They just couldn't help themselves could they?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Trump buys Jurassic World
fuck yes

Naw, I'll still watch it for the dinosaurs.

That's the vaguest headline ever. Any movie can have a "political element". If a war movie is anti-war that can be considered a "political element"

>epic blonde haired businessman/dictator (literally hitler) will buy the park and the dinosaurs and jedi's will need to combine their forces to fight the literal hitler (of 2016(not trump))

>Fantastic Beasts


Jurassic world already had a political message though.

>the Pakis are out of control!

Didn't Jurassic World have a political element with Vincent D'Onofrio? Why is this a surprise or wrong?

Will she make it?

>Trump buys Jurassic World
>Breaks down all the walls and makes it a proper safari with Big Game Hunting licenses
It's going to be fantastic.

I love dinosaurs. I hope they make it kind of like 3 with the dinos in a natural environment.

Will he use illegal immigrants as dino bait?

fucking hollywood faggots making my mommy lose weight REEEEE

>violent dinosaur human hybrids start rampaging across the border
>politicians Dawn Elle Drump says we should build a wall to keep Dino sapiens out
>wise latina tells Dawn that not all Dino Sapiens are evil
>movie ends with everyone being eaten alive

All movies are political (or can be read as such, intentional or not)

Fucking clickbaiting headline that dumbasses like OP fall for

>We brought up how all the Jurassic movies have an undercurrent about exploitation and commercialization of these animals, and asked if there will there be a similar pseudo-political subtext to this one.

Either the writer doesn't know what "pseudo" means, or he was insulting Bayona. I'm guessing it's the former.

can someone shoop a MAGA hat on a velociraptor

I'd say all of them except JP3 had "political elements"

first one was just a frankenstein "don't fuck with nature" story and 2 is generic greedy corporations are bad

barely political

What the hell is she doing?

People are retards. They see the word 'political' and the only thing their minds can conjure up are the White House and Congress. By 'political', they obviously mean they're going to try for some kind of message regarding animal rights - for food, for entertainment - it doesn't mean they're literally going to write in a fucking Trump character.

I'm sure it won't be as hamfisted as Vincent D'Onofrio wanting to use raptors to hunt jihadis in the first one.

>we've invented a brand new dinosaur for the park
>it's called the Trumposaurus
>it's big, dumb, covered in a strange blond feathery down and seems intent on destroying everything in its enclosure

I'm all in if it makes it a better movie

Bayona has no a single decent movie.

of course you will, because you retards watch any garbage that hollywood shits out

At least we get workout pics