/Nebraski and Nebra correlation is enough to turn an ordinary genius into a political genius.
I am grateful to my Germanic ancestors for burying the disk in Nebra after using it to locate and label Nebraska. They did this so that we could find it, and we have.
Research into the Nebraska/Nebra correlation is limited. This is partly because there is a living geopolitical connection that is undesirable according to Germanaphobes, and thus they are going to wage their total war on Germanic people through blocking the information I shared with you today.
Please, help.
ASU might as well be the UARC for the Air Force. It has many profs that are current or former high-ups, eg
The purpose of sharing that map was to indicate the location of STRATCOM and it's official connection with the Nebraska Blackshirts.
They come after a shooting to feel good about themselves and to push for gun control brain washing.
They always fail to change pol's ways so they leave eventually, some stay and become redpilled.
Shitposting/shillposting changes like the tides. Sometimes there is a vast flood, sometimes it's almost all genuine posters. Usually a big political event or series of events, especially US election seasons, leads to an extended period of shilling, but major international events can also cause spikes.
>Putin sends troops to Syria
>Gay marriage legalized
>Any mass-shooting
>Any BLM riots
>British Parliamentary elections
>EU elections
>Major happening that needs to be slid and is being ignored by MSM
Shillary has unsuccessfully tried to put a foothold here for a while now.
Really makes you think...
Fuck you Start you own thread faggot
Now an 8 ball thread
its one of those internet jokes that spreads around
I don't think I've seen any that actually made the left look good
There's definitely a flood of them lately.
Are you not aware what website you're on?
People post just to rustle jimmies, moron
Can you just admit you're a sexless, socially aloof person who projects all your social short-comings on Jewish people and your sexual inadequacies on gays?
Time to grow up and drop the hatred and focus on yourself for a change, loser.
Than start your own thread about it cancer faggot
Should Nebraska burn on principle because of this faggot?
I don't know but I'm saving that dank NGE Pepe
I live in CT good luck,
I'd only further North
Will Nebraska survive the next decade well ecologically?
Are Germans Aryan?
Are Germans in Nebraska Aryan?
Did you not see my glorious aquifer? How about my total war and my fertility rate? We make enough food to feed 150 million people a day, and yet there are only 1 million of us. It is you that will die. It is us that will survive.
Your neglect of the hard working farmer and your degeneracy and liberalism has cost you your genetic lineage. GETOTET
What the fuck is going on?
>Minnesota gets to be in the Nazi controlled side
I've been coming here since 2011. From what I've seen, the frequency and volume of leftist threads has increased.
Um dude New England and New York have a lot of farms. I worked at a few.
Your diminishing aquafer (Thank Texas) is becoming increasing polluted you should look into Primary water.
Over the next few decades as this new Ice Age starts Nebraska will freeze because the magnetic pole is moving over to some where in Siberia and will cause banding patterned glaciation, plan on moving north too at some point.
Is pic right? (this is or me)
As a Canadian I am obligated to fulfill my shitpost quota, and think threads take less thought than real shitposts.
It's MIDF. Happened after Paris and Belgium too. Ignore their threads. 2-3 shills usually team up to bump and have a pretend discussion.