Trump has called out Washington Post!

>Based on the incredibly inaccurate coverage and reporting of the record setting Trump campaign, we are hereby revoking the press credentials of the phony and dishonest Washington Post.

Well it is official, Trump has finally had enough of the Washington Post and has revoked all there press credentials!

I am enjoying watching a Presidential Candidate call out the Main Stream Media like this, I am going to go on record and say 2016 has been one of the best years in recent history.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good riddence, the Washington Post is pure cancer

>I am enjoying watching a Presidential Candidate call out the Main Stream Media like this

What are you, retarded? You actually are happy that a presidential candidate is deciding who can and cannot report on him? Whether or not you think Washington Post is a good news source is irrelevant, you can't pick and choose who reports on you and what they're allowed to ask.



Yes you can.
In fact, Trump just did.

You can and Trump does! Hah!

Yeah if it is lies and it is

He didn't say these kikes can't report him, he is merely not allowing them into his private events, as is his First Amendment right to do.

If WaPo wants to be taken seriously then they should behave like reporters, instead of the mouthpiece for Jewish globalist interests that they are.

Washington Shitpost BTFO

They can report on him. They just don't get as much access.

Fucking hell he just doesn't carehe will take anyone on. I wish I had dual nationality just so I could vote for this strange haired god

After 2015, this is a good change.

2015 was the worst year I think we've seen in a long time.

The worlds """"""""greatest""""""" free democracy

Exclusivity though is a slippery slope to say the least.

>A fucking leaf
Easy for you to say Justin when you run the media in canuckistan


You are allowed to pick who is allowed access for questions, sure you will look bad if you only allow liberal or conservative outlets to speak to you. In this case he is saying the wash post is just dishonest...and they are if you have been keeping up with multiple sources on the same topics.

GOOD, next is hopefully the (((Jew York Times)))

>What are you, retarded? You actually are happy that a presidential candidate is deciding who can and cannot report on him? Whether or not you think Washington Post is a good news source is irrelevant, you can't pick and choose who reports on you and what they're allowed to ask.

Fuck off. The Post is basically a mouthpiece of the HRC campaign at this point. Objective journalism is dead and the whole thing is probably run by Jews.

When an organization is biased against you, why should you give them access to you just so they can turn around and turn every little thing against you?
What happened to unbiased reporting?
Biased reporting is dishonest reporting.

>Canada in charge of explaining freedom of the press to Americans

I'm not arguing if the washington post is good or bad at their job, or if they're biased. Once you start reducing the access to media groups, where does it stop? Wherever he decides? So if CNN or someone keeps pestering him and he continues to get upset, will he revoke their access?

>probably run by Jews.
we are well past "probably" at this point

tell that to the white house then, if you ask any questions they dont want they will revoke your press credentials

Which is disgusting and wrong as well.

WaPo is a (((Bezos))) run rag that has been doing nothing but lie and bash Trump while holding up Killary for the last year. Fuck them.

>slippery slope
Nigger, you're on a board dedicated to creating the fourth reich. Remember where the fuck you are, leaf.

thats where youre wrong, kiddo


They are just a bunch of ideologues. As is the case with most media - there's more commentary and less information. And WaPo is clearly an Internationale division

oh i'm laffin

Trump hosts his rallies as private events.

Finally! Why did they have rights before?

Also a board that spouts "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" and uses the slippery slope argument for keeping their guns in America.

His tweets are being flooded by Arabs telling him to delete his account lol.

I like guns. I don't like the lugenpress.

It's the same as not letting someone into your house to film a report on you. Are you fucking stup-

Whoops, I responded.

>570 upvotes in 10 minutes on rebbit

And with good reason.

Having a gun and not using it is better than not having a gun and needing it.

I'm far more interested in the pro-Trump Jews.

Ari Fleischer is pro-Trump...?

>It's the same as not letting someone into your house to film a report on you. Are you fucking stup-

But it's not? He's running to be the president of the U.S.A. You should not be allowed to decide who gets to question you or what questions they can ask.

A fascist smashes down on freedom of the press.

News at 11

trump isnt, and doesnt have the power to, restrict what the media reports on him. you stupid FUCK

he's just calling out that they're not genuine and will not be accommodating to them

Holy fuck you guys are retarded.

He's literally limiting free speach by allowing who can report on him. So if you're against trump, bye bye. What kind of presidential candidate is that lol. It will only get worse if he becomes presidential.

that list is old, some of the antijews are pro now

They laughed at me when I made this, but I was right.


A fucking (((leaf))).

Again, he's decided to restrict access to asking him direct questions. Who else will he do this too? Will he end up with only an exclusive few that kiss his feet?


D-do you have a boipussy?

They can still report on him all they want.

Wapo is Neocon Central.

This is good news.

FUCK the Washington Post.


Huffpo misquoted his tweet about being right on terror attacks, why isn't he revoking them?


Please name them and I'll make requisite changes.

Guys stop feeding (((You))) to the leafs

>Will he end up with only an exclusive few that kiss his feet?
I pray every day that Trump does exactly this when he's elected. Of course, I'm also hoping he finds a way to become King of America instead of president.

>a presidential candidate is deciding who can and cannot report on him?

First of all, they are not "reporting." They are liars. Most of the press today are liars. They lie to us every day. They are also propaganda peddlers pushing the Agenda of the Elites. You are hard-pressed to find a genuine journalist today.

Second, he cannot stop them from reporting on him. They can report anything they want, on anyone. He is just stopping them from having press credentials, meaning, they can't attend his press conferences.

>free speech

Please cite in the first amendment where someone or an entity has a right to a press creditential to a private event.

haven't been here a while. I noticed these ((())) things today, what's that about?

it's another way of calling out the (((jews)))

He has defended Trump on TV.

>you can't pick and choose who reports on you and what they're allowed to ask.

Trumps not doing that, and also Justin Trudeau owns the state media, and even blocks comments on the site relating to most news stories even though we pay 800 million in tax money to fund it every year.

if you want to know who is a tyrannical ass-hat ask who won't allow you to criticize him.

>The worlds """"""""greatest""""""" free democracy

Donald Trump is also an American citizen and is allowed to exercise his freedoms as he sees fit. The law extends to people you don't like FYI

Well, the old fart has finally snapped completely. What are the Repubs going to use for a candidate now?



>He is just stopping them from having press credentials, meaning, they can't attend his press conferences.

Which, for journalists, is a huge important part of their job. If you start limiting the people there because their questions piss you off, eventually you're going to end up with only people that basically humble brag you up while asking what you had for breakfast.

Isn't Washington Post the one owned by the Amazon guy who was trying to save Gawker from Hulk Hogan's lawsuit?

>He's literally limiting free speach by allowing who can report on him
>this guy calls us 'retarded'
>LITERALLY limiting free speech because a reporter isn't invited to events
>when countless other journalists are ALSO not invited to every event,

kill yourself you incredibly retarded faggot

>Once you start reducing the access to media groups, where does it stop?
at organizations that tell the truth and aren't openly biased?

Rock fucking hard.
Is that the dead one?
>its getting even HARDER!!!

It names the )ew

I know ben stein for one is voting trump

Washington Post can still report on Trump all they want. But they can no longer pretend that their reports are based on facts. If they want to write a 500-page book about him, they can. Trump isn't stopping them.

>If you start limiting the people there because their questions piss you off, eventually you're going to end up with only people that basically humble brag you up while asking what you had for breakfast

see the American Press and Obama for the last 7 years, faggot

Why are you using the argument that one person does it so it's okay for Trump? Limiting access the press has to elected officials is bad in all cases.

They csn still report on him. They just can't enter the room to hear what he has to say. They'll have to watch the news or ask someone else what happened which is hilarious. I hope all Canadians aren't this retarded



Underrated post

And who decides what the """""truth""""" is?

Was this written by Nick Denton?


Ben Stein: 'I don't think Trump knows a goddamn thing about economics'

>implying (((trump))) has a problem with jews.

good for them. wapo is worse than nyt.

The next president, of course.

reality, which WaPo is actively opposed to


Question: Can we see an example or three of the WaPo being blatantly partisan or flat out lying in their news?

I'd be amazed if they actually had credentials.

Again, this does not make it okay for Trump to do the same.


>SJW's tell racists they aren't free from conceqence
>Gett butthurt when they have to deal with conceqence


2/10 the list outright demonstrates that jews have a problem with trump. its not an implication, and its the other way around, faggot.

I might remove him from the list altogether then, since he's back and forth.