Trump literally copied tweet from someone else.
Ok, even if Trump himself wasnt the one who wrote it, is that really the type of person you want behind the scenes at the highest position in the country?

I'm fine with this.

What's the problem here?

Go be a jew somewhere else. Preferably in an oven.

why does it matter if somebody tells the news the same way as another

either way Wow.... now I'm a #shill4hill

I still want him for President. Your point?

its not like he owned a copyright on tweets or anything

Damn son Trump copied a tweet, guess I have to vote for the candidate who sold state secrets to the Chinese now.


>the damage control ITT

> Implying tweets are IP

>$3.99 will be credited to your PayPal account. ShillPAC 2016 thanks you..

Plenty of politicians have speech writers. What's the problem?

This is easily the weakest anti-trump post I have ever seen. How does it feel to be a fucking retard OP?


"look mom, I posted it again!"

50+ people dead but ignore not, let's blame Trump for paraphrasing a tweet. Trump is Hitler. #muslims4justice

>increasingly nervous


>Trump retweets
>guy becomes associated with trump
>leftist start shitting up his twitter

>a literal retweet button
>doing it manually is bad

>Taking a picture of your monitor

Who are you trying to humiliate?

If this is real Gorka, it's very OK.

this wasnt breaking yesterday, it isnt breaking now.

please go back to the matrix, robot

you expect these uneducated americunts on this board to understand what "plagiarism" is?

Guess I'll write in Jeb

BTW looks like Trump actually knows Gorka!
Obviously he wanted to push his message to bigger waters.

Weakest bait I've seen in months. Why can't you be more like your big brother Norge?

Are tweets copyrighted™ or am I missing something?

>if I take a photo, it's more credible than a screenshot
What kind of grandpa thinks this way? All it makes me think is that the person sucks at photoshop and wants to degrade the image to hide the pixels.

Of information dealing with current events? Are you retarded?

damn bro lay off the alcohol

>>plagiarizing a news headline
>>on twitter

go suck your niggers dick, pussy. all swedes are pussies. americans have guns. americans shoot people. swedish men hide in closets and crochet.

why cant you be a normal human being and stop being so evil.... evil dies early

i thought this was just the way he retweets stuff?

>the best insult he can come up with is "evil"

All creative works are copyrighted, regardless of if you register them or not. Tweets are copyrighted, school essays are copyrighted, Sup Forums comments are copyrighted. Do schools not teach about plagiarism anymore?

>be swede
>suck cocks

you are violating so many copyright laws and international treaties by posting those tweets. im done with this illegal site.

>In the age of free flowing information, no one is allowed to remotely resemble the social media posts of someone else during an emergency
Shut the fuck up you POZ load faggot

are news headlines copyrighted, you fucktard?

Comeback was good as your armed forces

does that make any of the tweets less true? and did you just post a picture of someone taking two pictures of his monitor?

how dumb can you be that you think this is possible on a event that is happening i guess next time i tell someone that there was a shooting or report it ill be plagiarizing too

> the #shillsforhill are this desperate

Including the post you just replied to without their permission, enjoy your cease and desist letter

Yeah, Trump went ahead and he himself copied this tweet by Sebastian "I have no idea who the fuck this is" Gorka with his massive following and 270 retweets

how dumb can you be that you think this is possible on a event that is happening i guess next time i tell someone that there was a shooting or report it ill be plagiarizing too

>is that really the type of person you want behind the scenes at the highest position in the country?
Yes. Cry more kike.

You are such a transparent shill I won't even bother saying anything else, KYS nigger.

"Common knowledge" information cannot be copyrighted, but sentence structure writing style most definitely is. You cannot just copy and paste someone else's writing without citing it directly. That's plagiarism.

"Common knowledge" information cannot be copyrighted, but sentence structure writing style most definitely is. You cannot just copy and paste someone else's writing without citing it directly. That's plagiarism.

Who's "report" did Gorka plagiarize this tweet from humm?

who gives a shit, we're at war

it's basically a retweet senpai


That's it, I'm #Halalillary now


what? it's twitter. 150 characters. if something is plagiarism there then 1) it matters not, 2) it's ridiculous.

there is nothing wrong with this.

Who's "report" did Gorka plagiarize this tweet from humm?

1) Making an allusion to existing work is not plagiarism, how would that even work?
2) Small-length copying is not plagiarism if you cite the source (citations can be very generalized and I'm sure the >> link would count).

Seriously? Have you people not graduated from high school or do they REALLY not teach you such basic matters of academic integrity?

>replying to people who said nothing related
>1 post by this ID


>trying to slide this badly
kill yourself my man

1) Making an allusion to existing work is not plagiarism, how would that even work?
2) Small-length copying is not plagiarism if you cite the source (citations can be very generalized and I'm sure the >> link would count).
Seriously? Have you people not graduated from high school or do they REALLY not teach you such basic matters of academic integrity?

Twitter isn't Mr. Bronstein's creative writing class you newly minted college retard. Blow it out your ass.

This is the hill you want to die on? Copying somebody's tweet?

If that's the best criticism you can leverage against Trump, you need to re-examine your priorities.

this is exactly what i mean if you feel the same way there is no issue with you saying it there are no credits to information of current news

This is the hill you want to die on? Copying somebody's tweet?
If that's the best criticism you can leverage against Trump, you need to re-examine your priorities.

Using someone else's words without acknowledging the source is plagiarism.
noun: plagiarism; plural noun: plagiarisms

the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

He presented someone elses work as his own.

As there is a retweet button, this could have been used with no substantive difference to the message.

But as it wasn't Trump or his team CHOSE to represent as their original work.

You faggots would know this if any of you had even ever been to university or college.

Except it's NOT a retweet because a retweet cites the original, whereas Trump's plagiarism (assuming that it's legit) does not.

They already cured the plague.

Except it's NOT a retweet because a retweet cites the original, whereas Trump's plagiarism (assuming that it's legit) does not.

jesus you retards will reply to literally every bait thread

jesus you retards will reply to literally every bait thread

>replicating facts is plagiarism
Take a hike, kike.


TIL twitter is an academic journal.


Is there a law that makes tweets copyrighted property?


Top Kek....


how is it any different from a retweet

better yet, who the fuck cares about twitter

Is that Ben Tapiro?

Trump's just meming with that man.
That's how memes work.
'Muslims shouting "Allhhu Akbar!" as he slaughterd...___________ ' is a meme and one of the oldest I might add.

well that's it I'm part of the #Marcomentum movement now

The tweets were not same so your arguement is invalid you fucking seahorses

Tweets would be covered by general copyright law. Copyright laws are general enough to not need to be recreated every time a new popular transaction service or written content is created.

You are a goddam moron.


Haha, you're with Hitler, so you're a nazi. ONE OF US ONE OF US

Changing "nr" to "near" isn't going to fool any court. Again, did they not teach you this stuff in high school? Were you never told "it doesn't matter if you rephrase the sentence slightly, if you copy it from an existing work without citation it's plagiarism"?

No wonder journalism is in such a sorry state if such FUNDAMENTAL aspects of integrity are no longer common knowledge.


What's with this fucking retarded trend from leftists lately trying to claim tweets and memes and emoji "art" as fucking intellectual property? Do they just not understand how 2 internet?

>What's the problem here?
Trump has no original thoughts, he just parrots what he thinks his fucktarded apologists, lackeys and toadies want to hear.

Laws vague as much as what you're describing makes me a sad panda.

Trump doesn't even know how to tweet.
He has an assistant do it.


Will this finish trump?

Nice pasta

>stating the truth is bad because he copied it from someone else

fuck off kike

I worked in pr for a stint. I can guarantee these are both paraphrased from a press release. When something big happens, a news organization or police dept will issue a paragraph about it. There's nothing wrong with taking information from these, and it gets redundant to cite it if there technically isn't an author.