Why this is happening?

Damn, this picture is so accurate. Tell me Sup Forums why many gays here think of themselfs as non-degenerates? Why they think there is any diffrence beetwen them and others products of cultural marxism like trans or feminist?

Because people are generally born gay?
And don't bully /lgbt/

No, they don't although being gay may not be a free choice, but gay behavior is a free choice. This applies to all degenerates.


But you just said gays, not that they had to have the more specific gay behavior.

Sup Forums is a homo brainwashing machine and always was

leave this place before it gets to you, I'm 100% serious.

In fact the Internet is defacto anti-gender roles and androgynizing/feminizing. The less technology you use the less of a faggot you will become. Computers are sexless and thus promote blurring of gender roles through use of a non-human surrogate. Transhumanism (really anti-humanism) is the end goal of all this shit.

they vote for nanny state and authoritarian government
they vote to take responsibilities and decisions away from individuals
they vote like females

Also any "gay" who thinks they're gay but never actually acted, consider that you're not homo at all, you're just screen-sexual and porno-sexual. You have a fetish for images and not people, male or female. Remember that everything you see on your screen is NOT a real person and there are other senses that the Internet blocks out.

But really there's another dimension to this that goes far deeper than gays. It might trigger Sup Forums even more.

Tell me Sup Forums why many fornicators here think of themselfs as non-degenerates? Why they think there is any diffrence beetwen people who have premarital sex and think it's normal, and others products of cultural marxism like trans or feminist?

Even many of the staunch anti-gay people here don't ever realize that STRAIGHT people who have sex outside marriage are the biggest group of degenerates by far, and it was them who enabled faggots in the first place. And this group tends to be hard on the attitude of "As long as you're not queer you're not degenerate"

"straight" "manly" slut enablers are no better than faggots and feminists.

I thought pic explains what I meant.

So Anarcho-primitivism is the final redpill?

Yeah but it's changing, not only on Sup Forums. It may sounds like a joke but I've noticed that many gays become "conservatives". They hate feminism, and they even call trannies mentally ill, which is hilarious.

Probably, or at the very least, anti-industrialism. Really feminism and everything that came after is at least partly the inevitable result of technology and comfort. I don't even see fags as the main problem, they're a late stage symptom of something that started when the West stopped doing arranged marriages and let people "choose" their mates too much.

Fascist gays are best gays.

that gorilla always makes me laugh :)

The truth is that most "straight" people are also mentally ill though. They think that sex outside marriage is OK, even many of the ones who are hardcore anti-gays. They'll even tell you you're not "manly" if you don't fuck multiple women, and that male virgins are degenerate when it's the exact opposite.


Transhumanism is an admirable goal, though.

I never noticed here someone who claims adultery is non-degenerate so what are you talking about?

Celibate gays are the best gays. The ones who realize that sex isn't life and just give it up entirely.

I believe there genuinely are men who simply are born with no attraction to women, and homosex is a trap that keeps some of them from realizing their true potential.

I hate "straight" people who try to shame men into pursuing women for the sake of it just as much as flaming faggots.

In any thread about sex and women, you will have at least 2-3 people who tell you that being a virgin is degenerate and if you wait for marriage you're just a basement dwelling genetic failure loser making excuses.

Even if it's true, better a basement dweller than an adulterer.

Say what you want but Ernst Rohm was a great man

Their liberal god have ditacted that they are no longer admited in the oppresion club

Probably shitposters from Australia, but i get your point.

There are more normal gays than there are stereotypical fag hag gays. This means there are probably about the same amount of right wing gays as tumblry social justice gays.

You stupid fucks needs to realize the only enemies that gays have is with commies (the real kind) and Muslims. Christians are just about finished bitching about muh Leviticus purity laws, and for the fucking better

Meh I got nothing against the fags. Everyone means an extra girl walking around without a dude. Sure they give each other aids but so what? Its like black on black crime. No sweat off my back.

huh, do faggots worship straight men?

It's easier to stop being a NEET than to "stop" fucking sluts (and you can never undo the other people you ruined this way). I've seen many former "chads" here who say their lives are miserable in their 30's, yet the virgin-shaming kiddies never pay attention, or they use that shitty lock/key analogy and claim men aren't effected by their promiscuity.

To be honest I prefer muslims rather then non-celibate even "right wing" gays. Muslims may be too rough but at least they have normal views on family.

I have nothing against normal fags. Like the ones that accept they are men but like cocks, no big deal. Just don't be a flamboyant faggot.

Well said

Because gay is biological
I'm not insecure about it at all. I am a regular Sup Forumstard and you wouldn't be able to tell me apart from everyone else unless I specifically mentioned it to you.

Anyone who lost their virginity in high school and doesn't 100% regret it is functionally a faggot. No difference whatsoever.

Deep down they all know they should have married her.

You'll be singing a different tune after Polan gets its first Paris-style attack.

This, pretty much. The only exception I would add to this is that female/female gay couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt/raise children, but that's for obvious reasons.

Besides, many studies show that past infancy, fathers are much more important to the future of their children than mothers are.

We went over this last thread. Being gay is not degenerate.

Even still, what's wrong with a gay ubermensch exactly?

>why many gays here think of themselfs as non-degenerates?

Easy, everyone has let them climb the ladder up into the hay loft, and they feel accepted and normalized because of it.

Now, they're trying to pull the ladder up after them.

Disappointed with your child bride mehmet?

They wouldn't be an ubermensch if they waste their seed at all. If they're celibate and conquered ALL sexual urges (including those for women) then they're fine. But the value of celibacy goes over the heads of most "straight" people these days.