Poll on guns
obviously not you retard
>Being investigated makes you a second class citizen
>hurr durr we are going to investigate you in an open ended kind of way, sorry you no can into gunz my bad :^)
FBI/NSA have a file on all of us and we haven't done anything wrong besides being glorious polacks so obviously not. Nobody would be able to buy guns because the fbi would just open an investigation on everyone.
How's it feel being a bootlicker? The FBI should not be able to arbitrarily decide who can and can't own firearms.
Statist fool
What a retarded fucking premise.
>fbi investigates you
>fbi clears you
>you can't buy a gun for the rest of your life
Liberalism really is a mental illness.
>yes is winning
Fucking americans deserve to get shot up.
Are you worried about Hillary Clinton owning a gun?
>How's it feel being a bootlicker?
Feels good. I love being a big government statist.
>The FBI should not be able to arbitrarily decide who can and can't own firearms.
Yes they should. Now go fuck yourself.
It's "currently under investigation" that's being polled right now.
>Fucking americans deserve to get shot up.
Burgers need their guns to make up for their tiny white dicks.
You know, now I'm vaguely interested in Somalia.
Removing someone's rights during an investigation leaves it questionable as to which rights can and cannot be removed. Until there is proof, an investigation is little more than taking a look at something. It's innocent until proven guilty. USA! USA! USA!
>people being investigated by the FBI
>people being
Nothing in the premise says that you can't own them after you're cleared of said investigation. All it asks is if a person should be allowed to own a gun WHILE BEING investigated by the FBI.
I say it depends on what the FBI is investigating the person on. If it's terrorist related or could put civilians at harm, don't allow them to own or buy guns during the investigation. If cleared, good to go.
>Removing someone's rights during an investigation leaves it questionable as to which rights can and cannot be removed.
I mean we let people being investigated by the FBI run for president so why not
Somalia was communist until very recently you 'tard.
>Somalia was communist until very recently you 'tard.
No it wasn't you stupid retard. It was a military dictatorship, that called itself a "socialist republic" but it wasn't. It became anarchist in the 1990s.
This is an obscenely slippery slope. This enables unbridled McCarthyism where the government can decide to slap you on a watch list for whatever criteria is currently considered heretical and begin stripping your rights because of it.
I'm okay with that. Cheers, brother. Only problem is chanting Somalia is a lot longer than USA.
SO-MAL-I-UH- versus U-S-A
>Implying that the FBI is the only thing keeping the country together.
Why don't you go suck cock in prison? You'll have big men to protect you, there's no income inequality and the government will control every aspect of your life.
>. This enables unbridled McCarthyism where the government
Stopped reading right here. Where does this encourage McCarthyism? Pls go into detail how common sense gun measures leads to an Orwellian dictatorship?
>Why don't you go suck cock in prison? You'll have big men to protect you, there's no income inequality and the government will control every aspect of your life.
And my labor is exploited by the capitalist class in prison as well. Isn't it great we have a capitalist system in this country?
>literally allwing the feds stop you from owning firearms
That could never be abused.
>Implying that the FBI is the only thing keeping the country together.
And when there are a billion terrorist attacks after you abolish it as king of the USA? What than? Are you going to resign?
As opposed to what? Having your labor exploited by a self appointed oligarchy?
>Having your labor exploited by a self appointed oligarchy?
Workers controlling the means of production.
I am the King of the USA? Damn, this progressed fast. I didn't even have time to behead all the people I wanted.
Well, seeing as resigning would be a sign of weakness, I would just question how there are billions of terror attacks, but only millions of people on earth.
I'll take "What is due process," for $500, Alex.
>le damage control
>inb4 nationwide investigation bars anyone from buying guns until further notice
Obviously not. Who wants Hillary with guns?
Voted yes, the only non-Jew answer. Anybody that trusts an FBI run by a shitskin monkey-person like Obongo is a retarded faggot.
>Workers controlling the means of production.
Collectivized by "the party". It'll be so much better working for the motherland than working our own individual goals.
glad to see another comrade here
>Should people be allowed
You're asking the wrong question. Our rights don't come from the fucking government.
The people who own the means of production actually made the workers their money. So the workers are actually exploiting the factory owner under your ridiculous political belief system.
>Our rights don't come from the fucking government.
Libertardian detected.
you do know that everything remotely left wing isn't automatically the soviet union right
> I love big brother government
You understand this literally makes you either a man child or a cuckold, right?
How's it feel having so little testosterone?
Unless you live in our glorious state, then Brown is going to kick down your door to take your rifle with its little cuck mod.
I'm saving to move to Arizona ASAP.
FBI already has a big enough file on everyone, it would be a waste of time.
It's literally what Hitler did. Everyone under terror-investigation has their rights taken away to "smack down terrorists" -> Noone has rights, round up everyone disagreeing with you.
Were the founding fathers libertardian?
but fuuuuuuck Arizona. hope you're looking forward to living in a literal desert hellhole.
(unless you already live in one to which I applaud your survival)
>Were the founding fathers libertardian?
No but most libertardians seem to think that.
No, absolutely not. Libtards are split into two camps: those that have everything and aren't wiling to share and those who are poor and wrongfully believe they can make it to the top in a rigged system.
Yeah I already live in the desert. I like the climate desu. I've lived in green areas and it doesn't agree with me.
"Workers" owning the means of production is always collectivized by "the party". Besides that I already own more of my employer through stock than I ever could under a Marxist system.
Look, I know reading can be difficult, but even on an image board there'll sometimes be text.
Next time, try harder to comprehend it.
>either a man child or a cuckold, right?
And being against the state makes you an edgy teenager.
They believed in natural rights for the most part but that's about as much as they would agree.
As some one who has dealt with the FBI fuck them.
>Muslim terrorists need to be allowed to have guns
As expected of Germany.
you're a monster. I suppose my hatred of the weather also stems from my hatred of being a tiny LA suburb too
>what is due process
I suppose if we did that Hillary would go to jail for pic related.
>Unable to understand the social contract that is the Constitution
>"Workers" owning the means of production is always collectivized by "the party"
no, it just means the actual workers, retard.
>Besides that I already own more of my employer through stock than I ever could under a Marxist system.
all this means is that you're just as bad as your employer in terms of being a filthy capitalist
>Should America allow followers of violent ideologies with mentally retarded IQs enter the country?
The answer is yes
Absolutely not. Whiskey rebellion's a good instance of how our founding father's treated people who didn't want to pay taxes.
Now since it's very clear that we are against gun ownership here, how do we come together to find a efficient and effective way of disarming dangerous citizens?
Reply to this post if you have any suggestions that would help.
I think it depends on why you're being investigated, but even then I could still see that being abused depending on the government.
If you vote YES you're either a bigot, sexist, racist or a white cis male.
Remember guys vote Hillary
>not understanding natural rights
>thinking anyone who does is a full blown ancap retard
The government can't give you your rights, because you already have them. The government can only take rights away, and should only do so with due process.
>implying they should take any rights away
Of course they should, how else are they going to take a few of the gun grabbing feds with them when their door gets knocked down?
>suspect status is sufficient to deny your rights
kill yourself my man
>no, it just means the actual workers, retard.
Can they sell their shares in the means of production? If not who is going to stop them? Will they still have floating prices or will prices be set by a central authority?
>all this means is that you're just as bad as your employer in terms of being a filthy capitalist
It's far better for every individual to own something rather being told they own something through collectivization.
Gun owners are too dangerous. Better drink koolaid and hope for better luck in the next world.
>hate government
are you retarded? somalia is nothing but government after government, all fighting with each other, vying for control of the geopolitical boundaries of somalia.
what if the fbi is investigating everyone?
boi, not everything is forced collectivization ala Stalin
muh voluntary society
And that's why Sup Forums is filled with autistic fascists- they're all weebshit man children.
Is a murderer not being deprived of his rights when he's put in prison?
After due process. Not as a matter of "suspicion".
And then they'll just not close the investigation and leave it open-ended forever. Non-Americans need not comment on American law.
Please read the comment thread before you make a fool of yourself. It's only two fucking posts long.
unless they've got warrants and they're ready to charge you with something, it shouldn't matter
Show me an example of not at all forced collectivization or explain how it could actually exist in reality.
....great. someone left the reddit door open again and communist niggers got in.
But he wasn't BEING investigated, the investigation had concluded and found no credible threat.
Innocent until proven guilty, investigations are performed to ascertain whether or not a crime has been committed, being investigated should not impede ones 2nd amendment rights.
This- the fbi probably put 20 million people on the terrorist watchlist by now, the vast majority of whom are there because they opposed the Iraq war or something. If you let them bar everyone on that list from owning firearms, it'll grow to 30 million overnight as the government under Obama scrambles to enact gun control by marking all conservatives as potential terrorists so they can stop people from buying guns. The terrorist watchlist has no credibility.
Statist is used as an insult by Sup Forums same way racist and bigot are by sjws. There is absolutely nothing wrong in being statist.
>There is absolutely nothing wrong in being statist.
I guess not if you're a Balkan shithole, but under this flag we value our liberty.