The Orlando shooting was a tragedy but at the same time you have to wonder where this is coming from. The shooter was after all a born-and-bred American. What does Sup Forums think?
The Orlando shooting was a tragedy but at the same time you have to wonder where this is coming from...
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they will tell you that being born in usa doesn't make you american
If that brown sandnigger faggot is an American then I'm Portuguese.
What we want to know is why the shooters father was with Hillary all the time.
>Born and Bred American
>Parents were Afghani Immigrants
>Father has publicly praised the Taliban
Born, sure. Bred? No.
Can only pick one, kuffar
wonder where this is coming from?!?!?
this guy said he was happy that there are now 50 less paedos on the streets after the Orlando shooting
he's live right now
You'd think Sup Forums would be honoring this guy considering he butchered a bunch of homosexuals. I know they arent upset over it.
If anything it's like a win/win. A bunch of gays are dead, and it was a Muslim that did it
well he would know about pedos
last I checked, gays didn't want Sharia law in the US.
I like americans. They're OK
Vår föredetta statsminister (pic related) sa något liknande om attentaten i Bryssel.
We need to change the definition of 'American' to one that excludes towelheads of all stripes. We can start with our own towelhead, tranny-fucker, nigger faggot, Mohammed cock-sucking president.
This guy is a Westboro Baptist wannabe and has been saying dumb shit on the internet for years. He's also a sovereign citizen retard. His police interaction videos are hilarious.
Is anyone getting a 9/11 vibe from this? I was only 6 on 9/11 so I barely remember it but what I do remember is the nation being in shock and people being pissed off at Muslims. Lots of studying the Koran and sharing information on how fucked up Islam is. I'm getting a weird vibe like the tables have turned. Gay people now know that the left isn't their enemy and them expressing their fear in mass Muslim immigration is waking people up to Muslims now. I bet after this week Trump wins in a landslide.
>*left isn't their enemy
*left aren't they're friends
>born to and raised by foreign Muslims
>he was an American you guys #bangunsnow!
Sorry. I'm high as shit right now lol.
You're fucking stupid.
Nobody gave a fuck about towelheads before they brutally murdered people some of us cared about. And nobody would give a fuck about them were it not for the ease with which they murder.
>Where this is coming from?
It's coming from Islam and ISIS. Just because there are "moderate Muslims" who haven't read the Qur'an, doesn't mean that Islam isn't a fucking death cult.
Islam is and will always be the problem until it is removed from this planet. It can always be "perverted" because the text is actually very clear. All those who deny Allah are to be conquered or killed. Are you retarded, Finland?
was he being sarcastic at least?
>he was american
i dunno it looks like he behaved like a typical muslim to me
this is why i dont recommend people to sign up for the military. the people arent worth fighting for.
We can only conclude that they cannot assimilate.
GOOGLE Seddique Mateen Taliban and you'll learn all you need to know.
Long/Short: Trump was right. Again.
I think you mean to say the left is an easy conquest, and as such, no threat to the towelhead menace.
>born-and-bred American
Being born here doesn't miraculously turn you into an American.
>born-and-bred American
Do you even know what "born and bred" means? He's an American citizen, nothing more. These people live in their own little world totally separate from America.
Sup Forums wants something like sharia law. they wont admit it tho. but they do.
>What is domestic terrorism?
>The shooter was after all a born-and-bred American.
No he wasn't - he was an Afghan Muslim who happened to be born within US borders.
>I was only 6 on 9/11
The adults are talking, please leave.
He was a religious fundamentalist.
Ban fundamentalism.
>The shooter was after all a born-and-bred American
He was muslim, not American.
There is no such thing as an American muslim.
if thats the case then nobody is really american.
Whites the least because for a long time and even today they believe that all men are not equal and advocate the oppression.
Foreign Islamic religious leaders spread these beliefs and sentiments.
They often tell Muslims that to be good they have to go out and wage jihad in whatever way they see fit.
This is irresponsible and promotes the destruction of western society through whatever means they have available to them.
Islam is uniquely dangerous since this kind of behavior is common in the religion. They view peace in a different light.
They want women to not be sluts, not have their genitals mutilated.
>American bred
>afghan immigrants
>ties to taliban
>There is no such thing as an American muslim.
What about your president?
youre an afghan muslim that happens to be born in the uk.
>advocate the oppression
The Opression™?
genital mutilation is cultural, not religious.
it's mostly african
well mens genitals are mutilated here, so that just leaves the women problem doesnt it?
I'm 21.
Islam wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for jews.
He was a Muslim.
Democrat - by demographics, probably Bernie supporter or even donated $2700 there
Bernie BTFO - so he's depressed
Found that gay-hating mosque?
Ate up preaching
Went online and saw ISIS stuff
Decided to run for high score
The shooter was not an American.
He was an Isis pledged POS. The root cause is Islam
>why it be like dis
uhh, what is islam
America is decaying from within because of PC liberal faggots...
Loads of Muslims are radicalized here.
Fuck...the spokesperson for Al-Qaeda was a Jewish convert from California named Adam Pearlman. The weirdest thing about him is that his grandfather was a chair person on the board of directors at the ADL in NYC.
He was killed by a drone strike this past winter though.
Picture related, his metalhead neckbeard phase.
The guy in OP's picture is an idiotic ex-minister of ours, Jyrki Katainen. After the Brussels attacks, he said
>-(The terrorist attacks in Brussels) were shocking, but on the other hand it makes you think where is this coming from, when the perpetrators were born-and-bred Belgians.
I haven't seen the footage where he says it, but I'm pretty sure he's oblivious enough to say it seriously.
9-11 Muslims
San Bernardino-Muslims
Boston Bombing-Muslims
Fort Hood-Muslim
DC Snipers-Muslim
Washington Navy Yard shooting-Black
Chris Dorner-Black
Elliot Rodger-Bi Racial-British and Asian
Hartford shooting black
Dozens dead daily in inner city violence-Black and Hispanics
Numerous others as well.
America is a violent culture. If you feel you've been wronged or feel you are a loser then you take your rifle and you go to your work place, your school, the local mosque, church or whatever and you shoot that place up.
That'll show them
What about him? He's not American.
My state is safer than all of Scandinavia.
A little, but nothing like 9/11. 32 here.
Something far worse than invaders.
This is where this multi cultural dream ends : we have potent traitors in our countries ,that have an allegiance to a hostile power through their ancestry.
only news because they aren't white. Quit complaining all throughout history Whites take the Gold medal for killing all types of people
>Living in a shit state
>Fuck...the spokesperson for Al-Qaeda was a Jewish convert from California named Adam Pearlman. The weirdest thing about him is that his grandfather was a chair person on the board of directors at the ADL in NYC.
>born-and-bred American
pick one
Islam and its political ideology are the opposite of the founding principles of the United States. Live free or die, nigger
Omar "As American As Assault Rifles" Mateen was an American patriot.
OP and his thread
We have a fifth column. We are at war and the war is spreading to the home front.
Second and third generation muzz have been shown on average to be more extremist in their views than their parents all throughout the West.