What can I do to become alpha like Trump supporters?

What can I do to become alpha like Trump supporters?

vote for trump

Dude is pretty alpha actually. Despite being scrawny he's wearing a hat that might get him attacked. That's both brave and alpha.

that kid should take up guitar
look at those hands...

he should take up anything, unless he wants muscle atrophy.

That kid has monster fingers and isn't done growing. Big paws on a puppy.

Trade in that gatorade for a protein shake bro and watch the puberty gains BTFO the haters,

nothing more alpha than a MAGA hat

Just as God presented Himself as a burning bush to Moses, so he presented Himself as Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago to the people in Judea.

I think you are thinking of Bernie and Hilary voters who are little pussy faggots. The kid in that picture has more balls than you.

Pic related: it's you

But you're not helping me man. I want to be alpha like Trump supporters! What do I do?

That teenager on the pic can start to lift and become stronger.

You are a moron. What will you do?

this kid isn't getting laid before he finally resign to go see a prostitute when he hits like 30

Well first you can't be a liberal because all liberals are pussy faggots. Then you have to learn how to use and like guns. Then you have to develope traditional morals and common sense with fiscal policies.

Does that sound hard?

be a kid in middle school

Well, I got an 870 for home protection. Can you elaborate on fiscal policies? What will make me redpilled and alpha?

He looks like a typical brainy kid. He'll probably do well and get a good STEM job.

Eggmans alive? I thought he topped himself




>n-no we're different i s-swear

There's no hope for you, ponce.

>not having best of bother world of alphas and betas
>being a liberal and only having betas and bbc's

you choose, cuckpai.

that kid is braver than you will ever be. Wearing that hat around the tolerant left will get him beat up

I would post pictures of Bernie and Hillary crowds, but that's just too easy.

Post them please. I wouldn't want to be a beta cuck or anything like that. I want to be a redpilled alpha!

It will take everyone to Make America Great, Rich, and Safe again.

Say your prayers.
Eat your vitamins.
Be true to yourself.
Be true to your country.
Be a real American.

>some dumb slut hands him that hat and tells him to put it on
>Come on Ned put on the hat and i'll take your picture. It will be funny xD
>S-sure thing Stacy anything for y-you! B-but I just wana let you know that I'm a Berniebro, I know all you gals love him. He wants equality for all!

Stop dude, is a well known fact that trumpfags are a bunch of closeted homos that would fuck a trap at the drop of a hat.
