I called into a talk show with Milo

I called into a talk show with Milo.

>he doesn't support the physical removal of leftists

Does this make him a cuck, Sup Forums?

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I recorded it.


>Does this make him a cuck, Sup Forums?



me or milo?


Did you spill your spaghetti and yell "GAS TEH KYKES LEL"?

no, watch the video autist.

Nice trips m8. A ruckus at his speaking engagements make them more newsworthy, of course he doesn't support removing people that might confront him publicly.

If you trusted Milo to begin with, you haven't been paying very close attention.

Milo is an attention whore.

I wouldn't be surprised if his political positions are as fake as his blond hair.

That's a whole lot of dedication for a publicity stunt, then. Specially when he'd be much better off just cashing in the endless SJW victimbuxx.

Because he believes that the people who tries to stop his events is better to be show the public that they are idiots. By engaging them instead of just remove them he can use arguments instead of physical force to win over them.

That he is and have a massive ego.

If the right controls the media then the right can control the normies.

No need to be extremist OP. That makes you as bad at the muslims

Homosexual Jew who fucks black men...how could I be so stupid, of course he's alt-right to the core.

What a degenerate grecco-kike-brit-(he wantd US citizenship) shitstain. Nationalists should lynch this cunt. He is the stereotypical jew with no national allegiance whom goes where the shekels flow..

Sweden is actually pretty right on this. Milo has an ego, but he is not cuck. He's a bottom, but not a cuck.

Homosexual Jew who fucks black men...how could I be so stupid, of course he is alt-right to the core.

Communism is the natural result of liberal democratic values, if you don't reject these values, you can't reject communism.

"Anti X is just as bad as X itself"
Stay neutral, faggot.

The reason we are going to win is because we let extreme lefties speak. I can't believe people like Trigglypuff are not plants. They are mentally unwell and we should give them as many platforms to expose themselves as possible.

i dont think communism would be nearly as bad if a white country were doing it.

I don't even know what the fuck this "alt-right" thing you autistic neckbeards keep spouting is.

It's pretty obvious Milo is an old-school liberal, which naturally puts him at odds with the modern ones, who are, for all intents and purposes, tyrannical Marxists. That's not a stunt. If you've ever thought he was a 1488 Gas The Kikes Nazi, that's entirely the fault of your autism.


Does anything else even need to be said?

he needs a certain amount of left to survive

Why should he? You cant BTFO them if you don't let them speak.

>physical removal

Thats called an extremist ideology

Never thought that and the alt-right isn't just day of the rope LARPing bullshit. If you think Milo is what you were struggling to refer to as a classical liberal, he's not that either. I don't believe he would be accepted by them either considering many were pretty ethnocentric and exclusive to an extent.

you have a very nice voice I would let you remove me, :)


Last chapter of Mien Kampf says we must destroy the enemy from with in before the enemy outside.

This is a reference to the Jews. AKA Milo. Without them Leftist stops being Marxist and returns to the classic British Liberal who wants his freedumbs but also will send soldiers to tame Africa.

>and the alt-right isn't just day of the rope LARPing bullshit.

Again, I have no idea what it is. The term popped up recently and everyone seems to be using it in a way that suits them personally.

>considering many were pretty ethnocentric and exclusive to an extent

Despite his love for nigger cocks, Milo has overall a pretty negative view of immigration unless it's in small numbers and strictly controlled and enforced. So I suppose you could describe him as somewhat ethnocentric.

No - they just need to be disenfranchised and ruled.

Pretty much the same thing they're trying to do to conservatives.