London's Muslim Mayor to Ban Advertisements Featuring Scantily Clad Women

All the while speaking under the guise of Feminism and HAES

You could have prevented this.

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too much ass

low T nu male

t. Irish blood

t. Irish-American

t. non-whites

Fuck off niggers

What are you, gay?

It looks shopped anyway

Soon there will be public gender segregation in order to protect women & girls from the patriarchy.

How do you think he'll try to force other Islamic ideals under the guise of social justice?

ireland pls go

i dont get this meme

is it a stereotype irish dont like big ass or something

you are so anti-islam that you are anti-west.

What this is is an attack on cultural marxism, whether it's the goal or not.

Fuck off potato :^)
t. Italy bro


Well, there's a different take on the matter.

Interesting how two sides can look at the same issue and interpret it differently. I mean, if a woman did this, it would be seen as radical feminism, if a Muslim does it, it's radical Islam.

Pick your poison, I guess.


Either way it's censorship to protect weaklings from offence. Fuck that shit.

No one wants to see ugly British whores in bikinis anyways.


Enjoy that cellulite in a decade or two. You get them really skinny, so even when they do put on wieght, they aren't a land whale.

>under the guise of Feminism and HAES

but it was Feminism that originally spoke about the objectification of the female body

can you at least think before you start threads?

She was Australian, you homo.

lol, feel bad for the non-mudslime brits

I agree with you on as a citizen that wants the maximum amount of freedom.

However, I live in one of the freest countries in the world and things are pretty tame, here. You don't see girls overly slutty and we also don't have a hyper-sexualized culture.

You get what I mean? Like, we have the freedom to be degenerates, but is there a link between these images and the downfall of women? If so, should we let it happen as a free society?

tbqh, it's a good thing this degeneracy comes to an end.
I do not support muslims, but this is the right thing
>inb4 fuck off ahmed

Michel Houellebecq: Submission

Idiot. A thicc woman certifiably puts weight on in right places - a skinny bint is a wildcard with a huge risk if looking like a fucking fridge when the pounds start stacking up.

I agree some of that ass fat needs to be in her chest
unless you are gay

Sweden Yes

fuck off fag, I can't fuck tits neither bury my face between them and eat and smell, you are low test.

>defending ass worship
>cant fuck tits with a tiny dick
>cant bury your face in tiny subhuman chests
it checks out

Hurry up guys! He is trying to use feminism to justify this. How about we tell him to replace those half naked women for plus sized models?

that would be fun. I wonder what he would answer

what's the fun of fucking boobs and burying your face on them? they basically have no smell nor tast and they are usually ugly, why don't you end yourself fatty?

See that's actually a nice ass. Are people in Brazil that white still?

>voluntarily sniffing an ass hole
No wonder brasil is a hygenic nightmare

Her face looks sort of fucked up, but I'm not picky.

Bunch of fucktard leftists who voted for the bastard...

No. Her ass is great, and her face is good enough for her ass.

>wanting to taste the poo poo
u nasty

its the nose

They eat the poo poo. It's sick.


Tits exist to trick you into being less degenerate. It's called evolution. And it's not that complicated.

depends, it's not uncommon to see blonde with blue eyes here, but they are usually older people. My mother was one, but unfortunately I got my father's traits. the south is not white, but we have much more white people than the rest of the country. rio de janegro's mulattoes never came here so they talk shit. the climate here is colder and more alike to European countries than the rest of brazil, this is one of the reasons most European immigrants came here.


Lel, slowly implementing sharia law, dont call it a grave. Its the future you voted for.

no poo if the girl is not a trashy whore, but i could fuck anything STD free, the more i pass my genes, better.

Looks like women are going willingly full circle in the long run.

Congratulations feminism!