Sabrina M. Saddique/Abasin, Age 31
What do we know about her, /pol? She was involved with planning the attack.
Sabrina M. Saddique/Abasin, Age 31
What do we know about her, /pol? She was involved with planning the attack.
Would fug
>I'd put her on my kebab skewer
>Ew, shitskin, 3/10
>Marrys an older woman
>What would Aisha say
looks hot not gonna die tbqh.
maybe she fucked a woman.
She's an 8.5/10
>nose ring and whore makeup
No wonder he beat that haraam trash.
>cute emo is cute
would hold hands/10
>nose piercing
Mohammad married older women too so... she'd say
>Can I go out and play now?
I would let her ride on my bicycle.
Send her back home to the Caliphate.
She's older than him. He was 29. Makes my head think.
> uncovered hair
> exposed face
> make up
> nose ring
I wanna see that ass though. I gotta see what she's working with before I can rate.
Any nudes?
Is this the same girl? (she'd be 4 years older)
Looks like her.
midget troll/10
Would not bleach
That could be the possibility, we need to find out more about her
she seems to be a Pakistani who immigrated to the US from the UK