South Brazil is _____

South Brazil is _____.


wtf why are there dutch areas in brazil


exactly the same with north brazil

Italians and Germans are worse than injuns


british clay


My ancestor :)

>not wanting a thicc native slutty gf

Netherlands administered Brazil for a period of time.

Does that mean Brazil is de jure Dutch clay?

overrated af

italian and brown

Where are all the Japanese flags?
Don't you also have a bunch of Syrian and Lebanese communities?

They don't teach that in school there? Here it's a pretty huge deal, the Dutch invasion is seen as the beginning of Brazilian identity.

Is this is a For me it was Tuesday situation?

Around 10 million lebanese and not a single lebanese flag on that map.
And also almost 60 million brazilian of full or partial African ancestry yet they don't seem like many on OP's pic.

Brazil is hwite

Seems legit

that's because it's all self reported or based on surnames so some full african with a portuguese name gets put under the portuguese ancestry group

Where is Latvian flag?
We had colonies in south america as well.....
Fucking dutch if not for them we would of had awsome new world bros as well.Seriusly FUCK YOU DUTCH!For ruining our colonies!

> the Dutch invasion is seen as the beginning of Brazilian identity.

In what sense?

it was part of a much greater conflict, and unlike the other regions the dutch didn't win despite the lack of support from portugal (which had no navy due to war effor for spain).

We barely touch brazil too, we mostly concentrate on how spain drain us out of everything, the dutch oportunisticaly took over our bussiness in the old world and the iberian revolts of portugal and catalunha (and the creeping french threat).

oh and I forgot, how the perfidious best ally stole our cargo from india time and time again to finance itself during the war

t-thanks england

German-Brazilian criminals are shit and get arrested all the time for committing many mistakes.

>>While of only transitional importance for the Dutch, this period was of considerable importance in the historical memory in Brazil. It did not have lasting changes on the social and institutional development of Portuguese Brazil.[2] Local Portuguese settlers had to oppose the Dutch largely by their own resources, including mobilizing black and indigenous allies, and made use of their knowledge of local conditions. This struggle is counted, in Brazilian historical memory, as laying the seeds of Brazilian nationhood.

Heh, we tend to focus on how you guys drained us out of everything, and how Portuguese mismanagement is the root cause of all our problems today. I remember one history teacher in my final year passionately ranting about how the settlers Portugal sent to live here were criminals and prostitutes and we're a nation of people genetically predisposed to crime and corruption which is why Brazil is so terrible today.

The Dutch invaded Pernambuco back when we were a colony. It's important for us because brazilian settlers had to fight the invaders on their own, with no help from Portugal, and many consider this the first real moment of brazilian unity as well as the first brazilian army.

Why do the portuguese breed like rabbits?

>prominent ancestry of population
>no pan-African flag

Brazilians are literally mostly light skin mixed niggers

that motherfucker hella ugly


I didn't pick history in high school, so I really only have the most basic knowledge of our colonial stuff.


German-Brazilians are thugs, ugly and low educated.

Seriusly FUCK YOU!
I realy whanted some new world nation to speak funny accent of Latvian and be far bigger then orginal Euro country, even if they would of been mixed with natives.

>Mexican or Spanish

I have to admit, it is extremely funny to hear someone speak Afrikaans.
It sounds like a drunk toddler is trying to speak Dutch.

Can't you see the Portuguese flag

Great parts of units that exists in the army today were created during these wars. Learning about them on EsPCEx were cool as fuck. Better than what i learnt in school before.

Just a lazy way of saying 'mestizos of unknown origins'

>British Brazilians

The portuguese are the majority in everysingle region in brazil.

It's because all those areas border Guyana.

If you consider Guyanese british.

Well it makes sense.
Plus dna wise the stereotypical latino mestizo is mainly white with some black n native.
Even their blacks have some white blood.
But culturally they all are white. Follow christianity speak a euro language an name if thats that not whute washed then what is

Full blacks aren't common tho, majority are mixed.



Most brazilians are at least 25% european (mainly portuguese), even the black ones. It's pretty hard to find a 100% amerindian/black brazilian. But isn't that hard to find a 100% white brazilian, because italians/germans arrived here a short time ago.