In English, doc!

>In English, doc!

Other urls found in this thread:

>cut the red wire!
>there is no red wire!

>can you hear me, private
>as a crystal, sgt

>scientist has to explain wormholes
>folds a piece of paper in half and sticks a pencil through it

>Tell my wife I love her

>Opens up nude magazine, page unfolds to the floor

>wish me luck
>good luck
>...I don't need luck

>Everyone leave the room
>NOT you, user

Why not just say everyone leave but user?

>alright then, time for plan C
>what's plan C?

>time travel element is introduced
>it happens
>they land or whatever
>"wh-where are we?"
>someone puts on their smuggiest most shit eatingest grin
>"don't you mean...WHEN are we?"

>scientist character
>token nigger
>token woman
>zingers at inappropriate moments (or at all)
>special effects
>lazy dialogue
>unnecessary romance subplot
>film glorifies degenerate liberal lifestyle
>smug, unfunny zingers about 'building bridges, not walls'
>women included in film in any capacity whatsoever

Name six hundred twenty six movies/shows that do this

>women included in film in any capacity whatsoever

The really stupid thing is that if the time machine didn't displace you spatially as well as temporally, you'd materialise 800 years in the past or whatever, and find yourself breathing hard vacuum in the interstellar void since the universe isn't static.

So asking where you are is a perfectly reasonable question.

>I don't need no man
>I don't take no crap


>women depicted as anything other than sex objects
>women taking up more than 5 minutes of screen-time




>stop right outside my destination
>say its name out loud

I meant, I was agreeing. Even arm candy seems a little too much. They can be extras in scenes but they shouldn't be characters

Americans do actually do that in foreign countries though.

Along with assuming the US Constitution applies globally.

If y'all don't like movies, why do you keep watching them? They're just collections of references and amalgamations of other cliches

>women is morally superior to everything that has a penis
>all men are brute barbarians without a trace of empathy
>token nigger is also a good guy who's just there to kill an enemy who cornered the female protagonist from behind

Literally every movie


>film insinuates that National Socialism is evil

>protagonist walks into a bar where the locals are playing pool
>they all want to beat him up

>courtroom scene

>A strip club allowing a hambeast onto a pole
>A verbal conflict between a dancer and punter in a stripclub getting as far as a physical fight without security descending onto the punter like tramps on chips
>my amazing son Fallyn Star

Bait account.

>time travel flick
>who's there?? it can't be
>that's right's me: YOU

Name on movie.
PROTIP: you can't.

Rove it isn't.

>guys guys come quickly
>why? what's going on?
>you have to see this

>film attempts to depict mental illness
>does so poorly

>tfw they did that in interstellar
>tfw they did it halfway through the mission rather than making sure the team were prepared and knew beforehand

New Star wars

>you just don't get it, do you?

Read this in Karen Allen's voice

I mean it is more or less true. No country wants to piss off America so most Americans that get in trouble abroad merely get sent back to America.

It's also just shocking to us how unfree some parts of the world are especially regarding freedom of speech.

>*flashes law enforcement badge*
>Law enforcement! I'll need your car!

>loser character

>has a job, friends, gf and a family that loves his despite his flaws

>freedom of speech

>if you're not the one behind this, then who--
>gun cock behind head
>"that's right. it was me all along."

>Somebody breaks a cue in half to use it as a weapon

>main character gets called a cuck by guy
>tells guy he's not a cuck but a cunt
>calls guy a cunt
>guy says he's not a cunt but a cuck
>3rd man says hey look at that cunt and cuck
>main character makes sure he's called a cunt and not a cuck
>guy makes sure he is called a cuck and not a cunt

Every. Fucking. Movie.

>freedom of speech

>film believes mental illness is real

>world war II movie
>American private insinuates that 'we're doin' all the work here!'

The one that really grinds my gears is
>character says something along the lines of 'who would even DO that?'
>cut to someone doing exactly that

>character freezes mid-run

>"No way I'm doing this!"
>cut to said character doing exactly that

No one stops him.

>main characters are a clique of high-school/college age Americans
>word 'dude' is used frequently
>frequent references to narcotics

>noble savage cliche
I fucking hate Hollywood

>Character buys plane ticket to Vancouver, BC
>Antagonist buys train ticket to Uganda.
>They never meet in the movie

>film takes place in the 'big city'
>film exhibits pretentious art style

>you're going to wish you hadn't done that

>"yeap, gonna get back home and see my girl."
>"yeap, that's a picture of here right there that I keep in my pocket and now I'm showing it to you."


>Character(s) raise their gun
You'd think the gun was a sack of nickels.

To be fair that's the easiest and the most realistic way to explain it to a pleb

>"Don't tell me how to raise my kids!"
>Shows kids being raised in a factory that makes components for rotary girders

>character draws sword from leather scabbard
>[Shows picture]


what the fuck man


>Characters ends phone call without saying goodbye.

How do they mutually know the conversation is over?

if i had a time machine, i would go back to the early days of movies (with sound) and introduce all those cliques into my heavily formulated movies.
The people seing them the first time will love me and praise me as a genius.
Eventually after a generation everyone will hate me forever.
The most influential movie maker ever!

"Talk to you later"



Well the first thing you should say is that the mechanics behind it are hypothetical at best and the whole framework that allows it to exist is a clusterfuck of poorly understood data.

>Back scabbard
>Character doesn't stab themselves

>"at least it can't get any worse!"
>it gets worse

>at least it's not raining

I think you only start using them once you're proficient enough with side sword holders

>character doesn't directly observe others characters dead
>there's no way he's still alive/no way he could have survived that

>freedom of speech

>a whole city in unison sings Jingle Bells
>It's the 4th of July

If I had a dime for every goddamned movie that pulled this..

>scientist has to explain an electro-magnetic pulse to other scientists

>I said no time to explain and I stick by that

fucking pleb

>characters are happy

name 3 tv shows where this happens

>Anon1 takes a jab at Interstellar
>Anon2 takes a jab at Anon1 for mentioning Interstellar

It happened in that movie, too. Also
>go far enough out into space
>you become magic
what is this, star trek?

>we're the same, you and I

>some stupid fucking cyborg thinks he's more human than humans
>gives a gay speech on a rainy roof top
>this is lauded as the best performance in the history of forever
stupida facking movie

This scene is a gold mine of clichés
>In English, doc!
>"How do you know?" "I made it"

>interesting American terrorist thriller/drama show with potential
>shitty family filler subplot
>main protag's son or wife's son depending on the show uses and sells drugs
>daughter is a stupid whore making bad decisions so the protag or his wife has to keep cleaning up her mess
>marriage is in trouble

I agree that that scene is overrated as fuck

But don't knock Blade Runner as a whole you pleb

>Freedom of speech

How did they manage to fool an entire nation? wew

You have to watch the directors cut. There's 3-4 different versions of the movie.

fucking this, even just picking up a weapon is *CLACK CLICK*

>"i'll meet you tomorrow at [place]"
>dont mention time
>they both know when to show up

This shit butchered Homeland, 24, Jericho and Designated Survivor

>someone has an idea for a movie
>it falls apart as soon as someone points out modern cell phones exist
>they just set it back pre-1997
I hate it.

They thought they could be The Sopranos and mix a family with a setting. You have to be able to make BOTH interesting, not use one as a low so the highers of the other one seem that much higher

movies with modern settings are shit

>movie set pre-1990
>the scientist smart guy character sets them up with instant communication via handy watches, devices
>sometimes even have video chat
>they never use and abuse these

>when you're European and still mad about America being so much better all the time