Why does Sup Forums hype this album up so much? It's not that special...

Why does Sup Forums hype this album up so much? It's not that special. To me it just sounds like tranquil background music that doesn't really go anywhere. It's kinda cool and makes you think of nature and shit but it's just not some highmark of music and the best album of the 90s or whatever the fuck some people say on here.

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I agree, never saw the hype. It never was anything beyond alright for me

they like it

Most of the stuff that's hyped here isn't special, people here just aren't experienced enough to realize it.

Now listen to their live album

It's carried by the live version

yeah but people here talk it up like it's the greatest album ever made or something. i've heard people say fishmans are legit the best band of the 90s. not even close.

Have you listened to anything else they made?

It's because they're japanese.

i found debbie downer

kuchu camp
it's a cool record with like dub psychedelic sounds, i give it 7/10

I mean I never said it was bad, but they shouldn't even be in the conversation for best band of the 90s. that's just insane fanboyism.

you may be right

This is how I feel. It's not even my favorite record/band from Japan

I'll give it a listen

I started to enjoy their other stuff a lot more after hearing 98.12.28

It's Japanese, it's obscure, it has a fairly unique style, it sounds pleasant but not poppy, and it goes great with weed. It's a perfect recipe for Sup Forums success.

The people that hype this album just spend too much time on RYM, that's all. Delusions from the echo chamber.

But this is one of my favourite albums and I think I've been on RYM about three times in total

haha dude poop noises

Radio Dept do this style better than they do: youtube.com/watch?v=rIPBablPV-U

not my cup of tea desu

It's pretty underwhelming honestly. Without a doubt the weakest part of their 男達の別れ recording, which the rest of is absolutely wonderful.

nah, sounds like shit, honestly.

>Without a doubt the weakest part of their 男達の別れ recording

Do you honestly expect to take you seriously when you post images like that? How new are you?

>whining about an anime reaction image on Sup Forums
How fucking dumb are you?

Get over yourself user


It's one of my favourite albums but it's entirely niche. Don't think I've ever seen anyone call it the best ever or anything.

The live version is so much better, and deserves so much more praise than what the studio recording gets

>mfw that guitar solo

Sometimes people will say this album is the best of the 90s. /daily/ and rym have a huge boner for it

That's just contrarians teenagers. I could argue it's the best of fun influenced rock but that's essentially by default and Oh Mountain is arguably a better album anyway.
It's really good humid weather music as well, but best of the 90s is hilarious.

*dub influenced.