Terror attack used for Gun Control Advocation

Now I know the latest terror attack on our soil has us all concerned, especially when done in the "shoot em up" variety that the politicians so love to discuss. What I want to table for discussion is the President's reaction to the attack, treating it like another random shooting, and calling for more gun control.


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The alternative for him is calling his foreign policy a joke since the whole degrade and destroy thing doesn't appear to be working out


The left thinks that whenever someone on the right does something bad it's the fault of his ideology,
but whenever someone on the left or a muslim does something bad it's the inanimate object's fault.

>Muh Holocaust

>hand out weapons on middle east
>ban guns in america

Just liberal things

You can't give them the redpill all at once.

to be fair they gave weapons to the cartels too

I think Americans are tired of the government taking rights and liberties away every time a terror attack happens. Mainly because terror attacks keep happening.

Watch what happens with the Gunpocalypse package of anti-2nd Amendment legislation in California tomorrow. They can kick those disgusting red-state bipeds in the shins *and* virtue signal to the Rainbow Fascist Brigade all at the same time.

He's the same fucker that wants to give weapons to the cartels, and gives them to the middle east and calls for them to be banned here.

Fuck him and fuck his foreign policy and fuck his gun grabbing ass.

If there's anything that makes me happy it's that every time he says "gun" ruger's stock goes up another 5 dollars

>vote for Clinton
>vote for Trump
>all around retarded shitfest

Does anyone else feel like this will be 9/11 2.0? It doesn't matter who wins the election, this attack will be used to justify the revocation of civil liberties.

I guess I'm voting for Johnson. This hasn't made a positive mark on my calculations of whether I want to keep living.

Whose civil liberties is The Donald proposing to violate, you precious snowflake?

Trumps wins its ww3, Hillary wins... Well that's not going to happen

I'm not going to get into a debate about that, because if I do I'm going to get swarmed by dozen of Trump supporting retards.

This has me wanting to swallow a bullet again.

I guess I should break open the CD I have in the bank and buy as many "assault weapons" as I can before a ban happens. How far can $3500 get you nowadays?

Are you sure Hillary won't win? I'm legitimately afraid.

Thirty stripped lowers and a couple thousand rounds of ammo. Be sure to invest in smokeless powder too -- the shit was $100+ a pound during Sandy Vagina.

What types of smokeless?

so you got nothing ?

>What I want to table for discussion is the President's reaction to the attack, treating it like another random shooting, and calling for more gun control.
His reaction, as usual, was totally inappropriate and showed exactly why he is a traitor. What it boiled down to is that his policies of importing radical Muslims which has led to so many deaths of Americans is supposedly OUR fault for not giving up our guns. Fuck him.

Just google .223 recipes.

Everything on the list.

I'm completely convinced she will.
I'm kind of afraid that someone is going to make it so I can't own guns because I've had voluntary psychiatric hospitalizations (no, I'm not crazy, just emotionally fucked up), and my mom is probably going to be pissed if I start stocking up on guns. Fuck it, if a ban gets introduced, I'll evaluate then.

>I'm not going to support my claims because it may cause a discussion that challenges my beliefs.
just state facts, not memes, about his positions and clearly explain why you are against them.

>I'm not going to get into a debate about that

Anything common. IMR 4895, 4831, and Varget spring to mind, and Red Dot for handgun loaders.

I'm leaving the country and I'll have to SELL most of my shit due to only being able to leave some stuff with family (the biggest issue is my big stock of powder and primers). Makes me fucking sad that I probably won't be able to rebuy anything when I get back if hillary gets elected, but at least I can own guns where I'm going (they just cost 3x of what they do in the US and I can't own any semi auto center fire rifle)

On the other hand, I won't be around if she does gets elected.

>I will post "trump will cause ww3 meme and nor defend my point."
Come on m8, who would we even fight?

Where are you going that you can own guns as a non-citizen?

Are you having to sell them for money reason too? I held guns for a friend for three years while he was in Mexico. Horrible to see people have to do this. Find someone you trust man.

>people vote 3rd party
>take votes away from Trump
>more votes for Trump/3rd Party together
>less votes individually against Hillary
>Hillary achieves ultimate victory
Seriously unless 99% of Republicans voted 3rd party, the votes are going to be split and will give Hilary an easy win.

>Red Dot for handgun loaders
Red dot also works for shotguns.

>Presidential election
>The Orlando shooting
>6 months of suffering still left to go
>2017 won't be better
Who decided to give George R.R. Martin the role of writing reality in 2013?

>implying his reasons aren't "like literally hitler guys" and "well he's just lying he'll steal your guns so just vote for hillary."

the only thing you could not like is parts of his economic plan, but if you don't like his economic plan you're a globalist shill.

Meanwhile Expensive as Jews isn't running -400% savings sale and all of their ammo is still in stock.

The on site that got cleaned out from what I've seen is SGAmmo. Makes sense considering they don't post all of their available inventory 100% of the time and are a mom and pop shop. Some of the IMI people were bitching about being sold out hasn't been there since Friday.

Even they still have inventory too. There's a serious surplus of ammo on the market now. I think we won't see much change until August.

If hillary is the dem candidate, then Bernie "meme man" sanders may run for the green party to send a message to them Dems.

Ordered me a 4th built lower which I think will round out my collection. Just need to finish my RPK build.

I have two with iron sights and one with a prismatic 3x. Shluld my next one be like a 1-4x variable or should I go for a fixed 10x maybe?

Red dots are limited value here and I can comfortably just put one of those on one of the ironsights builds.

Also, what would an AWB look like for components and such? Will optics and sights dry up? Will I be able to get handguards or different barrels etc. If it were similar to the last ban?

Probably not much change, the only thing they can really go after are the guns themselves and ammo.

Production of AR's, components, and everything related to this gun today is a hundred times what it was during the ban. No way these guns will get banned again.

I'm going to Thailand and I hold dual citizenship. Guns are expensive as fuck over there. Ammo isn't cheap either, shit reloads for more than commercial, and you can't reload yourself since it's illegal AFAIK (though some people ghetto reload with home made BP and primers made from caps)

The powder and primer I am going to sell mostly becuase of transportation reasons (I have to leave it with my sister who will be moving to another state). I have waaaaay to much, and would actually illegal to transport them all in one go (and I ain't driving 10+ hours each way multiple times).

I'll probably keep like 10K primers and 10# of powder of the harder the find stuff.

Most of the guns I'm consider selling are just common stuff and won't likely be banned; nuggets, 10/22, buckmark, what have you. I'll still probably have 10 guns left.

I don't know if I'm going to sell my ammo. I don't have that much commercial common calibers since I rely on reloading.

British commentator I follow posted this, might be of some interest to /k/.

Also, there are loads of reasons to not want Trump. His policies are not clearly thought out at all and I don't like his views on torture and abortion.

Ffs, forgot the link:


Oh, and I don't know if I should get rid of some stuff like my beat to shit SKS or my ARs. The SKS I imagine it being on a shit list of bans since it has the capacity to be converted to take detachable mags. I'm also worried they might go full retard and ban the m1 carbine, and I REALLY don't want to get rid of my howa M1 carbine.

I don't want to risk having my sister get in trouble. Bu

By all means, then, vote for the alternative.


i dont know, phil

things feel different now

like, gay people just got a massive, cultural punch in the face and everyone responding with a pro gun control is just digging themselves deeper.

feels like gays are waking up to the fact that dems arent their friends

Listen up moral man, if I could vote, I'd vote for Trump, but he's nothing to be enthusiastic about. He'll prolly do a 360 when he gets in and won't deliver on most of the things he's promised.

The only good things about him are his two sons who seem complete gun nuts who may influence him to make some halfway decent decisions, and his plans to return to the classical American school of economics.


I doubt it. Progressivism is a secular religion and queers are right out on the bleeding edge. They can't stop now any more than Hitler could stop halfway into Russia.

>i have my head firmly implanted in my own ass and i'll be damned if i let any of you help me pull it out

that would be a terrible decision

I really hope not but, its almost like death by a thousand cuts at this point.

Time to stock up on mags at any rate...



And in the Good Old Days The Greatest Presidents Ever sponsored similar things as part of schemes to topple democratically elected governments that didn't want to play ball and be good little Capitalist, anti Communists.

Dude, you just got duped by propaganda.

Trump wants to repeal trade sanctions on Russia.

Meanwhile Obama says we need to be watch dogs of the world .

Also both Bill and Hilary have a history or not giving a fuck about soldiers lives...who is going to start WW3 again?

Also it's okay for America to wreck middle eastern countries who can barely fight back, but you are afraid to tackle a country with nukes?

Wow you Americans are pussies.


to kick it off

Just scream "OH YEAH" over the horn over and over.

>"The Wall" by John Mellencamp

>have like 7 lbs of IMR 4198 left

Should last me a while. I really should get 1000 pieces of 223 brass before more panic starts. I hope IMR 4064 is panic safe.

You've closed your mind and thus are not mature.

to be fair thats was also reagan and hw's policies

I vote for this.

>hillary wins
>trump wins
>foreign policy collapse, loss of allied nations, another 4 years of nothing done domestically
>potentially still nogunz because Trump is always one NRA member saying his hands are small away from banning all guns


Who's we? Does he have a turd in his pocket? I didn't do shit.

you'd probably see a "preban" market where since everyone and their mother has an AR lower or 5, production of babby killing assault uppers with assault features like threaded barrels literally doesn't change, same with grips and furniture.

also a big cuck market for neutered ARs same as new Jersey and commiefornia

Mags sold as mag kits

magpul and the like just making an assload of gen2 and gen3 short springs with a block under it to use the same mag body with limited 10 round capacity

"rebuild kits" for "preban mags" with fresh 30 round mag springs that just happen to fit in 10 rounders with the cuckblock removed.

it depends on how unconstitutional they think they can get away with. If hilldog gets the presidency and appoints 2 supreme court nominees we're fucked forever and we may even see a retroactive ban and get told to "turn em all in america" if they think it'll get through SCOTUS and establish precrime as totes constitutional.

the phrase "table for discussion" means to put something aside to be talked about at a later date and time

just so you don't look like someone who's unemployable in the future when speaking

That assumes they allow anything to be grandfathered. Which, as we know -- in Califailia and elsewhere -- is horseshit.

>Register Muslims

>What I want to table for discussion

Parliamentarianfag here, typically when you table an item of discussion it means you are postponing its consideration either indefinitely or until later.

That is all, please proceed with your thread.

I like how her solution is not let's get rid of terrorists, it's let's make it slightly harder for terrorists(actually law abiding citizens)to get semi automatic sporting rifles.

When asked by a reporter if he'd consider a system to register Syrian immigrants/refugees, Trump replied "yes." How do you construe that into "he wants to register all Muslims, like Jews were registered in Nazi Germany"?

Well fellow califag, I will be overjoyed if all the bills are killed tomorrow, but that ain't gonna happen. Putting all our eggs in one basket (gov brown) is very stupid. And after the 9th decision on ccw, I am just gonna save money and see what happens. I love this state too much to ditch it, but the stranglehold of the politics here is way too toxic.

hillary wins
>no gunz
>"hate speech laws"
>supreme court compromised for 50+ years
>illegal immigrant "amnesty" empties mexico and south america into the midwest
>they vote for a alinsky welfare state
>ruled over by clinton's masters in a malevolent corporatocracy
>death of liberty.jpg
>can't wake up.jpg
Trump wins
>fuck globalism.jpg
>dollar increases in value
>yearly GDP increase doubles 3 years into his presidency
>tariffs keep ford out of mexico
>tariffs bring back US manufacturing and the blue collar middle class
>globalists on suicide watch.jpg
>waltons REEEEEEE you can't buy $20 coffee pots that break in 3 months from the anymore
>you can't hear them over the sound of your $200 american coffee pot that you could actually afford due to your good job making you cappuccinos every morning for 10 years
>Pro Freedom supreme court for your children's children ensured
>Hollis v lynch means you can get an NFA machinegun
>JK, trump used the NFA as roach paper
>because state rights muthafucka and legal weed n' shit
>buy a machinegun from your local FFL

To be fair, the shooting happened at a nightclub. Having armed drunk retards is a recipe for disaster.

But the president doesn't write laws.

It's more like

Hillary wins

>nothing gets past congress because the GOP hates her

Trump wins

>nothing gets past congress because the GOP and Democrats hate him

Clinton will have solid grip on the government, she has half the goddamn house on her side.

Trump is already tearing GOP buttholes. If he gets into office, anything that deviates too far for ANYONE's taste and he fights the whole house.

So you want a dirty politician with known agendas that has a lot of power. Or do you want a crude politician who has a vague agenda with wavering powers?

Not everyone at a bar or club is drinking though I usually end up being the designated driver. A lot of times I go to bars that host art shows for installation and have to stick around during opening night and I don't drink at all during those times.

It's a moot point. If BRown doesn't sign them Newsom will. Mandatory retroactive gun registration is coming, we all know it, we all know nobody north of Sac will comply, and that is where the Special Super Duper AntiFunz Task Forces will go.

You have a window of opportunity to develop a fallback plan. Use it. I am.

Yeah, I mean it worked in Paris didnt it?

They need to include a clause banning pressure cooker bombs also.

Recipe for disaster,
What, a disaster like, say, fifty people getting shot?

You mean 180?

>Mandatory retroactive gun registration is coming, we all know it

It didn't after Sandy Hook.

In a week you'll be angry about something else.

>keeping control of both houses
if only
>trump not making patented good deals with congress cucks
>trump not using EOs and treason/corruption charges from the Trump brad federal bureau of investigation (TFBI) to take money out of politics so the GOP isn't owned by the republican george soros, the koch brothers

I'd settle for a secure supreme court, no restriction of gun rights, BUILDWALL, and a middle east immigration ban. the worst trump can do as president is 100x better than the least damaging hilldog presidency.

Oh dear

To my knowledge no one ever got in trouble for it either, am I right?

We're all fucked when Hillary wins anyways

Fucking Newsom, you think if we got all the gun owners in Cali to concentrate really hard, at the same time, we could give him pancreatic cancer?

Except the GOP won't deal with him, the Democrats won't deal with him, and corruption is essentially legal in this country.

Someone just posted on my facebook- "Guns dont kill people people kill people but i've never seen 50 people get killed by bare hands"

I posted saying how Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people with fertilzer and a U haul and they basically agreed that People are the problem not the Weapons

Never let a tragedy go to waste

>doesn't understand a 2 way street
if the republican majority plays ball with trump, they can actually pass shit and keep their seats. If not, anything they do want he'll just veto repeatedly and go around them with EO and watch the mid election year "trump party" clean house of all the redtie cucks like the teaparty was supposed to.

I really wish they'd be more respectable about their advertising. This is just fueling the gun control fire.

In all fairness based on his rhetoric during the whole Apple vs. FBI debacle and his expressed desire to run constant surveillance on mosques and American mudslimes Trump is all but guaranteed to keep on the path of Obama and GWB in weakening your 4A rights. Not to mention his expressed desire to weaken 1A protections for people "spreading lies about him". Also it's not really a civil liberty problem, but his statements that he is above scrutiny in a criminal case because the judge may be a spic or a dune coon should (and did) raise eyebrows. I can almost see him attempting to abolish term limits if he's elected.

But at least we'll have guns, right?

At least I have a chance of keeping my guns with Trump. Anyone here who doesn't feel tue same way doesnt belong here.

>But at least we'll have guns, right?
Damn right, nigger

The Twitter echo chamber is so disgusting. How will this nation survive long-term with this robotic naive mentality?

You have been swarmed anyway. Might as well make your case.

They were both shit, whats your point?

It won't.

Also with SCOTUS spots up for grabs I can't in good conscience vote for anyone but Trump.