Who gives a fuck if God is real or not, religion saves us from degeneracy

When did you come to embrace the ultimate redpill?

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This is true but also, lack of technology and lack of physical ability to be degenerate is the biggest check on degeneracy.

Without industrialism, the Internet, mass media technology, and comfortable life in general, this kind of insanity would be completely impossible. Feminism is impossible when you work on a farm and your wife has to work around the house 24/7 with no machines to clean anything.

Idleness is the main cause of it all. I see the loss of religion as the symptom of too much technological progress for our own good, not the other way around. It's naive to think that it was just religion or any ideology that prevented people from being this degenerate.

The masses were like this for all of history, they just physically couldn't do it due to laws and physical limitations based on the need to survive.

Some call it being a "Cultural Christian".

Common Filth is a great man doing great things.

>buh-buh-buh morality is imbossibul wit out relijuun.

This is why I think the loss of large families and multi-generational homes was one of the most destructive things to happen and thus in many ways the "third world" (outside outliers like Abos and bumfuck Africa) is superior to the West.

It's not because of birthrates. It's because in a family with 5+ siblings there's no such thing as privacy or lack of accountability. There's no such thing as isolation, and no such thing as lack of responsibility. It's ingrained organically by the whole family, rather than needing to be forced by the government or manipulated by the media.

I disagree with stormfags who say birthrates are the main reason that large families are better. Nogs and American Hispanics have large families and they're degenerate as fuck.

A generation of only children and 1-2 child families leads to degeneracy because there's no older children mentoring the younger ones. See: Japan. Biggest only child population on earth.

>adopting one retarded thing to avoid another retarded thing

That doesnt really solve much user.

I was thinking about joining my friends church until I realize the pastor is literally trying to create a cult following. He does that tongue speaking bullshit and gets people coming up on stage so he can suck the power of the devil out of them through hocus pocus.

It's fucking unreal how many people actually think the power of god and the devil flows through them and that they start seizing up on these stages. Like, what the fuck? I could never associate with people like that.

Most of the "Christians" on /pol don't actually believe in god.

Breivik falls into that category too incidentally.

m8, maybe it isn't. But like it or not the great mass of people out there are stupid as fuck


How the hell are you going to teach the great mass of humanity not to be degenerate with your whimsical fly-by-night esoteric BS? They want to act like animals, and so they will. Do you want to live in that world? I don't

Glad you accept it. Now do us a favor and go, with everyone like you, to a desert island where your cancer only affect yourselves

That behavior is identical to Hindu kundalini syndrome that's promoted in new-age circles. It's demonic not christian. There's a huge difference between genuinely believing in God and the spiritual world, and believing YOU are God or have supernatural powers, or are a literal apostle of Christ The latter is evil. I won't tell you how much of this bullshit exists in "pentacostal" churches these days

You don't. You restrict technology to make degeneracy physically limited.

The Internet has to be destroyed complete, I see no other way.. You make sure most people don't even KNOW about most ways to be degenerate, and physically can't do them.

The industrial revolution, mass literacy and communications technology are all a mistake.

Knowledge and progress itself is only bad for humanity.

Technology and degeneracy are not strictly correlated.

The Romans were degenerate as fuck, and that was a simple society built with slave labor. There are writings in the Bible about "degenerate" cities from way back in the time before Christ

>Uneducated retards listen to a 2,000 year old book with no evidence of god in daily lives
>concern themselves with trivial shit like who other people they don't know fuck
>fight over which religion is the best even though they're all the same level of retarded
>think they're special snowflakes created by invisible daddy

Oh yeah, really cures degeneracy.

I feel exactly the same as RoboJules

They got too comfortable for their own good. All of the things listed accelerate degeneracy.

It was mostly the upper classes of Romans who were this way.

The masses were non-degenerate by necessity, and not even literate. They had no care but farming.

> all religions are the same
Sure bud. Why don't you move to Saudi Arabia.

There was a lot of degeneracy among Pagans. The biggest were cannibalism and human sacrifice to the gods, the Abrahamic religions largely put an end to it.

They're different, but equally retarded. Work on your reading comprehension you fucking moron.

I wish I could get this mad over content cherry picked from the dark corners of the internet and aggregated in a Youtube video for mindless consumption

Try putting on a diaper and walking into a Wal-Mart and waddling around yelling ME MAKE MESSY POOP POOP ME WAS NAUGHTY XDDD and see what happens, you'll get fucking arrested because society isn't retarded

> equally retarded
Sure thing, Ahmed. That's why every single country built upon your ideology is such a steaming pile of shit.

One of the major criticisms of the Abrahamic religions is that they allow and enable race mixing.

Christians tried to proselytize aboriginal cultures and bring them into the fold instead of outright conquering and replacing them. Christians have no problem with interracial marriage or mixing, rather than maintaining culturally and ethnically distinct societies like the Pagans did

In fact one could argue the crisis the west currently finds itself in is a product of the pathological Christian mindset

What say you?

....I'm not a muslim, nothing I've said indicates I'm a muslim, I think if there is a worst religion, it's Islam.

Please don't breed.

> worst
> equal
How does it feel, not being able to speak your own language, fucktard? I'd ask you not to breed but those with an IQ under 70 usually do anyway.

>religion saves us from degeneracy
Think again.

M8, pagans had no issues with interbreeding, not even with very distinct and foreign ethnicities. This is literally how countries like Italy and Russia were created.

He means tradition

imo race mixing/interbreeding has everything to do with available technologies and transportation routes and nothing to do with religion alone.

Why is multiculturalism a problem today? becuase for the first time in known history people can travel the world fast . And the Internet blurs national identities and lines into one big pile of shit. Before the Industrial era, as you say racemixing was the product of neighboring countries and invasions.

My sense of morality may be a bit more lax than that of a devoted Christian, but it's pretty easy to conclude that going to foam parties and having sex with random strangers is a fucking bad idea. I keep to myself and don't do stupid shit like others around me and manage to stay out of trouble. It's not hard to do.

Well I've seen threads with a bunch of neopagans arguing exactly that

The argument is that while Abrahamic religions work well for a tribe of nomads, but not for farmers such as Europeans who have a connection to the land and therefore a specific fixed ethnic and cultural identity.

They say it's like fitting a glove on a foot, a bad fit
I haven't seen them around recently, but some of their threads were plastered all over the main page a month or so ago

What is your rebuttal?

Define "degeneracy" in such a way that does not rely directly on religious doctrines or cyclical justification (hint: it's not that difficult).

Unabomber detected

but note that much of European tradition, especially Northern European, involves empiricism, debate. and is not purely blind

Kek. Based Ted

I don't think we're evolved enough for civilization period. We're just adaptable. We're not so different then we were in the stone age. The only things that change, besides technology, are what is considered socially acceptable for the time being.

At least when we were still in loincloths we were constantly socializing, had better diets, and physically active.

Staring at screens in isolation, eating fast food, and driving everywhere is doing jack shit for us. Add modern medicine to that and weak genes are guaranteed to be passed on.

if they want to be degenerate, they will. Religion will not stop that. I see a lot of crazy crimes made by religious people. You can't manipulate people.

>This is why I think the loss of large families and multi-generational homes was one of the most destructive things to happen and thus in many ways the "third world" (outside outliers like Abos and bumfuck Africa) is superior to the West.
Absolutely, and that went hand in hand with a loss of a religious center of society.

>with no evidence of god in daily lives
Except they delude themselves with their observation bias and think God is answering their prayers.
>>concern themselves with trivial shit like who other people they don't know fuck
That's the average American
>>fight over which religion is the best even though they're all the same level of retarded
I don't know... I think Christianity is the least toxic of the cults. They're more likely to not be degenerates, which is a good thing for the collective American sheeple. Extreme degeneracy is not good for a functioning society or a prosperous nation.
>think they're special snowflakes created by invisible daddy
People actually believe that?


The Internet is the new religious center of society. Just look at what goes on at Sup Forums. It's a religion.

Being christians without believing in God is the most retarded thing I ever heard

common filth is a hero for sifting through all the degeneracy to bring us the truth about #one love

>user says all religion is retarded
>proceed to call him a Muslim

I said IF there is a worst religion. You can't even fucking read, no wonder you're religious.

Meh, that kind of seems like putting the cart before the horse if you ask me. When metal degenerates it's not because it goes from what it was to something different (after all, it did that when it went from being ore to being iron), it's because it goes from something with structure and strength to something with weaknesses and corrosion. Though I'll grant you that robust traditions generally have formed to have very good systems of value.

I agree with this. People who were only children always end up at least a little off socially. The family unit was a primary source of socialization for generations and we've gotten rid of it without replacing it with anything positive

Yes, the Romans. The society of hyper advanced, showered in luxury atheists, were degenerate. That just proves the whole point.