Mfw sexually confused

>mfw sexually confused
>mfw I love insert things up my ass to have a better cum
>mfw despite that I feel disgusted by men and male bodies and I'm only attracted by women

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you're just lonely and desperate
You know, because you'd like to get pegged

just buy your gf a strap on, jesus christ

ain't complicated


Nah I'm not interested in pegging. I prefer to dominate in sex. I only like to insert things in my butt alone.

then just buy one of these ass vibrating dildos and turn it on while fucking your gf in the ass

we live in enlightened times

lemme ask you OP, genuine question. How do you keep it all clean down there when you do this sorta stuff?
>thanks to Sup Forums, I'm a sexual spastic!

why would you ever stick stuff up your ass in the first place. that's disgusting user

You just have a gay dick user, I squirted some prep H up my ass and got an erection once, true story

Don't worry user it's not that uncommon, take dis

The male g-spot is in the butthole, so this is perfectly natural. Enjoy stimulating yourself and achieving fantastic orgasms!

>the absolute state of OP
browsing Sup Forums is your biggest problem IMHO

Get pegged in the ass
Kanye likes fingers in his ass too, and he's a genius

have a sad cum bb

genuinely don't understand how can people like this.
you really need tremendous dedication to enjoy putting stuff up your butt, It's not like fucking where it's obvious from the start it feels good

if something that basic is enough to confuse you then you really don't need to worry about it, just get a fucking dildo and find a gf who'd wear a strap-on.

It is though. You've obviously never explored your own body you freak.

>he never enjoyed a good dump when a large log of shit stretch his boipussy
>he never felt the famous shiver of pleasure every time he finished to piss
are you paraplegic?


>Music for this feel?

>flesh and blood is often a white lie

that guitar tho.

Funny how many men don't realise your prostate is your male G-spot and it is stimulated by sticking things up your ass. Same reason taking a shit can be kind of satisfying. Stimulating your prostate for an intense orgasm doesn't make you gay, but it's proof that God loves fags.

Yeah, this
Any gay anons want to enlighten me on this? I don't get how you can have bum sex without your dick getting covered in shit.

the secret is not being that squeamish about it. Any shit that might've entered the urethra gets washed out by the cream geyser and you're free to thoroughly wash the rest of your tool afterwards.

Honestly that makes it seem even more disgusting

>tfw never had this experience

Oh no, last time I took sexual tips from you Gary I ended up on a register

maybe you just couldn't find the sweet spot. But even without that, just having your arsehole forced open while orgasming tends to intensify the sensation too.

same but I'm not confused
what is there to be confused about?

just try a thumb first?

i started fingering my ass when i was a young teenager and thought it felt really good and i'd get the urge to stick my finger in there. am i gay?

This thread makes me want to do this wtf

Explore your holes!

You clean it with water. Squirt some water up your butt (not too much) and shit it out. Also eating proper foods

>is the fact that my body exhibits standard reactions to physical stimuli gay


>wow just wow
I fucking hate millennial "journalists"

Gay here, not bottomed but topped. Most of the time it's clean. Don't understand this hetero misconception that if you do anal there is no way not to get shit on your dick.

Helps if the bottom has taken a shit first before doing anal, but most importantly that they have properly washed and showered. If they've done this there shouldn't be any. Wearing a condom makes it not a big deal if there is though, and bottoms can also use an enema before which is a way to wash your ass clean from the inside out. Seems unnecessary to me though.

Music for the feels this thread evokes?

Trout Mask Replica.